AS3 :: Regex - Use Regular Expressions To Remove HTML Tags In Flex?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm writing a HTML parser in Flex (AS3) and I need to remove some HTML tags that are not needed.

For example, I want to remove the divs from this code:


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ActionScript Code:
var exp:RegExp = new RegExp(textfield.text,"i")
str = str.replace(exp, "<font color='#FF0000'>$&</font>");


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Regex :: Using Regular Expression And TextFormat To Style Text Between HTML Tags?

Mar 1, 2012

I've been struggling with this problem for a while:I have a string containing HTML and I'm using a regular expression to get the characters between the tags. I'm then attempting to apply a TextFormat to those characters.The problem is that I'm using the TextField's "htmlText" property instead of it's "text" property (because I don't want the HTML tags to be visible). So, the character index that's returned from the regular expression is incorrect, when I apply the TextFormat.Here is some sample code which illustrates the problem:

var txt:String = "<b>Sample</b> string with bold text";
var tf:TextField = new TextField();


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Regex :: Searching In Strings With Special Character Using Regular Expressions?

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var patrn:RegExp = new RegExp("\bit's\b");
var str:String = "Heres my problem in it and it's so help me guys.";
trace(patrn.exec(str)); //result is null

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<div id="test"><div><div>testtest</div></div></div></div></div></div>
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<div id="test"><div><div>testtest</div></div></div>
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Regex - Flex 3 Regular Expression?

Mar 11, 2010

I've written a url validator for a project I am working on. For my requirements it works great, except when the last part for the url goes longer than 22 characters it breaks. My expression:/((https?)://)([^s.]+.)+([^s.]+)(:d+/S+)/i

It expects input that looks like "http(s)://hostname:port/location". When I give it the input: https://demo10:443/111112222233333444445

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it breaks. You can test it out easily at[URL].. Oddly, I can't reproduce the problem with just the relevant (I would think) part /(:d+/S+)/i. I can have as many characters after the required / and it works great. Any ideas or known bugs?


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<a href="somepage.html">

<a href="event:somepage">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Regular Expressions - Width Value And The Block Id Value In Two Strings?

Aug 13, 2011

I have two strings.One looks like this.

[12] => Array ( [type] => 2 [name] => Width [value] => 3 )
The other looks like this.

[13] => Array ( [type] => 7 [name] => Blocks [value] => Array (
[0] => 4
[1] => 4[code].....

In those two strings, I need the Width value and the Block id value. Since the Width only has one value, I am going to put it in an int while the Block values are going into a Vector. in the world do I get the necessarily information out of this mess.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Regular Expressions With String Replace Method?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm trying to use regular expressions with the String.replace() method to manipulate a string to replace all instances of a forward slash "/" with a period "."

So for instance, if I start with this String:

I want to convert it to:

Easy enough if I want to replace a letter... let's say I wanted to replace all instances of the letter "e", I would do this:
var str:String = "things/stuff/cheese/yum";
var myPattern:RegExp = /e/g;
trace(str.replace(myPattern, "."));
// returns: "things/stuff/ch..s./yum"
... but how do I replace all instances of "/"??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Escape Regular Expressions Characters?

Mar 22, 2012

I am trying to find if a substring (pattern) is included in a string (path). I use the search method of String class, but if my pattern string includes regular expressions special characters (i.e. ()$), the search function returns (-1). How can I escape these characters?

// with path="hello$world" and pattern="hello$" this returns -1
function checkPath (pattern:String):int
var reg:RegExp = new RegExp(pattern);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove My HTML Tags?

Aug 27, 2006

I am pulling data from an xml file which has HTML tags in it. I need the HTML tags for the on-screen display, but I am also using printJob to print what's on the screen. The problem I'm having is that when I run printjob it prints all the HTML too. Is there a way to remove the HTML tags? Maybe some sort of script? I'm thinking I could search for the beginning "<" and the end ">" and remove them and what's in between, but I'm not really sure how to go about this.

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Html :: Remove Font Tags From HtmlText?

Jan 16, 2012

I'd like to remove the font tags from the htmlText string produced by a TextField leaving the surrounding nodes and any bold etc tags within intact.

Example partial output of htmlText:

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="ChampagneLimo" SIZE="18" COLOR="#000000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Lorem Ipsum</FONT></P>

My plan was to avoid trying anything with regex and create an XML object.

However if I create a new XML object containing a root node and then attempt to appendChild the htmlText string so that I have a valid XML object to manipulate I run into a problem with html entities, see example below:

<html>&lt;P ALIGN="LEFT"&gt;&lt;FONT FACE="...

How can the font tags be stripped from htmlText and how can I create a valid XML object from the htmlText string? My plan was to use the XML replace() method

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Html Tags In Dynamic Rss Feed?

May 12, 2011

I'm importing an rss feed in as3 and the xml is formatted with html tags that are making the feeds that I'm puling in format weird. My main problem is break tags that are entered in by the companies system. i'm not going to be able to take them out so my question is, is there a way to single them out in the xml through as3? and Delete them? Or render them useless?[code]...

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Html :: Rendering HTML Text Containing Advanced HTML Tags Like <strong> - <em> - <span> And Advanced HTML Entities In Flex

Aug 4, 2011

I am designing a web application in Flex 4 and currently facing an issue rendering advanced HTML tags and entities in Flex 4. All I want to do is basically render an HTML text coming to me something like the one given below:-


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Regex :: Use A Regular Expression To Extract A Substring?

Feb 24, 2012

so im trying to figure out regular expressions in Flex, but cant for the life of me figure out how to do the following.From the sample below, i need to extract out only "Mike_Mercury".So i have to somehow strip out everything around it with RegExp, or whatever's best. Also, I would need it to work with other samples as well. Im getting this from the reddit api, so id have to extract that same section from a whole bunch of these.


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Jan 10, 2011

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