ActionScript 1/2 :: CS3 Form - Attach A Soundfile To A Particular Screen

Feb 28, 2012

I have an application using a form and screens. i would like to attach a soundfile to a particular screen. When I try to attach the soundfile to the particular screen the audio file starts playing as soon as the app begins to run..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attach File In Form?

Jun 23, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Email - How To Attach Image From Flash Form Interface

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I am doing a website and in that client asks for mailing an image. All i know how to email just by php but how would I attach an image to that mail from flash form interface.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Soundfile Into Fla ?

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mysound = new Sound();
mysound.onSoundComplete = function() {

mysound.loadSound("/welcome.wav", false); [code].....

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What I tried so far :

- Load external C++ dll. With fftw and SwfStudio. I failed at understanding how to create an SwfStudio Plugin or even to understand how to implement that software in my actionscript code.

- Try to Transform the C++ code to actionscript. Well, this guy could do it. He has exactly what I'm desperatly trying to do. If he'd ever release his source but I failed at understanding how the transformation process works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play A Variable Linked To Soundfile?

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Flash :: AS3 Using Sound.extract In A Loop To Analyse A Soundfile?

Aug 27, 2011

From this AS3 code I expect 500 lines of trace outputs that contain "2048". But instead I get only some lines containing "2048". The rest of the traces print a "0" which shows me that the extract() method did not return any data.

Why is this the case? I would like to iterate through the soundfile with a specific amount of steps to extract 2048 bytes of the sound at the respective position. Extracting the entire soundfile at once would freeze the flashplayer for seconds and is therefore not a good solution for me.This behaviour can be found as long steps is smaller than samplesInSound/2048.The closer it comes to that value, the more lines with a "0" are printed compared to those with a 2048 in it.

var sound:Sound = new Sound();
sound.load(new URLRequest("soundfile.mp3"));
sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, soundLoaded);[code].....

I had the idea that the extracted part of the soundfile is cut out of the rest of the soundfile after extracting it (like at Actionscript 3 - Sound.extract method empties sound object data), so I tried out another for loop:

for(var i=0; i<samplesInSound - steps * 2048; i += Math.floor(samplesInSound/steps) - 2048) but this didn't work out either.

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Actionscript 3 :: Automatically Display On-screen Keyboard For All Form Items In Flex

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Eliminate Previous Attach Before Move To Next Attach MC?

Nov 5, 2006

how to eliminate previos attach before move to next attach MC..let say as u can see in my code..I just settign the interval..for 2 other to attach the mc on eby how to set up the code so that if the 2nd mc has attach it'll remove the 1st one attach for certain time...and so on..the scenario like this..

mc1 attach
after 2 second
mc2 attach --> remove mc1
after 2 second


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Php Email Form Tabbing - Placing The Php Form On A Separate Layer In A Seperate Mc?

Feb 4, 2009

I am having some issues with a php email form that I am using in my AS3 project. the form works perfect and all communication is good.however when the user is on the page and wants to tab to the next text field it jumps to one of my hyperlinks on the same page and not to the next text field down on the php form.

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Feb 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass A Value Form Search Form To URLRequest String?

Feb 12, 2012

How can I replace the value in the getstring for parameter partNumber=a100 with whatever the user typed into the search box.


AS3 Code

var link:URLRequest=new URLRequest(" E&partial=true&theAction=search" + search_txt.text);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Clips From Xml, Reload Xml Attach Clips Again?

Feb 10, 2006

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members = getMembers.firstChild.childNodes;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Form To To Go To A New Frame Once The Form Button Has Been Submitted?

Dec 11, 2009

I'm struggling to get the form to to go to a new frame once the form button has been submitted. [URL]Using ActionScript 2.0 The submit button is at this following path:

Scene -> txt8 (MC) -> t8.1 (MC)

The button has the following code on:

on (release) {
share_form.loadVariables("pay_per_click.php", "POST");

The onClipEvent(data) is held on the movieClip txt8, as this is the clip that holds the all the form components.


The next from frame that i'm asking it to go to, is directly after the txt8 MovieClip. Both the the txt8 MovieClip and NextFrame have stop(); code on them.The form submits all the info into the database, I just can't get it to load the next frame.

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Flex :: Get Array From Server To Form,as Form Items ?

Nov 28, 2009

am sending one user object from java to flex using remote object,now i want to get each item from that array to display in text can i do this ?

userInfo=event.result as Array;
<mx:FormItem label="FirstName" fontWeight="bold" width="325" required="true">[code].....

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PS: I don't want to use flash's ExternalInterface

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Sep 16, 2005

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Validating A Form Before Going To The Next Form?

May 8, 2009

I have always wondered this functionality but would like to know what your approach is for this task:

Lets say a project requires three forms screens:

Screen 1 is user info
Screen 2 is product Survey
Screen 3 is Contact info

All three forms will be generated on runtime. So the application cycles starts with Screen 1 which has the usual user info fields such: First Name, Last Name, Email and until user fills in all three fields, application will now allow the user to go on the screen 2.
I have only dealth with one screen form and have never programmed a segmented form. I usually declare a BOOLEAN and set it to false and after making sure that all the fields are filled then the BOOLEAN Value is set to true and user is able to submit the form.
Now having to deal with 3 different forms, how do you handle such situation. Does one need to set Boolean value to false for each screen when the screen is initialized or loaded first?

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Simple Flash Form Variable - Collect Data From A Form, Then Pass That Data To An Asp File?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to create a simple form using Actionscript 3 that will collect data from a form, then pass that data to an asp file. I have attached the following code to the submit button,but this is not working.I'm not sure if I have to add anything else and I don't understand why this is not working. I'm trying to load all the variable info into one variable called email form.

submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......

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Oct 5, 2011

I have noticed two differences between spark and mx forms which are causing me some problems. It seems by default the mx forms are arranged to the label is above the form input item. In Spark they are arranged next to each other. Also the label in spark forms are bold by default.For example MX code could be

<mx:Form width="100%">
<mx:FormItem indicatorGap="0">
<s:Label text="label1"/>


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Jan 13, 2012

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Dec 11, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting Screen Width - Menu To Fit To The Entire Screen Regardless Of The Users Resolution

Oct 13, 2003

The problem that I'm facing is in regards to the width of a sliding menu that I've created. The menu slides based on mouse x position and width of the movie. I would like the menu to fit to the entire screen regardless of the users resolution. I wanted to know if there's a way to detect a users screen width and then adjust the variable for screen width within my actionscript .fla if necessary.

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Make A Actionscript Controlled Print Screen That Will Save A Part Of A Screen?

Mar 20, 2009

How can I make a action script controlled print screen that will save a part of a screen And can I filter a color out of it (so that only that one color will NOT be visible on the saved img) with AS

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How do i make site resize to a persons screen so that it fills their screen.

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