I'm a Flash newbie using the program to develop a multimedia lesson. I want to include some practice questions where students are asked to answer a quesion by typing numerical values in the box. Then when they hit "enter" I want it to take them to a new question if they get the right answer, or a screen that says "try again" if they get it wrong. Here's the script that I used. I attached it to the "enter" button. The variable name is "answer_box"
I want is to take a the text from and input text box and when you press a submit button have it post to a php page. All was going well... but then I changed my code from value1 = "password" to value1 = password.text; and the php instead of coming back with the user's password, comes back undefined. WHY WHY WHy, does it except it when I say value1 = "password" and not with the value1 = password.text; (and 'password' is the instance name of the input text... (not using flash vars)
I know this seems like a stupid question but I am really not able to get this to work.I need an input box with a submit button.I gave the box a var of levelCodeInput and the frame has a code of [code]When I type skiptut into the input box it doesn't go to frame 8.It just stays the same and nothing happens.I tried tracing accepted in the code on the button as well and that didn't make any output.
I have a separate html page that does this with a php script,reating that php file which is just a form that allows users to enter a passcode that I provide them which will then simply link them to an external html page. Since I don't know about php, I am thinking a possible work around would be to have a text input box which would allow a user to enter (passwordA) then click Submit to load (pageX.hmtl) or they could enter (passwordB) and Submit would load (pageY.html)
I am making a little banner for my site that makes different offers based on geo location (zipcode). I have the code working pretty much except for a few elements I want.
1) I want the input box to say "Enter Zip Code" until the user clicks on the input box. Then it clears out and the user can enter their zip code. The text box at this point should only take in 5 digits and no more.
2) Instead of having to click on the button to submit the form I want the user to also have an option just press enter when they are on the input text field and it process the form.
I am using Flash CS5 with AS2
This is the code I have so far:
ActionScript Code:
Code: TraceOutputFileEnable=1 trace('this is the begining of the code'); var nameText:String = "Zip Code";
I need to create a single text field with submit button. The user will simply enter their email address and press submit and it will be sent to an email address of my choosing.
I have an input text box and a button. When you type specific words into the input box and then hit the button it sends you to a specific frame. What I want to do is essentially remove the button and only have to hit the enter key to submit my text and to move to the specified frame. Here is my current code that is placed on the main timeline, first frame:
I'm trying to just hit the enter key instead of having to click the submit button. I've been trying to get it working for the past couple of hours but haven't had any luck. My best guess is that the enter key isn't valid because it's an input box and may be confused with trying to create a new line (even though my input box is set to single line and not multiline). If so, is there any other way to do this?
I have this code al set up, but I would like for the input fields and check boxes to clear after submition. How do I do that?
import flash.net.URLVariables;import flash.net.URLRequest; submit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler); function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ if (eMail.text ==
I have an HTML form that I want to upload to MySQL with PHP. That part's easy, but the thing is I want the submit button to be a Flash object. Somehow I need the Flash button to submit the form, but I think I can figure that out. The tricky part is that I need it to set another PHP variable before submitting the form. The variable will be determined by a bunch of stuff, but I can code that in actionscript later. I just need to figure out how to pass the variable back to the webpage. A $_POST variable would probably be fine.
edit: What if the flash object returned some javascript and set a variable that way? making it submit the form as well while still catching a variable?
I am trying to have my image uploader have a browse button and submit button (because the submit button will be sending information from a few text fields as well and they need to be sent at the same time).
I've been fiddling around with it and I can't seem to figure it out.. I tried just having the browse function on a separate button but im failing miserably..
Code: System.security.allowDomain("http://dev3.webcanada.com/clients/starwood/GB-Historybook/pages/write.php"); import flash.net.FileReference; // The listener object listens for FileReference events.
I have this frame where in the button links will change whenever the textbox changes. Here is an attached sample image so you could imagine what I am trying to say. For the
textboxes (instance anme: voca2_pg and voca3_pg)
it should be 10-20 then when next button is clicked, it will be
For short, the next and back button will operate the textboxes.
but if I type for example 25 (on voa2_pg textbox), it will show 25-35 (basically getting 10 numbers in all)
ex. I typed 43it will look like: 43 - 53 or if I type 88it will look like: 88 - 98 And then the purple button below also will change every numbering..10 - 20 the AS is:
on (release) { getURL("javascript:command_voca(1,1)","_self"); } 20-30on (release) {
Using the text tool, I have made a Input Textbox with the instance name of voca2_pg and the other one is voca3_pg. It has a text inside: 1 and 11, respectively.Now I made a button that should send info to the input text that when I click the back button, text will change to a lower number, or when I click the next button it will change to a higher number. Example: (they are inside the textbox)
i am using one input text box and one button. In the beginning the button should be invisible. Once i started to type text in input text box, the button should be visible.I used following script. But it's not working.[code]
I would like to input a numerical value into a dynamic text field using a button. The numerical values is one, the button is called a1_btn The dynamic input text field is called results_txt
This is the code I am using. Even though it shows no script errors, clicking on the button doesn't input the number on the dynamic text field
//Mouse event code a1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); //this is the value of the number var number1:Number = 1;
I am trying to make a box where a student enters their name and then clicks a button so their name is rememered and shows up. I have created an input text instance called "nameText" and a button to submit it called "submitMe".
Second, in this game I would like to keep track of when a specific button is clicked. In this game I'm having incoming freshman into college decide if the statement applies to college or high school by clicking on a button (saying high school or college). I want to keep track of their choices and display them on a result page, then clear when I click the replay button on the results page. Each button has its own name for each of the 12 questions (hs1 for high school c1 for college, and so forth until hs12 and c12).
Third, I'm looking for any advice on how to print in flash. The person I am developing this program for wants students to print their results (with their name on it from the "nameText" input field) and be able to hand it in to her in class. I am not sure how to do this and I can't seem to find a clear way that works. I have made a button called "printMe"
Otherwise I've attached the swf file so you can see what I'm thinking.
My project is to get a input text from user and user can check their answer by simply click on the button check, if their answer is true a message "good job" will be display. but,my code have an error.check this code 4 me? .
ans1_box.restrict = "0123456789"; var setUpProblem:Function = function():Void {
I have a input text box a and button on the stage. The Input text box contains the following:
my_txt.text = "This is a test"; When the user clicks the button it executes the following: var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); my_fmt.bold = true; my_txt.setNewTextFormat(my_fmt);
When I start typing in the (my_txt) inputbox the text is not bolded. Am I missing something?
I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.
Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".
Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".
When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.
auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.
The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.
here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:
correct flash code and php script for the send button on our church website. I've tried everything, but still can't get it to work. Here is the ActionScript code that is listed:
on (rollOver){this.gotoAndPlay("s1");} on (releaseOutside, rollOut){this.gotoAndPlay("s2");} on (release) {
I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.
Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".
Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".
When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.
I've googled a lot, but i can't find a solution to auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.
The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.
here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:
I am an educator and I am designing an interactive activity for my students. I created two buttons named button_B and button_G, and an input textfield named in_Text.when a student presses button_B, the letter "B" is entered into the input text field; if a student presses button_G, the letter "G" is entered into the input text field. More than one letter entry is acceptable as a student's answer: for exmple the entry BBB, BGB within the input field is okay.I have no trouble writing AS3 to accomplish this task, however:For a student's solution to the input text field to be correct, it has to contain the four values BBB, GGG, BGB, and GBG in any order. I created an array named solution_S with these values. I also have an enter the solution button named enter_btn. The student can check their solution by pressing the enter_btn button; if the input textfield is correct, the quiz moves on to the next frame in my timeline; if it is incorrect, it moves to a different frame in my timeline.
I have a problem with the input text. I have a empty input text box on the frame one. Its name is "w". Then i m waiting for user input to that box. When the user input a text, i want him to click the button (called "manage_s") which will take him to the frame 2 and show the result of his input. (basically its quering the server).
I have an input text field set to Password and set to a max of 8 characters. When the 8 characters have been typed in to the input field this needs to trigger (without any sort of button action involved) the playhead moving to frame 20 of the timeline.
I am working on a game it is almost complete. The problem that i am having is in the codes for the submit button and the checkboxes the pseudo code is:
1. player chooses two choices for each element listed
2. when the submit button is hit the checkboxes are given a number value
3. those values are added together and compared to the value pulled from the database
4. if correct they go to next substance - it should just reload frame 8 (i think)
5. if incorrect it goes to frame 11
the submit button is not working so i can not tell if the checkboxes are working The full files can be seen at [URL]
I'm trying to submit a form using a AS3.I have a button on my .swf which calls a javascript function in the header of the .html document.I've tested this with javascript alert, and it is working.But I can't seem to make it submit the form.The javascript call I wrote is: [code]
I have a simple page with a text box and a go button on it. I am trying to build a URL from text that's put in that box.For example, someone types "peanut" in the box, then hits the go button.When they do, it loads the page "http:[url].....It seems simple, but I am not getting the variable to store/pass properly.
I have a text input field called 'phone' and a button with the GetUrl function. Button script looks like this:
on (release){getURL("http://url/sendlink.page?country=160&phone=phone&keyword=33&msgtype=26", "", "POST");}
First of all when I press the button nothing happens. When I paste the link directly into my browser everythinbg works as it should. But not from flash file.
adding the 'phone' variable into the hyperlink. What do I write? Something like this: [URL]
I am willing to use Macromedia Flash this year to make my physics project. Well, its going to be force resultant calculator. for ones dont know how it gets counted.
Well, I'll make 4 input text boxes, and a button in the middle. 1 text boxin the north, (power effect the body from the north) one on the south, one on the east and one on the west.(I've done that part).
Then, ill need it to subtract the north - south and east - west on(release), and display that on a dynamic box called Fx (east - west) and another called FY (north - south) Finally, I'll need it fethagorth the Fx and FY to give me the final force resultant. I've done the 4 input boxes and a button, I'll still need someone gimme the action script for subtraction and fethagorth (or atleast teach me how to do it).
I have a bunch of pdf files in a specific location on my site (mysite.com/pdf).
I want to create a search field where the end user inputs text into a field and flash locates and opens the corresponding pdf file (mysite.com/pdf/myfile.pdf).
I know a few things...draging stuff...play buttons...the basics...But I need to know how to make a button be able to change the color and text style in an input textbox...I've tried various things, but I always got 2+ errors...it's annoying.