ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Input Text Into Url String And Attach It To A Button?
Mar 11, 2009
I have a simple page with a text box and a go button on it. I am trying to build a URL from text that's put in that box.For example, someone types "peanut" in the box, then hits the go button.When they do, it loads the page "http:[url].....It seems simple, but I am not getting the variable to store/pass properly.
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I'm trying to make a button to load an input text field for email addresses. I've been trying lots of different approaches but nothing seems to be working.Code:Quote:
on (release) {loadVariablesNum("subscription.php",0,"POST");
I just need the button to communicate with the PHP code I have setup.
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Apr 27, 2010
mcWinScreen.songNameTxt.text = songName;
var accuracyPercent:Number = Math.floor(((numberHit / songTotal) * 100)); var missedMath:Number = (songTotal - numberHit);
The numberHit var displays fine without any problems.
accuracyPercent & missedMath trace fine but don't display in the dynamic text field.
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Jun 6, 2003
I have a very general requirement that seemed very simple: Step 1: Load a new external JPEG image into a MC with a string var encoding a string caption in the URL link (VALUE="../fadeTest.swf?someTextVar=TestCaption") within the EMBED / OBJECT sections. I know how to do this and it semed to work fine. STEP2: When the JPEG is loaded I would like the substituted Text to Fade In over the JPEG. The JPEG should also fade in before the Text. The fade rate should be programmable.
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public function add(event:MouseEvent):void {
var name:String = mytextinputid.text;
currentState = 'ChatScreen';
Note that this function is in main and the mylist list control is in component mxml.
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Jul 8, 2010
ActionScript Code:
input.text = "[URL]";
function PlayVideo(event:MouseEvent):void {
switch (event.type) {
case "click":
var findVideo:RegExp = /(?<=?v=)([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/;
I don't know what video this is (just picked it randomly off of the front page), but by clicking a button, the RegExp is called, looks for an ID in the input.text String, but when it does and I trace it, it gives me this:
ActionScript Code:
What's with the ,4? How do I get rid of that?
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Sep 22, 2010
I've been trying to compare two strings. One from an input text field, input_txt, and the other a variable. For some reason, even though both trace out exactly the same, it's not seeing a match.
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Jul 26, 2010
I basically need to store a string of characters from an input text box and have them displayed at the last frame of the quiz. I declared the variable holding the input text as _global.player in the first frame, and upon clicking the start button the code is:
on (release) { _global.player=player.text; gotoAndStop (2); }
These variables are not referenced again until the last frame of the quiz, which reads thus:
stop();playerdisplay.text=_global.player;score.text=_global.correct;'Endng Comments Generator'if (_global.correct<=3) { phrase="Try a little harder next time";}if (_global.correct>3 + _global.correct<7) { }comment.text=phrase;
Yes, I know the global.correct coments are not yet complete, but i dont think that should be causing any issue with the playerdisplay.text (the dynamic text box to display the player name). If anyone could give me a hand that would be great. Nothing appears in the dynamic text box when the final frame of the movie loads.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have an application that is trying to sort of scores. The problem is that when it tries to sort it errors as it is checking if one string is less than another string when it should be doing one number less than another number.
I have played with parseInt but I haven't managed to get it to work?
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (parseInt(yourtime_txt.text)<parseInt(pos1time_txt.text)) {
pos1time_txt.text = parseInt(yourtime_txt.text);
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May 23, 2009
I tried to the following code but it doesn't work presumably because I'm trying to split an input text field but I can't say split("
The code:
Code: Select allvar text_height = input_txt.split("
Is this possible to do?
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Dec 12, 2010
how to make a simple AS3 class.I've made a simple calculator application that allows you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide after entering 2 values into their respective text box.The problem, how ever, is once I moved it into it's own class, I cannot figure out how to reference the text fields. I have the movie clips referenced just fine, but, I cannot figure out the text fields.Here are the errors it's spitting out:
1120: Access of undefined property Number1_txt.
1120: Access of undefined property Number2_txt.
1120: Access of undefined property finalValue_txt.
And it does that for each instance of those in the
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
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Oct 11, 2011
I have a string that searches the Twitter API, for keywords, for example :
var url:String = "";
I also have a input textfield dynamically created:
var inputField:TextField = new TextField();
inputField.border = true;
inputField.width = 200;
But how do i take the data from the input text field and add it to the string, keep in mind the input data has to go in the keyword part for the string.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have encountered strange problem. I have created simple Flash text field control and I wanted to compare its content with some other string. This comparison in triggered when user is pressing the button.In Action Script 2.0 code I noticed that a caret return character () was added at the end of the string coming from the input text field.It is easy to overcome the problem obviously, however I would like to understand what is going on. I use Flash CS4 with AS 2.0.
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Oct 15, 2009
I want is to take a the text from and input text box and when you press a submit button have it post to a php page. All was going well... but then I changed my code from value1 = "password" to value1 = password.text; and the php instead of coming back with the user's password, comes back undefined. WHY WHY WHy, does it except it when I say value1 = "password" and not with the value1 = password.text; (and 'password' is the instance name of the input text... (not using flash vars)
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Sep 22, 2009
I am trying to load text that someone enters on the main timeline into a dynamic text field embedded in a movie clip.
variable name of the input text is "EmailName"
instance name of the dynamic text within the movie clip is named "txtEmailName" it's variable name is "EmailName"
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Oct 22, 2009
I've got an input box within a movie clip that will store several paragraphs of text. I'd like to store the text entered into this box into a MySQL Database using PHP (which I've found several helpful tutorials for) but I'd also like to load this same text into the input box to avoid the text from being lost if the browser gets closed.
So is it possible to dynamically load text into an input field from, say, a Flash variable? If so, can anyone give me a short code example or at least some tips as to where I can find out how to do something like this?
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Mar 28, 2011
i have an 'input text' box named "playernameinput".
i want the text inputted into that field to be loaded into a variable and sent to a php file. the 'timeLeft' field is correct and is updating in the mysql database but i cant for the life of me figure out how to get the text from the input box into the 'variables.username'.
ActionScript Code:
var str = timeLeft;
var playername:String = playernameinput.text;
View 2 Replies
Jun 6, 2010
I am using Macromedia Flash MX 2004, and I am trying to make a flash video file where a user can input text (I got that to work properly).
And where the user-input-text is used later on in the flash movie,
I am looking for actionscript and beginner help for this to work, I'm not new to flash or to actionscript, but I'm still a newb.[url]...
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm having trouble with correctly implementing an input text field where the user can enter a URL that will open a new browser. Right now it IS working: enter URL, press enter, the browser opens the website... but only on the FIRST run-through. Once anything else is entered into the field, another browser window opens, but only goes to the default homepageI am stumped as to why this is occurring.My code is probably quite messy, too.
ActionScript Code:
var userInput:String;
function enterKey(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
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Mar 20, 2009
I've been trying to load an external movie into an MC on my stage
Button.onRelease = function () {
toLoad = inputText;
MC.loadMovie("URL HERE"+toLoad);
View 1 Replies
Dec 13, 2009
I have this frame where in the button links will change whenever the textbox changes. Here is an attached sample image so you could imagine what I am trying to say. For the
textboxes (instance anme: voca2_pg and voca3_pg)
it should be 10-20 then when next button is clicked, it will be
For short, the next and back button will operate the textboxes.
but if I type for example 25 (on voa2_pg textbox), it will show 25-35 (basically getting 10 numbers in all)
ex. I typed 43it will look like: 43 - 53 or if I type 88it will look like: 88 - 98 And then the purple button below also will change every numbering..10 - 20 the AS is:
on (release) {
20-30on (release) {
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Oct 7, 2009
I am trying to grab a string that is loaded into my dynamic text field and use it as a variable.
The text field is populated when another button is pressed first which says input_txt.text = "myInput"
...I gave my dynamic text field the instance name input_txt
So I wrote out (on a separate button):
on (release) {
var input:String = input_txt;
I get "undefined" as my output
View 1 Replies
Sep 23, 2009
Using the text tool, I have made a Input Textbox with the instance name of voca2_pg and the other one is voca3_pg. It has a text inside: 1 and 11, respectively.Now I made a button that should send info to the input text that when I click the back button, text will change to a lower number, or when I click the next button it will change to a higher number. Example: (they are inside the textbox)
View 21 Replies
Apr 7, 2010
i am using one input text box and one button. In the beginning the button should be invisible. Once i started to type text in input text box, the button should be visible.I used following script. But it's not working.[code]
View 2 Replies
Jul 16, 2010
I would like to input a numerical value into a dynamic text field using a button. The numerical values is one, the button is called a1_btn The dynamic input text field is called results_txt
This is the code I am using. Even though it shows no script errors, clicking on the button doesn't input the number on the dynamic text field
//Mouse event code
a1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
//this is the value of the number
var number1:Number = 1;
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Apr 29, 2009
I'm a Flash newbie using the program to develop a multimedia lesson. I want to include some practice questions where students are asked to answer a quesion by typing numerical values in the box. Then when they hit "enter" I want it to take them to a new question if they get the right answer, or a screen that says "try again" if they get it wrong. Here's the script that I used. I attached it to the "enter" button. The variable name is "answer_box"
View 3 Replies
May 15, 2009
I am trying to make a box where a student enters their name and then clicks a button so their name is rememered and shows up. I have created an input text instance called "nameText" and a button to submit it called "submitMe".
Second, in this game I would like to keep track of when a specific button is clicked. In this game I'm having incoming freshman into college decide if the statement applies to college or high school by clicking on a button (saying high school or college). I want to keep track of their choices and display them on a result page, then clear when I click the replay button on the results page. Each button has its own name for each of the 12 questions (hs1 for high school c1 for college, and so forth until hs12 and c12).
Third, I'm looking for any advice on how to print in flash. The person I am developing this program for wants students to print their results (with their name on it from the "nameText" input field) and be able to hand it in to her in class. I am not sure how to do this and I can't seem to find a clear way that works. I have made a button called "printMe"
Otherwise I've attached the swf file so you can see what I'm thinking.
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Dec 24, 2009
My project is to get a input text from user and user can check their answer by simply click on the button check, if their answer is true a message "good job" will be display. but,my code have an error.check this code 4 me? .
ans1_box.restrict = "0123456789";
var setUpProblem:Function = function():Void
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Feb 21, 2010
I have a input text box a and button on the stage. The Input text box contains the following:
my_txt.text = "This is a test";
When the user clicks the button it executes the following:
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.bold = true;
When I start typing in the (my_txt) inputbox the text is not bolded. Am I missing something?
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