Actionscript :: Caret Return Character Added To String Taken From Adobe Flash Input Text Field?
Feb 25, 2010
I have encountered strange problem. I have created simple Flash text field control and I wanted to compare its content with some other string. This comparison in triggered when user is pressing the button.In Action Script 2.0 code I noticed that a caret return character () was added at the end of the string coming from the input text field.It is easy to overcome the problem obviously, however I would like to understand what is going on. I use Flash CS4 with AS 2.0.
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function letterB(event:MouseEvent)
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Dec 12, 2010
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1120: Access of undefined property Number1_txt.
1120: Access of undefined property Number2_txt.
1120: Access of undefined property finalValue_txt.
And it does that for each instance of those in the
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
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Apr 15, 2011
i have a project , needed to add input text , so i maked a movie clip ,inside i added a input text field, after i added it.ctrl+entermy masking photo , have a crush line ,a long one ,some thing like bugging, but if i remove the input text field ,the masking photo have no problem again ...any one facing this problem ???? i cant do any thing about it, any one can teach me how to fix this problem ?? my project have a long coding,it work fine it i didt add the input text.
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