Flex :: Replace User's Keyboard Input With Another String In Adobe AIR + Application?

Feb 1, 2010

One of our application is implemented in flex and adobe air. We want to have the user press combination of keys, say 'ABC', and have the keyboard return a different character, 'FOG', to whatever app is in focus. This should work even if app has no focus.

Will it possible in Adobe Air/Flex? If yes, provide me some examples?

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<foo:Shortcut keys="ctrl+s" action="{bar();}"/>

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difference between key code and character code. For example, the number 1 (one) and the character ! (bang) both have the same key code but different character codes. Likewise, the number 7 from the row of numbers and the number 7 from the numpad have different key codes but the same character codes.

I'm programming a music rhythm game in Adobe Flex and would like to bind keyboard keys. This isn't a problem, but I certainly would have a problem, say, setting the default keys to A, S, D, and F and telling the user that this is the case.If you take a look at the documentation for flash.ui.Keyboard, you'll see that there are constants for keyboard keys to key codes. However, these are only available in Adobe AIR and not the browser. This makes sense since not all operating systems and keyboards are alike (or present!), so key codes can vary.

So, how can I assign default keys that have meaning instead of picking key codes and praying?My only sane thought is to store the character codes for the key bindings and then provide an character code to String mapping so I can tell the user what to press. However, my gut tells me that this will break in subtle or not-so-subtle ways. Like CAPSLOCK.

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Sep 3, 2009

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this.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown);

Then I dispatch a custom event that all of my custom components are listening for:
private function reportKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
var evtObj:Object = new Object();
evtObj.keyEvent = event;
dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.SHORTCUT_KEYS_PRESSED, evtObj, true, false));

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this.addEventListener(CustomEvent.SHORTCUT_KEYS_PRESSED, ShortCutKeysHandler, true);
So, if I go ctrl+shift+W then I want one instance of the custom button to get clicked. For some reason, the event never gets triggered and never gets to the ShortCutKeysHandler function.

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Oct 11, 2011

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Regex :: Replace Portion Of String With A Variable String?

Feb 10, 2012

Trying to replace a portion of a string with a "-" if it matches a string variable in AS3.

var re:RegExp = new RegExp(imageArray[j][1],"gi"); trace(imageArray[jTemp][2].replace(re,"-"));

imageArray[jTemp][2] is a string imageArray[j][1] is a string as well I'm not getting the result I expect. I would like trace above to return 'permanentContainer-' Here are the traces for the above variables

permanentContainer-temporaryContainer- temporaryContainer

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Flash :: Flex - Click Event - Objects On Stage To Be Listen To Mouse And Keyboard Input

Oct 19, 2010

If I plan to implement 100 objects on stage to be listen to mouse and keyboard input, is using "function" call responsive enough? How good does eventlistner work?

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Actionscript 3 :: Getting User's Locale In Adobe Flex?

Aug 6, 2011

I am working on an AIR desktop application, and am trying to get the user's locale string. I basically need to know whether the user's locale is English or French. Capabilities.language doesn't seem to work for me, as it only displays the OS's UI language.

How can I get the user's current locale?

Once determined, I intend to set it to resourceManager.localeChain, so that the appropriate 'properties' files are used to display my UI literals.

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Flex :: Cakephp User Authentication For Adobe Air App?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a web application developed using flex and cakephp. My client need to make a desktop application of that web application using Adobe Air. The conversion of the flex to Air is done successfully. I the flex application the communication of flex and cakephp is handled using a remotes controller. In air application I have a problem of authenticating the user with cakephp default user authentication

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Flex :: Can Adobe Air Application Use P2p?

Feb 11, 2010

I've already built a flash 10 flex application which use the p2p feature (I'm using a developer key to connect to stratus), currently everything works fine. Now I want my application to run on Adoble Air Runtime, but it seems that p2p does not work for Air. I can successfully connect to stratus server in Air application, but after that, when I try to use NetConnection.nearID, an error occurs saying:"ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property nearID not found on flash.net.NetConnection and there is no default value."I've tried flex sdk 3.2 and 3.4, and neither of them works. Does anyone ever developed an Air Application that use p2p and can provide some hints?

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What's a good method to do this?

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We have a Adobe AIR desktop client which talks to a WAMP server. How can i convert this AIR app to a Flex app to be used in the browser.

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