Flex :: Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts When A View Is Visible?
Dec 10, 2009
I have a quite large Flex application with a large set of views and I ceratain views I'd like to add shortcuts. And i'm looking for something like:
<foo:Shortcut keys="ctrl+s" action="{bar();}"/>
Is there any framwork or component already done that does something like this? I guess it should be too difficult to build? When building this I only want the shortcuts to be active when the view is visible. How do I detect this? What base class is best to inherit from when working with non visual components?
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this.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown);
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private function reportKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
var evtObj:Object = new Object();
evtObj.keyEvent = event;
dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.SHORTCUT_KEYS_PRESSED, evtObj, true, false));
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this.addEventListener(CustomEvent.SHORTCUT_KEYS_PRESSED, ShortCutKeysHandler, true);
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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
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Split View
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Jun 18, 2009
difference between key code and character code. For example, the number 1 (one) and the character ! (bang) both have the same key code but different character codes. Likewise, the number 7 from the row of numbers and the number 7 from the numpad have different key codes but the same character codes.
I'm programming a music rhythm game in Adobe Flex and would like to bind keyboard keys. This isn't a problem, but I certainly would have a problem, say, setting the default keys to A, S, D, and F and telling the user that this is the case.If you take a look at the documentation for flash.ui.Keyboard, you'll see that there are constants for keyboard keys to key codes. However, these are only available in Adobe AIR and not the browser. This makes sense since not all operating systems and keyboards are alike (or present!), so key codes can vary.
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Feb 21, 2008
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Jan 13, 2011
When i am calling the url [URL] in my Android app webview.
Whenever i tap on textbox the layout get shrink while it didn't shrink on default browser. and keyboard popup on top of browser.
How can i message to keyboard to popup on top of browser or browser should not shrink itself?
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Nov 25, 2011
From an Adobe Air application, I need a function to launch the Windows Virtual Keyboard (c:windowssystem32osk.exe). I tried the Native Process, but it didn't work when telling it to execute cmd.exe /C osk.exe. How should I launch the keyboard application from an Adobe Air application?
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Dec 7, 2011
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Aug 15, 2011
I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.
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Jul 17, 2009
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