Flash :: Android Web View Get Shrink When Keyboard Popups

Jan 13, 2011

When i am calling the url [URL] in my Android app webview.

Whenever i tap on textbox the layout get shrink while it didn't shrink on default browser. and keyboard popup on top of browser.

How can i message to keyboard to popup on top of browser or browser should not shrink itself?

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Android :: Opening Software Keyboard On Flash 10.1?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm developing a mobile Flash application (not an AIR app) running in the browser. According to Adobe: Flash Player 10.1 provides support for use of native device virtual keyboards with TextField support if no physical keyboard is detected. A virtual keyboard is automatically raised and lowered in response to focus changes on text fields when editing text on mobile devices supporting a virtual keyboard to enable unobstructed and intuitive text editing. The focused text field is centered in the visible region of the page and appropriately zoomed/scrolled to ensure it is not obscured by the virtual keyboard. Upon screen rotation, incoming calls, or other system events,any already existing text input is retained.The virtual keyboard works with TextField but does not currently work with the Text Layout Framework or other Flash Text Engine text.

I'm listening for a tap event (which works) that sets stage.focus = input; which also is working. However, the virtual keyboard is not triggered.I am testing on an HTC Evo.

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Jan 5, 2011

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<foo:Shortcut keys="ctrl+s" action="{bar();}"/>

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<video id="liveWebcast"
src="[URL]" controls autoplay>

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Jun 24, 2009

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b1.home_btn.onPress = function(){
getURL("javascriptpenNewWindow('link','window1', 'scrollbars=1,width=600,height=900,left=0,top=0') ");


Here is the html that I have put in the html in each popup:(I have tried each of these to see if one will work. I'm not sure which is right)

function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {
newWindow=window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures);


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Shrink Canvas Size Of Flash Movie Including Elements?

Aug 14, 2009

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Jan 25, 2011

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but the AIR app always gets started in portrait mode irrespective of the way the device is held.

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Android :: Frame Rate Is Very Low For Android Game Developed By Flash CS5?

Dec 29, 2010

I am porting my flash games on android. I have ported 3 successfully. But the problem with all of them is they are giving very low frame rate near about 7-8. And I have observed 1 thing that frame rate always varies. Sometimes it goes upto 45 and again in next frame it comes to 3-4 and again goes to 15-16.

I am quite confused. Please let me know if anyone is having any idea about this.

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Android :: Flash Inside Android WebView - How To Set Fullscreen Automatically

Apr 14, 2011

I am loading flash SWFs into an android WebView.I want the SWF to be instantly fullscreen and focused.The class name that handles flash is com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface .

Watching the log, when I fullscreen the flash manually, it calls com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface.toggleFullScreen()The first part of my question is, How can i call that method manually for my flash swf? Note that with a webview with a flash embedded, the only way i seem to be able to fullscreen it properly (to have flash's surfaceview fullscreen instead of the flash being displayed over top of the webview view) is by touching the screen with two fingers until an interface pops up at the top of the screen, and doesnt happen reliably.For focus, inside my webview class I call

protected boolean drawChild (Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
if (child.getClass().getName().equals("com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface")) {


This doesnt set the focus as I thought it would. Although i assume, if fullscreened properly, the flashpaintsurface should give itself focus. But if if the first part is not doable, i would wonder at least to not have to give focus to the SWF by clicking on it on startup.

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Android :: Adobe Flash Application Is Not Working On Android Tablet

Dec 2, 2011

I gone thorough the adobe flash builder video tutorials and did the same thing to create an application for android device, but when i run the application it is showing Sorry dialog box saying that, The application Test1-debug(process air.Test1.debug) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. I tried many times but it is not working. Initially i thought no Adobe-AIR in my device, but it is there. I am using Reliance 3G Tab. I don't why it is not working, if anybody know this please reply me.

One more thing, i downloaded one APK (which is designed with adobe flash or flex) file from [URL]..and installed on my android device. When i run that application only blank screen is appearing, but in video they shown, it is working. Why it is happening like this?? Is any problem with my tablet ?? or application ?? or adobe AIR not installed properly on device ?? Like this i am getting too many doubts.

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Feb 21, 2012

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For the HTML file, I'm using swfObject. The problem is that I can open up the SWF file just fine from third party apps like SWF Player from the market. In addition, I can load up the HTML page from the browser by calling it directly through file:///. However, when I load it up using my webview, I'm stuck with a blank screen.

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Flash :: Field Doesn't Accept Numerical Keyboard When One Use Upercase Keyboard?

Apr 29, 2010

When using a notebook and I have remarked that I cannot enter numerical character with shift + a letter to enter number.Is this a bug in flash ? How to circumvent this ?

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Javascript :: Get Window.Opener Handle For Popups Opened Within From Flash

Feb 24, 2011

I have a webpage (popup) with flash content. When a user clicks a button inside the flash content, it opens up another browser popup window. Next, I need to close the window with flash content from the newly opened popup window through javascript.

The problem is that the window.Opener is null as the popup is invoked inside from flash content. Moreover we dont have access to flash (.FLA) file.

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Android :: Install Adobe Flash On The Android Emulator?

Sep 14, 2010

I want to use Adobe Flash in the development of Android applications. But how do I install flash on the emulator so that I can test my software with flash?

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Android :: Choosing Flash / OpenGL / Other Animation For An Android App?

Jun 1, 2011

I need to add some animation to the UI of my application. Something similar to the Talking Tom application that is all the rage these days. I am a complete noob to animation, so had the following questions to zero in on a particular platform before I began with any development.

Out of Flash/Rendered Images/OpenGL which one would be the fastest to implement (assuming that I have a graphics designer to do the drawing)? If I was to go with flash, would I still be able to interact with the application or will it be more of a one-way play-and-stop kind of animation? I have looked over a lot of questions on SO about this issue and have not been able to make up my mind.

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Android :: Android, Hook Mount As Flash Drive?

Nov 12, 2011

There are way for:On USB connect to PC (or other flash drive reader) - hook process and allow access only specified files and folder on android (custom store)?

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Feb 28, 2011

I have to put multiple Flash movies on a page and I'd like them to share modal popups, so that access to the entire page is denied while a popup is active. I can do this via Javascript and create HTML popups via the ExternalInterface class, but I would love to be able to do this entirely in Flex using the PopupManager class.

Note: This is not for any evil purpose. I just need to make sure none of the other movies' buttons are clicked before the user responds to the first thing they clicked. Also, some of the movies are quite small and can't contain some of the popups they require.

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Feb 2, 2011

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Android :: Test Flash On Android Device Via USB?

Sep 2, 2011

I am currently learning Actionscript 3.0, mainly to start developing mobile games for Android.Device central is really useful to emulate the Flash content running on devices, but I thought there was a way to test directly on the device itself via USB. Am I mistaken here, because I cannot for the life of me find any information on doing this.how to get the USB connection up, but the actual testing/debugging itself seems to be done exclusively in Flash Builder.

I am using Flash CS5, and I want to test my AS3 projects directly on my Nexus S via USB.The only guides I can find detail the publishing of Flash projects to Android, which is a fairly lengthy process. Surely there has to be a quicker way to preview content directly on your phone without having to go through the entire process of creating an APK for it?

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Android :: Use Adove Flash On Android To Play Flash Video?

Apr 21, 2011

Is it possible to use Adove Flash, if it is installed, to play a flash video on Android?

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