Shrink Canvas Size Of Flash Movie Including Elements?

Aug 14, 2009

I have Flash 8.  I created a Flash movie a number of years ago, probably in an early version of Flash.  I use it on my website.  I want to redesign my site and make the movie smaller from the standpoint of making the canvas/stage size smaller.  I don't mean just compressing the flash movie to a smaller swf.  Is there some quick way to do this without having to recreate the movie and put in smaller elements?

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Is there a way to tell what the size of library objects are and/or a way to identify which parts of your .fla are adding to the size of your .swf.

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Javascript :: Show Flash Using Original Canvas Size Dimensions?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a generalized media player web app that I wish to be able to use flash in. The client uploads the flash to a particular directory, and a webpage is produced automatically that houses that flash file. The output of this process currently looks something like this:

<OBJECT id="flashContent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<PARAM value="always" name="allowScriptAccess" />
<PARAM value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" />


I am trying to get the flash to display using the original canvas size (540 x 400 by default) but every time I load this in chrome I get 300 x 150 and in IE the box is square.

how to get it to render using the flash canvas size?

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Flex :: Detect Overlap Between Elements On Canvas?

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This is the smallest MXML sample I could come up with that gives me a type error.

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"


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As part of requirements for a new feature of "locking" a page, it is desired to have all elements on a locked page be non-selectable. This is not to be confused with disabled. All elements should appear as if the page were active, but not be selectable.The current thought is to create a clear canvas and place it over the existing elements. With this thought, I have two questions:if you can think of a better way to make all items non-selectable than applying a clear canvas element over the existing elements could you describe it?if not, what is the best way to retrofit existing implementations to accept the overlayed canvas item? BTW, all .mxml pages inherit from a custom .as file.

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Actionscript :: Capturing Canvas Bitmap With Dynamically Placed Elements

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Dec 2, 2010

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enter code here

protected function canvas1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
blurEffect= new BlurEffect(myBlur,myUnBlur);


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Flash :: AS3 Replay Movie Including Symbols?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Resize SWF But Keep Elements The Same Size?

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to create a fullscreen chat program using Flash AS3, and so far, everything is going well, except for when the window is resized, the whole thing is proportionally resized.I would like it to ONLY resize the chat text area, when the resize is done vertically, keeping the controls the same height consistently, also I would like the buttons for sending the chat to maintain their size, with the input box increasing in width when the size is increased horizontally.Obviously the SWF resizing will be done by JavaScript/jQuery .onResize() and thus I will be able to set a mimimum width and height for the swf, maintaining usability.

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Nov 22, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Around The Scrollpane Canvas Size Limit?

Oct 27, 2010

Just wondering if theres anyway to override/cheat the scrollpane size limit of roughly 2000+px?
I'm making a site for my friend and she getting pedantic about each set of photos fitting into one horizontal scroll window, only problem, each set of photos has 20 + images in them.
I read somewhere that its poss to use actionscript to arrange a bogus the starting x point on the main canvas, but surely this would only wok if you're scrolling from right to left?
Another thought I had is to embed a button at the end of the canvas size limit which the user clicks on to load the next part othe series, but this would feel clunky and like a compromise + when I've tried linking the swf of this menu into the main movie the button doesn't work.
My friend has been insistent on a scroller rather than dynamically loading images (which can be slow too).

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Professional :: Export Bigger Than Canvas Size?

Oct 3, 2011

I recently contributed a soundtrack to a flash movie. The canvas size of the document was 550x400px, and we tried to export it in near-HD format to various formats. This resulted in either no video (DivX/Xvid export) or in a real bad quality so that even a screen capture would produce much better results. My question is: can it be related to that the canvas needs to have at least the size of the desired export? The person creating the movie assumed/stated it would easily resize on export since it is vector material / high res images, but the results are rather ugly

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Flex :: Dynamically Change The Size Of The Canvas?

Sep 3, 2009

If the size of canvas set in the MXML markup, some part of the components that go beyond the boundaries of canvas not displayed. If the canvas size to change dynamically(canvas.width, canvas.height), canvas boundaries are virtually absent. How to dynamically change the size of the Canvas?

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Flex :: MouseOver And MouseOut On Changing Size Canvas

Jun 8, 2011

I am building a graphic component in MXML that has different states, each state having its own size. I have a "normal" state and a "highlighted state", the highlighted one having a higher height. On this components I implemented a function to be executed on each mouseOver and mouseOut to change from normal state to highlighted state and back. My problem is, in the highlighted mode, the mouseout event is triggered according to the size of the normal state.


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Flex :: Canvas - Change Scale Without Changing Size?

Mar 23, 2012

I'm developing a Zoom tool in my Flex App, so I'm using scaleX and scaleY property to simulate this behaviour.But when I scale my Canvas, its size change as well (obviously). The problem is that I have this Canvas inside another Canvas, so the first Canvas can't be smaller than the second one.Here is an image before and after apply zoom changing scale property in both axis:At the left, the original Canvas. At the right, Canvas after update its scale (red rectangle is the original size at 1:1, and green is after resize).I need to extend the Canvas to take up the red rectangle (not the green).

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Jquery :: Embed A Flash Movie In A Facebook Canvas?

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to embed a flash movie into a facebook (iframe) canvas. When i request the page locally to test the movie is embedded. When I view the same page via the facebook application url - the movie doesn't appear (but other page content does).


Are there any special tricks required to make a flash movie play in a facebook canvas application?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Canvas Size Limit 2880 But Image Width 5000

Aug 20, 2010

My artist drew a beautiful island but it's 5000 in width. We scroll it as it's for a Virtual World. - it's in layers and we scroll the different layers at different speeds. Flash documentation states that the limit is 2880 BUT it does work in the player i.e.: you can see the full island but it does run a little slow.

Should I
a. Create a smaller island of 2880 which is a shame as I would have to get rid of a lot of good stuff
b. Split it into two images and dynamically connect them with code.

Also, I have different layers scrolling at different speeds which would make things more difficult to look natural.

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Flex :: Spark - How To Determine Size For UI Elements

Feb 13, 2012

In general, I haven't yet found a definitive way to get Flex and Spark containers to size themselves relative to their children. I have searched for good documentation for this concept many times but have yet to find anything that sufficiently explains the concepts. A simple example of something I often want to do is to draw a border uniformly around a set of controls. The goal here would be to have all UI elements to size themselves automatically.

<s:Label text="l1" />
<s:Label text="very long label 2" />

I would want the Labels to size themselves based on the text property, and the HGroup should be as big as needed to contain labels and BorderContainer should only just contain that HGroup. Now the more complicated example that I am working on now. I have a class that extends the BorderContainer. Within the class I create an HGroup with 5 Labels as children of the HGroup. Then the HGroup is added as a child of the ExtendedBorderContainer (using addElement() method).

Then the new class is used in the application as:
<my:ExtendedBorderContainer />
<!-- more NavigatorContents here -->

I have tried various [max|min]height/width combinations and I can not get the desired layout, which is very tight borders around elements without extraneous space starting from the deepest Label children all the way up to the NavigatorContent.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Shrink Down Flash File?

Nov 7, 2011

Is there a program that will shrink down my 6,500k Flash file? I created the movie frame to frame but there is a pause when you first enter the website. [URL]

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Flex :: Set The Initial Ration Of The Size Of Child Elements Of A Hdividedbox?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a Hdividedbox, which has three child elements.

I want to set the initial ration of sizes, such that the first one is 30%, the second is 40% & the third is 30% of the Hdividedbox's width.

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Flash :: Android Web View Get Shrink When Keyboard Popups

Jan 13, 2011

When i am calling the url [URL] in my Android app webview.

Whenever i tap on textbox the layout get shrink while it didn't shrink on default browser. and keyboard popup on top of browser.

How can i message to keyboard to popup on top of browser or browser should not shrink itself?

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Flex :: Dynamically Add Different Items To ThumbContent Canvas And Use Scroller Canvas To Scroll

Jun 5, 2009

I have the following code in my flex project.


I want to dynamically add different items to thumbContent canvas and use scroller canvas to scroll. I see than the height of thumbContent bigger than 7977 it truncate from scrolling. So - I see the scroller canvas with empty space on top. Then I scroll to bottom - I see the content of thumbContent and at bottom scrolling I see empty space too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expand To 100% Width / Height To Have Certain Elements Within Video / Maintain Inherent Size And Not Scale ?

Nov 5, 2008

Is there anyway (with action scripting) when having a Flash Video set to Expand to 100% Width and Height to have certain elements within that video maintain their inherent size and not scale ?URL...Notice how the BG Scales, but the video in the center does not nor does the footer. Is this performed with CSS and using multiple DIVs with varying Z Indices.

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