Flash :: Android Web View Displaying Content Catch OnClick Event On Specific Inner Item
Dec 12, 2011
I have android 3.2 tablet application that displaying flash inside webView. now I want to catch event when pressing some inner item inside (it does't direct to another url..)
is it possible??
I would like to populate a combobox from XML file in Flash. Then, when a list item of combobox is pressed then thumbnail image of that particular category is being loaded in a movieclip from XML file.
I spent a hard time to achieve this, but there is no success.
I used this code so far to accomplish this task.
Code: var myXML = new XML(); myXML.ignoreWhite = true; myXML.onLoad = function(loaded){
I have a flash application written in actionscript 2.0 that shows vector architectural maps and works perfectly on common web browsers. There are many interactions with javascript functions called by user events on the webpage, such as zooming to a certain x,y point. This event is usually accomplished via the mouse wheel.
Now I have to make sure that the thing works on tablet pc, in particular the Galaxy Tab. The first thing I have to fix is that, obviously, there is no mouse wheel and the user naturally tries to pinch zoom the flash application, with the result of zooming the entire web browser.
What I need is to listen to the multitouch gesture and, when a pinch zoom event is called, disable the default zooming event and call a javascript/flash function that allows my flash app to zoom only the objects that need to be zoomed: in few words, the browser stays still and only a part of the flash zooms in or out.
I already have working javascript functions to call flash object functions for the zooming purpose, so I just need to connect them to some android things that tell me when the user tries to pinch zoom in and when he tries to pinch zoom out (and possibly the x,y point of zoom).
When loading certain .swf files into a WebView, a split second after the flash file begins to be displayed, my app closes with a Signal 11 fault. No exception is thrown that I can see. Example LogCat dump here.When loading the same .swf files into the stock Android browser, instead of closing, an error icon is displayed. Touching it opens a pop-up stating: "Adobe Flash; Insufficient Memory". Is there any way to catch the Insufficient Memory error before the SIGSEGV occurs -- preventing the task from being terminated -- as is done by the stock browser?
Note: I'm testing under Android 2.2 with the HTC version of the Flash plugin, but it appears that the same sort of issues occur on other, non-HTC devices. I'm loading the swf file into the WebView directly, using:
(with plugins and JavaScript enabled). It works perfectly in most cases -- only a few files cause problems. I've tried various suggestions for reducing memory (such as clearing the WebView caches) without success.
I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.
In my game, I have to catch one item and not the other. I have used an external .as file to code it and it works fine on it's own, but when I add something before the game (a title screen) and something after the game (a 'game over' screen) and 'call' the external .as file to the frame with the actual game play, I receive the error:
I have a Flash AS2 application that is made up of many SWF files. I need to create an OnClick event in a container SWF that will work for every SWF called. I am trying to avoid adding code to every SWF (over 100).
Currently I can get access to the click in the container for the first SWF but when the second SWF is called it seems to overwrite the container.
this._lockroot = true; this.onMouseUp = function(){ //if not on login
How do I make where a click in the container will be triggered even if the SWF inside the container calls another SWF?
I have an image map with coordinates and event onclicks. I am not concerned about the image map coordinates as much as i am with the onclick event which is what triggers the parent application ( which seems to only recognize the event formatted in this way:
I am using webview control for displaying a flash .swf file in my application.when i run the app screen displaying whole white scrren. Here it is my code,
public class flash extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override[code].........
I have a simple WebView to display a website with Flash (the Adobe Flash website) -- testing on a Xoom tablet running Android 3.0.1 with newly released Flash 10.2
After referring to every question on stackoverflow, I've set the following:
Both Plugins and JavaScript are enabled for the WebView using getSettings(), yet Flash fails to show up. When I set setPluginState to ON_DEMAND, it shows the correct placeholder for Flash -- yet again, when I tap the item where Flash should be, the Flash disappears (as if the Flash video is failing to render) and only the audio (depending on the Flash content) can be heard.
I've also noticed that I can tap the missing Flash, do a long-hold tap, then tap the top left where the new Flash 'Fullscreen' button SHOULD be and it'll then show up correctly in Fullscreen mode. But when I fall back to the WebView, it again fails to show up and only plays the audio.
When the user presses the mouse, and releases it over a static textfield with selectable text, no MOUSE_UP event is fired - not on the stage and also nowhere else.I experienced this when using a scrollbar class on a movieclip with a nested static textfield.When the user drags the scroll handle and releases the mouse over the textfield, the dragging/scrolling is stuck.To test this, create a new AS3 fla file, place a static textfield somewhere, and put in some text. Make sure the selectable property is checked in the properties panel.Add this script to the timeline:[code]Now test the movie and click the mouse. You will notice that trace('up') will not occur when you release the mouse over the textfield.
I'm programming a little tank game (Check the attachment). The main class for tank is game.serovkonstantin.tanks.Tank.as and there are also 2 subclasses for now: Abrams and T90 which extend Tank. In my game.serovkonstantin folder I have a custom event (TankEvent), and the only event type inside of it which is TANK_INACTIVE.
I've added an event listener for MouseEvent.CLICK to each of the tank instances (inside Tank.as) which works just fine. When I add any of the tank instance onto the stage and click it, it traces the tank's name just like I wanted whether it's Abrams or T-90 depending on what tank I clicked. But the problem is that when I click a tank I also want it to dispatch my TankEvent.TANK_INACTIVE. The main stage has a listener for this event, so I expected it to catch the event and trace some phrase, but nothing happens I don't know whether it doesn't dispatch my event or doesn't catch it.
======== if you're interested why I need to dispatch this event, well,I suppose it will help my game know what tank to move when I click somewhere on the stage, and what tank(s) should be inactive,event it they all of the same type. I mean if I click one of the tanks it accepts all the controls while the other should be inactive
I am using PayPal Mobile Payments Library to implement PayPal for Android using Adobe AIR.When I am creating some PayPalPayment object for user to add an item to buy, how can I get that item in the callback function?
The only way I have found so far to capture the browser window close event from actionscript/flash is actually to capture the event in javascript, and then use a javascript/flash data passing from the javascript callback.
Something around those lines:
window.onbeforeunload = clean_up; function clean_up() { var flex = document.${application} || window.${application};
I need to catch a hover event on top of a flash object, so I set the wmode and created an invisible div on top of it to attach the event listeners to. Thing is, I can't click the flash object. The cover is swallowing the clicks, and the things I've tried to go around this have made a mess of the hover events. This is the 30th problem I ran into in 2 days time and it's driving me crazy xD.
In Flash AS3 i wanna write the single try catch block in order to catch any errors in whole class. For ex, i have a lot of functions in myClass.as. I don'w wanna write in each function try catch blocks in order to catch errors in this function. Is there any methods to do this?
I just saw the very simple tutorial on how to create a touch sound image of a Cat. Very well explained and easy to follow. However, I don't own an Android phone. I'm considering to get one soon. Meanwhile,
1. How can I test the compiled file generated from Flash without an Android phone?
2. Is there any Android emulator? If yes, how can I set it up?
3. What's the difference of Flash developed apps and native apps?
I'm using Flash CS 5 and Flex 4, both to build an AIR application for android. I would like to know how to allow the user to move content(image or text) up and down(like a map,in this case only vertically).
Im trying to create an animation of some butterflies that when you clic on them, a dynamic text box would fade in and display a phrase.This phrase would be stored in a data base. This data base is made up by an ID field and a text field (with the phrase). I need a math.random script that 1- would check how many phrases there are (since the phrases are not final, there will be more added with time) 2 - pick one of them 3 - would pick the text on that ID and print it on my dynamic text.---- this is my code so far:
XML LOADER (works fine) var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML);
So I'm having this issue where I need an event to fire at the very beginning of my application
public function Main() { this.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onInit); }
I've also tried Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, but both seem to not be firing onInit at the right time... they fire too early. For example, on testing for IPhone it's firing when I still see the Default.png icon... I want it to fire when that "loading" phase is over.
I'm trying to get the menu width of a menu item in flex 4. I can get it but I have to show the menu first, then hide the menu, do a calculation, and show it again. Is there an easier way to get the item menu width without this hassle?
I'm building an XML driven flash site and am trying to figure out the best way to structure it. I have one XML file which holds all the data for 4 sections. As the site design is really simple and stays the same across the site, i think it's probably best to keep it all housed within one SWF, using MCs for each section.
The only thing is i'm not sure how this will work with displaying the content from the XML, preloading etc. Ideally i'd like it so the content is only loaded when it's requested, rather than all at once. (there will be lots of images, videos.. etc). Would i need to structure it differently for this to happen? Such as using an XML file for each section, and/or an external SWF for each section? Or is it possible to only load parts of the XML data when needed?
We currently have an issue with in our Citrix farm with Windows 2003 Servers (x64, R2, SP1) Where Flash Flash 10,0,22,87 is installed and working fine when logged in as a Domain administrator but will not work as a normal (non administrative user) to confirm I've given a user who it did not work for Domain admin rights and it started working straight away. I'm using (and published within Citrix) the 32bit version on IE for compadibility reasons and have also tired this on a Window 2003 Server (x86 R2 SP1) and am getting the same results so I have to assume the issue is with Flash and not with my setup.
I've tried the following recommendations:Remove with Adobe Flash removal tool and Reinstalling via website with an Domain admin login using the change user /install command Remove with Adobe Flash removal tool and Reinstalling via install_flash_player_ax.exe installer with a domain admin account using the change user /install command Allowing Domain users Modify Premissions (to both the Directories and Files) to the M:WINDOWSsystem32MacromedFlashswflash.ocx & M:WINDOWSSysWOW64MacromedFlashFlash10b.ocx Following KB article [URL] and applying the premission changes recommended Following KB article [URL] and checking the registry premissions on these items I've enabled all ActiveX and Java related IE options in Group Policy to allow the to run for the Internet Zone When going to [URL] either as a Domain admin or a Regular user it confirms that "You have version 10,0,22,87 installed" Still I cant seem to get flash components of websites to load when logged in as a non Administrative User.