Javascript :: Android: Disable Pinch Zoom And Pass Event To Flash Content

Apr 14, 2011

I have a flash application written in actionscript 2.0 that shows vector architectural maps and works perfectly on common web browsers. There are many interactions with javascript functions called by user events on the webpage, such as zooming to a certain x,y point. This event is usually accomplished via the mouse wheel.

Now I have to make sure that the thing works on tablet pc, in particular the Galaxy Tab. The first thing I have to fix is that, obviously, there is no mouse wheel and the user naturally tries to pinch zoom the flash application, with the result of zooming the entire web browser.

What I need is to listen to the multitouch gesture and, when a pinch zoom event is called, disable the default zooming event and call a javascript/flash function that allows my flash app to zoom only the objects that need to be zoomed: in few words, the browser stays still and only a part of the flash zooms in or out.

I already have working javascript functions to call flash object functions for the zooming purpose, so I just need to connect them to some android things that tell me when the user tries to pinch zoom in and when he tries to pinch zoom out (and possibly the x,y point of zoom).

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<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') == -1)

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public function Main() {
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DETAILS_HTML='object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="700" height="460" id="start" align="middle">'+
'param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />'+
'param name="flashvars" value=SomeParam>'+


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if (try_count >3) {
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function sendToFlash(str) {                if (str=="tools"){            window.alert(str);            getFlashMovie("richFunctionality_corp").sendTextToFlash(str);[code]....
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Javascript Blocking Flash Content

Oct 21, 2010

I'm working on a simple website for A level ICT and am having some difficulties. My site has a javascript based drop down menu, as well as two .swf files embedded. When the drop down buttons in the menu are scrolled over, the .swf files disappear.index1.jpg is a screenshot of the page normally, index2.jpg is a screenshot when the menu link is scrolled over.I am also having difficulties with flash working with java on another page, the same .swf files do not fade into the background like the rest of the page when images are enlarged in a javascript gallery within the page. gallery.jpg shows this.

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I think this is fairly straight forward but my skills lie in JavaScript and Ruby rather than flash so I want to run this past a few other minds :) I have a flash file that will take pictures of the user via their web cam. I want to take that newly created image, base64 encode it then pass it to a JavaScript function. That JavaScript function will essentially take this data then embed it into a hidden form element on the page.


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Is it possible to pass an ArrayCollection object from flex as a parameter to javascript function?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Interface: Pass Variables To Flash Using Javascript?

Sep 6, 2010

I am looking for a simple and straightfoward example of how I can pass the value of a variable into flash using javascript.Specifically, I'd like to use javascript to pass the filename of an external video file that I would like to load into my flash movie.I'd also like to call a function in the SWF that plays the movie once the filename as been passed to the flash movie.External Inferface looks like the way to goI've found a few decent AS2.0 examples, but converting them to AS3.0 has proven difficult and many of the examples are much too complex for what I am trying to do.

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onClipEvent (load) {
_root.targetx = 116;
_root.targety = 34;


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