ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding And Zoom Content?

Feb 9, 2006

I'd like to get the content sliding and then zooming in effect achieved here:I know that the the basic content slide works using the AS below.Any ideas on adapting this to get the effect achieved at Zebra? Or is a different approah needed?

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.targetx = 116;
_root.targety = 34;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Map Controls Such As A Zoom Sliding Bar And A Panning Function

Jun 14, 2010

I am making an interactive map and am having trouble creating map controls such as a zoom sliding bar and a panning function.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Vertical Sliding Content?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to make vertical sliding content on my flash site and I have it working so that when I click on the second button, it slides up to the second content, but when I click back on the 1st, it doesn't slide back down to display the 1st content.

var currentPosition:Number = contentholder.richginfo._y;
var startFlag:Boolean = false;
menuSlide = function (input:MovieClip) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding The UILoader Content?

Aug 31, 2009

i am using flash cs3 with as3. i want to slide content of uiloader with some percentage whenever i click slide button.i have a UILoader of size 1024*768 with scaleContent=false , and the mask of size 1024*768 set on uiloader. i have an image of size 2048*768 and i load this image to uiloader, now i have a two buttons on the screen one for slide left and other for slide right.i want to slide uiloader content by 256 pixel every time the button was clicked in particular direction(depends upon which button is clicked).

currently i am working on right button only. so ignore left sliding at this point.The problem is when i clicked button first time it works fine but when i clicked the same button second time the slide of image is disturbed and it first goes 256 pixels behind zero and then slides to 512 pixels (at third click again it starts from -256 and then come at the target position) . i want to slide the uiloader contents from 256 to 512 at the second click and so on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding Content With Next And Prev Button?

Sep 2, 2010

how to make a sliding content with a next and previous button in AS3? I know how to do it in AS1 but in this particular project I made use of Tweenlite, which requires AS3. Basically, I have a vertical movieclip navigation that toggles back and forth, and in each movieclip i want to insert a sliding image gallery with the next and previous button.It's similar to this onebut instead of having individual links, i just want to have a NEXT and PREVIOUS buttonIs it also possible to have links in each image? Anyway, in case I'm not making myself clear I attached a sample fla. and jpeg file of what I'd like to happen.[URL]

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Professional :: Scrolling/Sliding Content In Flash?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm looking for tutorials that  show how to create scrolling content in flash, but instead of an auto  scroll, I would like to click and drag the content.Similar to the link below.

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Javascript :: Make A Div Update The Content With A Sliding Effect?

Jul 20, 2011

Could you please tell me how this photo animation effect is achieved - see the pictures that slide seamlessly to the left every say 3 seconds (the pictures just below the BIGSTOCKPHOTO logo).. Site-

I have noted this effect being used in many other sites.. And none of them seem to employ flash for making this. Please let me know whether this is just JS or whether its purely a CSS based effect, and probably a place where i can read on how to make this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Loading Of Content In One Long Sliding Sprite

May 26, 2009

I am building a long timeline (50-100 entries) dynamically from XML. An entry can have either text or image or both. They all have the same distance from each other but they have different widths.  there will be a slider at the bottom to quickly bring the user from one end of the timeline to the other end.

It's an interface that's similar to the aiga design archives. [URL]

The main difficulty I see is to dynamically load content that is currently visible first and content that is 'offscreen' later (or even unloading it if it enhances performance, does it?)  I could try to figure out the math... but I know from experience that I get major headaches from such undertakings...

The second difficult task will be to determine the width of all entries before displaying them.. Is there a way in as3 to find out how wide an image is before completely loading it?  Hmm that sounds a little unrealistic, but I thought I'd ask anyway
I am looking for an as3 class or library that could assist me in building this, mainly detecting if an entry is visible or not, or even better which entries are visible or not. Has anyone seen any as3 libraries related to such an interface?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding Thumbnail Gallery - Loader Content Drag

Jul 28, 2010

I have a sliding thumbnail gallery which when a thumbnail is clicked loads an external .png into a container with an instance name of mycontainer which I have on the stage in the .fla. Its added like such:
When the Loader's (which I gave an instance name of imgLoader) complete event is called the function onLoaded loads it -like this: mycontainer.addChild(imgLoader);

I also added a mask(stageMask2) to mycontainer which is the same size as the external .png--I then used this code imgLoader.mask=stageMask2; to mask the .png. I did this because I added a zoommc function which enlarges the imgLoader and wanted to keep the visible size of the container the same. I would also like to be able to drag the zoomed image. I don't want to drag mycontainer as it contains the mask and I cant drag the imgLoader as it doesn't have that property--Do I need to put the imgLoader in another container?

Here's the problematic code:
var stageMask2:Sprite = new Sprite();,0);,swfY,604,403);;
var closeWin:TextField=new TextField();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Expanding Content Item With Other Items Subsequently Sliding Down?

Sep 14, 2010

So that's the general idea, not quite an accordion, but similar. Basically, I'm going to have 25-30 of these boxes laid out vertically. They'll be narrow to begin with, and on roll over i want them to expand down a littlle, but when they do that, I want the ones below to slide down accordingly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Previous And Next Buttons - Zoom In On Some Content And Have New Layers Fade In And Out?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to do a presentation of some Adobe Illustrator graphics in flash for an architectual presentation. I want to zoom in on some content and have new layers fade in and out. I guess this is done by tweens, as I had som succes in that direction.The problem becomes obvious when I want to control my presentation. I want to set cue points/keyframes/whatever so that the presentation will start at the click of a 'next button' or a click og the mouse. Then I want it to stop at some point when the tween/moving around of objects is done, so that I have talking time before playing the next tween with a click etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Security Sandbox Violation Loads Content Fine But Won't Zoom

May 7, 2009

I'm using Flash CS3 Pro. and actionscript 2.0 for my flash documents.I have a flashfileA.swf which is a picture of a rotation shoe (view here)it has a slider bar that calls the action to zoom while rotating. if you checked it out, it works fine.

the code I have for the slider is this:


this.perc=0 ;
handle.onPress = function(){


so I have flashfileB.swf that I load that flashfileA.swf into. Initially, I was getting pages of pages of "Security Sandbox Violations".

I added the code:


in flashfileB.swf and that seemed to get rid of all of the violations but the slider doesn't zoom the shoe when I'm using it in flashfileB.swf I need to get the zoom to work while it's loaded within flashfileB.swf and I'm assuming it has to do with the way I coded it.

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Javascript :: Android: Disable Pinch Zoom And Pass Event To Flash Content

Apr 14, 2011

I have a flash application written in actionscript 2.0 that shows vector architectural maps and works perfectly on common web browsers. There are many interactions with javascript functions called by user events on the webpage, such as zooming to a certain x,y point. This event is usually accomplished via the mouse wheel.

Now I have to make sure that the thing works on tablet pc, in particular the Galaxy Tab. The first thing I have to fix is that, obviously, there is no mouse wheel and the user naturally tries to pinch zoom the flash application, with the result of zooming the entire web browser.

What I need is to listen to the multitouch gesture and, when a pinch zoom event is called, disable the default zooming event and call a javascript/flash function that allows my flash app to zoom only the objects that need to be zoomed: in few words, the browser stays still and only a part of the flash zooms in or out.

I already have working javascript functions to call flash object functions for the zooming purpose, so I just need to connect them to some android things that tell me when the user tries to pinch zoom in and when he tries to pinch zoom out (and possibly the x,y point of zoom).

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Professional :: Zoom Into Small Content For Readability Tutorial Or Magnifying Glass Tool Tutorial?

Aug 11, 2010

I have built a catalog in flash that was orginally built in InDesign and exported but it has some small content that is hard to read for the elderly users viewing it and I would like to add a zoom feature or some type of magnifying glass.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Function - Zoom In And Zoom Out By Clicking Button?

Feb 7, 2012

I want to make a scope wich can zoom in on button click and go back to previous stage (zoom out) also by clicking a button.Now i made it work for zooming in (when i click my button it zooms) but when i want to zoom out everything i tried didn't work .Here is the code:

//button for zoom in
function glassMove(event:MouseEvent):void{[code]..............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Zoom - Change The Code To Zoom In At The Same Amount?

Jun 7, 2004

i've made a button that zooms into a movie clip on a rollover, but it on moves it a certain amount each time you rollover the button. code below:

on (rollOver){
_root.Mypic._width += 5;
_root.Mypic._height += 5;

wot i want it to do is to continue zooming in for as long as the mouse is over the button, is there anyway i can change the code to zoom in at the same amount but do it continuously until the mouse is moved off the button. Also is there anyway that i can set it so that the zoom stops at a certain percentage, i.e. it only zooms in so much and then stops. What i mean is that the user can zoom in but the picture will only zoom in to say 200% of the original size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Telescope-camera - Move Around The Scene And Zoom-in Or Zoom-out?

Dec 14, 2005

I am working on flash application TELESCOPE or Camera. My goal is to move around the scene and zoom-in or zoom-out I found that if I move scene, I have to move registration point, because I always want to zoom in the centre of my ocular. So far application works fine only if I move, zoom-in and than before I move any further, zoom-out! But when I move, zoom-in (not fully), move again and zoom-in again, the second zooming doesn't appear on desirable registration point

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Actionscript 3 :: Zoom In Zoom Out Loop In Certains Buttons?

Dec 15, 2011

I have this code for my effect to zoom in and zoom out in certains buttons

canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, canadaover);
function canadaover(event:MouseEvent):void

the problem is when u reach certain corner of the button it kinda gets into a loop, any ideas how can i fix this?

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Android :: If Its Zoom In Or Zoom Out On Flex / Air TransformGestureEvent

May 13, 2011

Using flex / air 2.6 working on an Android device, I am using a canvas with a TransformGestureEvent for zoom in on a map. The listening of the efect is working ok, but I can´t seem to find the information on wether the user intended zoom in or zoom out (fingers getting closer or getting apart).I expected the intention of the gesture to be identifiable with the offsetX and offsetY properties of the event, as you will do on a swipe gesture event. But I always get 0 for both properties, no matter how I do the gesture in the device.How can I know if the fingers getting closer or getting apart in a gesture zoom event?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In Zoom Out Double Click

Oct 26, 2009

i had a flash file, and the image was dynamically loaded in a movieClip. when i double click the image it will zoom max. and another double click it will retain its best fit.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activate Zoom And Then Zoom In / Out

Apr 14, 2009

I need to have a button to be clicked for the zoom effcet to be activated, then when the mouse hovers over an image it should zoom to 200%. I have 40 images which I'd like to have this effect by.Also when the cursor is over the image is it possible to make the change the cursor to a magnifying glass?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom/Pan UI Won't Center On Zoom In?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm developing a full screen zoom/pan UI. Everything is working great, except I can't get it to center on the correct point when zooming in.

You can view what I have here: [URL]

The numbers in the top-left corner are the navigation, and the white boxes represent the individual sections.

I have a large container movieclip that fills the entire page. Inside of that movieclip (site) I have all of my individual section movieclips (section1-section6). I'm also using a dynamic registration point class to dynamically set the registration point of the "site" movieclip to the current selected section, so that the zoom in/out is centered on that section.

When a user clicks on a navigation item, I first reduce the _xscale and _yscale of "site" to 80, when that is complete I move _x and _y to the position of the selected section's movieclip. When that is complete, I set the _xscale and _yscale back to 100. Right now, it is not zooming in centered, so I have a final step where I correct the _x and _y position after zooming back in.

If I don't zoom in/out I can successfully pan the movieclip and center on the correct section. I believe the problem is that I am moving the _x and _y to the position of the "site" movieclip as if it is at 100%, but since it is at 80% it is not moving to the correct position. I tried to fix this by giving the _x and _y coordinates as:

endX = endX / 100 * 80;

Which made it a little better, but still not centered. I have a feeling that there may be a fundamental flaw in my approach to this.

For some reason the forum won't let me attach my .zip, so I posted it online, as well: [URL]

My code below, in case you don't want to download the file:

tile._alpha = 0;
currentSection = section1;
//** Set Stage **//


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Several MCs To Zoom In On Mouse Over And Zoom Out

May 9, 2004

How to make several MCs to zoom in on mouse over and zoom out to it�s original scale on mouse out??? all this with actionscript and with some ease (elasticity) to make the motion more natural?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom Activation And The Zoom In / Out?

Apr 14, 2009

I need to have a button to be clicked for the zoom effcet to be activated, then when the mouse hovers over an image it should zoom to 200%. I have 40 images which I'd like to have this effect by.Also when the cursor is over the image is it possible to make the change the cursor to a magnifying glass?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit Movie When Right Click The Movie / Wont Show All Things Like 'zoom In' / 'zoom Out'

May 23, 2002

how do you edit a movie so that when you right click the wont show all the things like "zoom in" or "zoom out"???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Banner's "zoom In And Zoom Out" On A Movie?

Aug 6, 2003

i have visited a very good flash site..I gotta give credit for their dedication and their work as well. [URL] I wonder, how they put all those animation in a banner with that small size of file ? I mean banner's size is not big at all. My other question is that, how do you make it "zoom in and zoom out" on a movie..Like on those banners. Do they binding all the layers to make it a movie then resize it on the movie or what?

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Zoom In And Zoom Out Of Image?

Aug 11, 2011

i want to zoom in on an image by clicking one particular region and zoom out by clicking again. how can i achieve this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Content To Load Into The Loader And Have Its Content Change Once Click On The Other Button Flash 8

Aug 15, 2009

I'm have made some buttons (movie clip) and when I click on it, I want a file (home.swf) to load in a loader (mx.contents.loader) and I want the other buttons to do the same, all load into the same loader. I have no Idea how to do that. The way I have it set up now, the home.swf will load over the entire screen and that is not what I want. I just want the content to load into the loader and have its content change once I click on the other buttons. Here is a copy and past of that I have at the moment, I'm using Flash 8 to do it all.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Loader But Its Content Still Playing I Know That From The Sound Of The Content Was Loaded?

Apr 20, 2009

How to remove a loader and its content using removeChild or any other way, I had removed the loader but its content still playing in the background i know that from the sound of the content.this is the my code for removing:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit Dynamic Content And Modify The Content And Save It All Within Flash?

Oct 1, 2007

how it is possible to edit dynamic content and modify the content and save it, all within flash.I have tried some experiments in the past and have got the text to change etc which is easy but i need a way to save the content so the next time anybody sees the flash it will have the latest content until i change it again.

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