Javascript :: Make A Div Update The Content With A Sliding Effect?

Jul 20, 2011

Could you please tell me how this photo animation effect is achieved - see the pictures that slide seamlessly to the left every say 3 seconds (the pictures just below the BIGSTOCKPHOTO logo).. Site-

I have noted this effect being used in many other sites.. And none of them seem to employ flash for making this. Please let me know whether this is just JS or whether its purely a CSS based effect, and probably a place where i can read on how to make this.

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Professional :: Make Sliding Door Effect?

May 13, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make That Effect On Website Where When The Sliding Menu Gets To A Point It Loads A Movieclip

Mar 15, 2002

i need to know how to make that effect on [url].... website where when the sliding menu gets to a point it loads a movieclip and a movie starts.. i have so far for the sliding menu..

buttons : on (release) = 0
on (release)[code]....

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JQuery :: How To Replicate Flash Sliding Effect

Jun 2, 2011

I was recently tasked with replicating [URL] in HTML5 and jQuery. I'm currently struggling to do the effect where the menus slide up behind the images when an arrow is clicked (See the Menu section for the best example) and was wondering if this is actually possible in jQuery. So far I have [URL] which is sort of getting there but I'm not sure it's the best approach.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu Effect Change?

Mar 21, 2006

I've ben through the Sliding menu tutorial on kirupa at:[URL]The effect is great although for my purposes I am trying toget rid of the elastic easing effect and get a even speed without easing. The overall effect I want to achieve is a more of a push and stop rather than the blocks being sprung into place. [URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Vertical Sliding Content?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to make vertical sliding content on my flash site and I have it working so that when I click on the second button, it slides up to the second content, but when I click back on the 1st, it doesn't slide back down to display the 1st content.

var currentPosition:Number = contentholder.richginfo._y;
var startFlag:Boolean = false;
menuSlide = function (input:MovieClip) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding The UILoader Content?

Aug 31, 2009

i am using flash cs3 with as3. i want to slide content of uiloader with some percentage whenever i click slide button.i have a UILoader of size 1024*768 with scaleContent=false , and the mask of size 1024*768 set on uiloader. i have an image of size 2048*768 and i load this image to uiloader, now i have a two buttons on the screen one for slide left and other for slide right.i want to slide uiloader content by 256 pixel every time the button was clicked in particular direction(depends upon which button is clicked).

currently i am working on right button only. so ignore left sliding at this point.The problem is when i clicked button first time it works fine but when i clicked the same button second time the slide of image is disturbed and it first goes 256 pixels behind zero and then slides to 512 pixels (at third click again it starts from -256 and then come at the target position) . i want to slide the uiloader contents from 256 to 512 at the second click and so on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding And Zoom Content?

Feb 9, 2006

I'd like to get the content sliding and then zooming in effect achieved here:I know that the the basic content slide works using the AS below.Any ideas on adapting this to get the effect achieved at Zebra? Or is a different approah needed?

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.targetx = 116;
_root.targety = 34;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Sliding Effect When Link Is Clicked

Dec 2, 2009

[URL]there are 5 links on the right side homepage, about us, our coffee, services, contacts my question is about the sliding effect when any of these 5 links are clicked. when any of these links are clicked whatever page content is currently visible, that content slides away to the right and then the content of the link that has been clicked slides from the left and this page content appears, how is this created.

i am guessing that the rectangular area where the content for all the 5 pages appears can be a containing movie clip, and when any of the 5 links are clicked on each of those links in the action script code for on release code will be written to display the appropriate page however how can i get that sliding effect of pushing the existing content away to the right and display the links content which would slide from the left, how to go about doing this i am guessing it would be an action script code.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: XML Gallery - Sliding Effect To Display Images

Oct 26, 2009

I have build a gallery but its very simple. It takes images from xml file. I have attached all files in zip. First when I press next button it goes to next image but with no effect. It just displays next image. I want to incorporate a sliding effect when the image is changed to another. And second I want to use autoplay feature. As soon as swf starts the images came one by one with difference of few seconds.
Attachments: (752.0 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding Content With Next And Prev Button?

Sep 2, 2010

how to make a sliding content with a next and previous button in AS3? I know how to do it in AS1 but in this particular project I made use of Tweenlite, which requires AS3. Basically, I have a vertical movieclip navigation that toggles back and forth, and in each movieclip i want to insert a sliding image gallery with the next and previous button.It's similar to this onebut instead of having individual links, i just want to have a NEXT and PREVIOUS buttonIs it also possible to have links in each image? Anyway, in case I'm not making myself clear I attached a sample fla. and jpeg file of what I'd like to happen.[URL]

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Professional :: Scrolling/Sliding Content In Flash?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm looking for tutorials that  show how to create scrolling content in flash, but instead of an auto  scroll, I would like to click and drag the content.Similar to the link below.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Sliding Colored Bars Transition Effect?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm trying to emulate the transition effect from the site (I'd post the link but I don't have enough posts).

When you click through the various sections, coloured bars expand and move across the site, they hold while subtly moving and then shrink out once the section has loaded.

how this sort of thing is achieved? I've been considering creating the whole thing using coloured rectangles and TweenMax but I'm wondering if this was created dynamically in AS3? Or if it's a customization of some existing transition?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Loading Of Content In One Long Sliding Sprite

May 26, 2009

I am building a long timeline (50-100 entries) dynamically from XML. An entry can have either text or image or both. They all have the same distance from each other but they have different widths.  there will be a slider at the bottom to quickly bring the user from one end of the timeline to the other end.

It's an interface that's similar to the aiga design archives. [URL]

The main difficulty I see is to dynamically load content that is currently visible first and content that is 'offscreen' later (or even unloading it if it enhances performance, does it?)  I could try to figure out the math... but I know from experience that I get major headaches from such undertakings...

The second difficult task will be to determine the width of all entries before displaying them.. Is there a way in as3 to find out how wide an image is before completely loading it?  Hmm that sounds a little unrealistic, but I thought I'd ask anyway
I am looking for an as3 class or library that could assist me in building this, mainly detecting if an entry is visible or not, or even better which entries are visible or not. Has anyone seen any as3 libraries related to such an interface?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sliding Thumbnail Gallery - Loader Content Drag

Jul 28, 2010

I have a sliding thumbnail gallery which when a thumbnail is clicked loads an external .png into a container with an instance name of mycontainer which I have on the stage in the .fla. Its added like such:
When the Loader's (which I gave an instance name of imgLoader) complete event is called the function onLoaded loads it -like this: mycontainer.addChild(imgLoader);

I also added a mask(stageMask2) to mycontainer which is the same size as the external .png--I then used this code imgLoader.mask=stageMask2; to mask the .png. I did this because I added a zoommc function which enlarges the imgLoader and wanted to keep the visible size of the container the same. I would also like to be able to drag the zoomed image. I don't want to drag mycontainer as it contains the mask and I cant drag the imgLoader as it doesn't have that property--Do I need to put the imgLoader in another container?

Here's the problematic code:
var stageMask2:Sprite = new Sprite();,0);,swfY,604,403);;
var closeWin:TextField=new TextField();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Expanding Content Item With Other Items Subsequently Sliding Down?

Sep 14, 2010

So that's the general idea, not quite an accordion, but similar. Basically, I'm going to have 25-30 of these boxes laid out vertically. They'll be narrow to begin with, and on roll over i want them to expand down a littlle, but when they do that, I want the ones below to slide down accordingly.

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Javascript :: Flash - Create Rain Effect In Javascript?

Jun 12, 2010

I need to achieve something like this for my website: Flash Rain Effect

Is that possible to do in Javascript? I want it to be just as smooth as it is in Flash.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Looping Dynamic TextBox To Update Its Content?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a 100 frame movieclip with a dynamic textbox inside that outputs the current frame. This movieclip gradualy goes from frame 100 - frame 0. Would I need this textbox on 100 frames with code on each or just 1 stretched through the 100 frames? I can get it to say 100, when its on the 100th frame but its doesn't go to 99 98 etc.

I tried:
mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
mc.text = _currentframe;
but that doesnt work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The LocalConnection Method To Update The Newsreader With The Content?

Jul 3, 2005

I created a newsreader movie that is populated by a textfile. I also created an admin movie to modify the textfile with a bit of PHP. The theory is to update the textfile for the newsreader movie from the admin, making editing the original newsreader.fla unnecessary. However,I would like to update the information without a browser refresh. I thought I might run into some browser cacheing issues when trying to update the data real time, so my idea was to use the localConnection method to update the newsreader with the content that is being saved to the textfile. I thought this would be a workaround for the browser cacheing the old textfile contents. This works fine locally, but when tested from a browser, the localConnection idea doesn't seem to work. In other admin demo's, after the user saves the info, I just provide a link to the textfile to update the browser cache. When refreshing the browser, the content is updated. I would like to find a way to do this in a real time situation. Here is a link to a small tutorial I tried to write using this method. The source files are available on the second page. Why does this work so well locally but not in a web browser?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Flashvar Again After Javascript Update?

Sep 19, 2009

I'm writing a script where I need flash to check the content of flashvars more than once.Does anyone know if I can reload or something flashvar in actionscript? whats the command for this?

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AS3 :: Android - Architect A Tablet App That Only Needs To Connect To A Laptop To Update Content?

Mar 29, 2012

I've built apps that connect to a server. But this time a client has asked for an app with no need to connect to a server to update content (images,videos,text). It will be Android tablet to a Windows laptop via USB. It will be for end user no dragging and dropping into specific folders using USB debugging. I was thinking I may need to build an app for the laptop (content manager) and then the app for tablet. Is a framework out there that could jump start this?

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Javascript :: Update Flashvars And Reload Flash With JQuery?

Oct 5, 2010

I would like to update the flashvars value argument to view another video:

<param name='flashvars' value='movieId=1002' />

I found out that I can make it work in Firefox by updating the parameter with the extra step of readding the whole flash contents.

$("param[name=flashvars]").attr("value", "movieId=33");
$("embed").attr("flashvars", "movieId=33");

But this does not work in IE8 as the browser won't refresh the flash contents. Any ideas on how to reload the flash contents without external dependencies like swfobject.js?

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How To Make Horizontal Sliding Menu

Aug 24, 2009

Any tutorial or how to make a horizontal sliding menu ,like in the home page of this website [URL].

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IDE :: Make A Horizontal Sliding Menu

Aug 8, 2009

i m looking for a script to make a horizontal sliding menu just like one of the at the site [URL]

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Apr 12, 2012

I'm having some trouble with the code below. the flash player has a default volume slider, but I want to use the jQuery slider to change the volume. the volume value(nr) is changing while I move the slider, but the volume of the song doesn't.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='text/javascript'>


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IDE :: Make The Sliding Bar Disappear After Roll Off The Button?

Jul 7, 2009

I'm trying to develop a menu with slider, similar to the one on the kirupa tutorial section except I have set the slider bar to start off the page so you don't actually see it until you roll over the buttons, then it slides into place.. works perfectly. My question is: how do I make the sliding bar disappear after you roll off the button? Am I permitted to post the flash swf file for you to see what I am doing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Pushing / Sliding Gallery

Oct 25, 2011

I've got a problem. I have to make gallery like [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Little Sliding Bar Like On A Media Player?

Aug 13, 2004

i have a menu that controls my movie right, i was wondering how i could make a little sliding bar like on a media player. where u slide it to a certain spot and it goes to a certain spot in the movie.

also i would like to know how i could get my menu to stay throughout my whole movie?

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