ActionScript 1/2 :: Looping Dynamic TextBox To Update Its Content?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a 100 frame movieclip with a dynamic textbox inside that outputs the current frame. This movieclip gradualy goes from frame 100 - frame 0. Would I need this textbox on 100 frames with code on each or just 1 stretched through the 100 frames? I can get it to say 100, when its on the 100th frame but its doesn't go to 99 98 etc.

I tried:
mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
mc.text = _currentframe;
but that doesnt work.

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"; $headers .= "Bcc: $email
"; $message = "Name: " . $thename; $message .= "

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gFormula = "Na<font face='GG Superscript Sans'>+</font>"
txt_Names.htmlText = gFormula
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