ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Loading Of Content In One Long Sliding Sprite

May 26, 2009

I am building a long timeline (50-100 entries) dynamically from XML. An entry can have either text or image or both. They all have the same distance from each other but they have different widths.  there will be a slider at the bottom to quickly bring the user from one end of the timeline to the other end.

It's an interface that's similar to the aiga design archives. [URL]

The main difficulty I see is to dynamically load content that is currently visible first and content that is 'offscreen' later (or even unloading it if it enhances performance, does it?)  I could try to figure out the math... but I know from experience that I get major headaches from such undertakings...

The second difficult task will be to determine the width of all entries before displaying them.. Is there a way in as3 to find out how wide an image is before completely loading it?  Hmm that sounds a little unrealistic, but I thought I'd ask anyway
I am looking for an as3 class or library that could assist me in building this, mainly detecting if an entry is visible or not, or even better which entries are visible or not. Has anyone seen any as3 libraries related to such an interface?

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http:[url]....The main interface is loaded, and then it starts to preload a few external JPG images.The problem is that with IE it is taking about FOUR times (or even more) the time to load the same pictures with FF. In a slow connection such as a 128K the main interface takes the same time to load either on FF aswel IE - about 5-10 seconds. Then, it starts loading the external pictures - in FF it will take about 20 seconds more and in IE it will take about 80 seconds more. It is clear to me that the problem is not in the site loading itself, but in the contents loading. I can't see what in the browser could be interfering in the SWF, unless that the IE Flash plugin have some known (or unknown!) bug regarding to MovieClipLoader!

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var currentPosition:Number = contentholder.richginfo._y;
var startFlag:Boolean = false;
menuSlide = function (input:MovieClip) {


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onClipEvent (load) {
_root.targetx = 116;
_root.targety = 34;


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var stageMask2:Sprite = new Sprite();,0);,swfY,604,403);;
var closeWin:TextField=new TextField();
[Code] .....

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import com.greensock.TweenLite;
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import flash.text.engine.TabStop;


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this.clip_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip ("holder", 1);

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Flash :: Way To Scroll Content Within A Sprite

Mar 4, 2010

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Jun 14, 2006

Using the sliding menu and wanna use the movieclips with external text but i cant seem to get that to work.

Inside content1 I have added on frame 1:
System.useCodepage = true;
loadVariables("news.txt", "");


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var loadAnimBox:Loader = new Loader();
var vid_mc:MovieClip;


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Apr 4, 2006

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Nov 8, 2006

I would like to use Sliding Menu (URL...) on my web site,how to I load the external movie when user lands on let's say slide 3 (content3)?From actions script given on page URL...Then, when user go to another slide, I would ultimately would like to unload/stop the loaded swf movie

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May 20, 2010

I have a menu whee you can choose a picture to lead, works great with first selection, but when you choose a different picture it loads over the last picture,I want to substitute the content of that movie clip not to load all the pictures in the same space. I treid to use clear() and removeChild(), but this only works when I choose pic1 then remove that to load pic2, is there an easy way to substitute the content for the new content?

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