ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Sliding Effect When Link Is Clicked

Dec 2, 2009

[URL]there are 5 links on the right side homepage, about us, our coffee, services, contacts my question is about the sliding effect when any of these 5 links are clicked. when any of these links are clicked whatever page content is currently visible, that content slides away to the right and then the content of the link that has been clicked slides from the left and this page content appears, how is this created.

i am guessing that the rectangular area where the content for all the 5 pages appears can be a containing movie clip, and when any of the 5 links are clicked on each of those links in the action script code for on release code will be written to display the appropriate page however how can i get that sliding effect of pushing the existing content away to the right and display the links content which would slide from the left, how to go about doing this i am guessing it would be an action script code.

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on (press) {
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onClipEvent (load) {
yMove = _y;
easeSpeed = 5;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
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Is there any ActionScript I can add to the Audio Flash file that will tell it to stop when a user clicks on a link outside of Flash?

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Attachments: (752.0 K)

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A radio example page

You can see there is a link in the title bar of radio player, I hosted the flash player on CDN, its domain is different from the web-page, therefore, the link is not clickable.

Why the link cannot be clicked if it is embedded in a cross-domain page? It doesn't make any sense. I did set the crossdomain.xml file properly, but it appears that it doesn't work. I want to make the link clickable everywhere, no matter what domain the web-page is located.

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on (release)[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clip Unloaded (destroyed) When ANY Other Link Is Clicked?

Feb 23, 2008

i want this clip unloaded (destroyed) when ANY other link is clicked. This clip is an empty container clip that will be generating child clips that will each be loading thumbnails for images. Obviously i need to destroy the parent clip to remove all children without looping, etc.

This movie clip ("TL") is created in a keyframe that is the stopping point of an animation. When a user clicks the Portfolio link from the menu, the menu hides itself, and then goes to a frame label where actionscript awaits. Once there, the AS tells the submenu movie to animate (play). The submenu then plays and stops when it hits a certain frame (the one with the 'stop();' code, lol), and that frame then contains actionscript that generates the Gallery Thumbnails' parent container ("TL"), via:

var TL:MovieClip = createMovieClip("TL",60);

and GT then creates movie clips for thumbnails to be contained in via:

TL.createEmptyMovieClip('Thumb' + i,TL.getDepth() -1);

All this works so far. Now, to get rid of the clip when any other button is clicked, i tell the gallery movie to play again, which alphas it out of sight. So, on the NEXT frame of the timeline AFTER the frame which the TL and children are created is where i need to place the actionscript to unload/remove them. The problem is that there is no method for this! It seems that all the methods for removing / unloading clips only apply to clips that were duplicated or instatiated from loading external files or attaching instances from the library...I need to remove this "TL" clip, and can't figure out how.

TL._x = -300;
TL._y = 0;[code]....

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How can I get the disappear (I used zoom out) Effect when I click another link I mean I want to get the zoom out effects for the previous movie clip when I click the next movie link.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When The Link Is Clicked, It Pops Up A New Window - UNDEFINED At The End?

Jun 25, 2010

When the link is clicked, it pops up a new window with the path of the fla file in the address bar and an UNDEFINED at the end...

on (release) {
getURL(_root.clickTag, "_blank");

With this AS on the button the link does not pop up at all


I've used clickTag, clickTAG, ClickTag, and ClickTAG all with the same results... not that it should matter as long as the flash and html match.I've tried to add the clickTag in the html like this

HTML Code:[code].....

And none of that is working so maybe SWFobject would work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade Out Banner When Link Clicked From Home Page

Sep 9, 2009

This is what I have so far. [URL]. My problem is trying to code the menu:
I've managed to get the services link to do what I'm after but that is because it is positioned straight after the opening animation in the timeline - that is to have the banner fade out and the bottom line drop down to allow room for the content. From the home page I want each of the links, when clicked, to fade out the banner and drop the banner line down......THEN.......if home is clicked from any of the other pages I want the banner line to move back up and the banner to resume (in my case this is frame 279)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Image Through Xml Data When Html Link Is Clicked

Oct 25, 2007

I have made an mp3 player where xml data is shown in an dynamic textbox in flash movie. It is correctly showing the html links in text box.

But I want that when user clicks the link of a song, it should open the artist image in an image-holder. How can I do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Image Through Xml Data When Html Link Is Clicked?

Oct 25, 2007

I have made an mp3 player where xml data is shown in an dynamic textbox in flash movie. It is correctly showing the html links in text box. But I want that when user clicks the link of a song, it should open the artist image in an image-holder. How can I do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Freaking Out If Link Is Clicked While External .swf Is Loading?

Dec 12, 2008

So I am working on a portfolio site for a friend. She has a few photo galleries. Each one on it's own frame with an empty movieclip that loads an external .swf gallery (has pre-loader bar). There's three Sections so I have three buttons with _root.gotoAndStop("framelablehere"); behaviors on each frame.

What happens is if the external .swf file is loading and you decide to click to another section while the .swf has not finished loading my whole timeline freaks out and plays threw all the frames in my main movie. So it goes threw every section of the entire site! I have multiple stop();'s threw out my main movie. Basically one for each frame in my main movie plus more in the external .swf's.

You can check it out here [URL]- Just go to Projects>Photography and once you see the movie loading click to another section and watch the spasming begine~

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Professional :: Stop A Browser Window Opening Up When The Email Link Is Clicked?

Jul 19, 2010

how to stop a browser window opening up when the email link is clicked? I'm using a button with this script:
getURL("mailto: ");

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Flex :: Flext Text Link Event Doesn't Fire Until Clicked It Twice?

Jun 22, 2010

I've got a canvas within which I have a list. The renderer for this list calls upon a "Text" field, with the "link" element of this field set to a function. The "htmlText" of the field is set dynamically to a mixture of words and links. Basically the function checks to see which tag within the htmlText has been clicked and performs an event accordingly.However, you have to click the link twice for anything to happen. Whilst debugging the code I noticed that the function referenced by the "link" element isn't actually even called until the 2nd click.

link="{lbl_link(event)}" />

I've changed the code a little bit to make it easier to follow, but the ActionScript is roughly as follows:

private function creationComplete():void {
textCanvas.htmlText = "Hello <a href='event:username'>" + username + "</a>";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu [renamed] - If Link Is Clicked The Previous Returns To Its Original Position

Aug 30, 2006

How do I create a easy script for vertical links, which when pressed, the link moves up and content comes inbetween the link and the rest of the links. I also need it so if another link is clicked the previous returns to its original position.

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