ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Sliding Bar To Move And Stop On Clicked Button

Oct 4, 2005

I have 6 buttons, and a thin bar.. I am doing an effect whereby when I click on the 6th button the bar will move and stop at the 6 button, and when I click on the 2nd button it will move and stop at the 2nd button.. but I cant stop the bar..

bar = slider
button = btn_1
Each btn script:
on (press) {
slider.yMove = btn_1._y;

Bar Script:
onClipEvent (load) {
yMove = _y;
easeSpeed = 5;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y += (yMove-_y)/easeSpeed;

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Nov 11, 2008

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onClipEvent (load) {
targetx = 46.0;
delay = 8;[code]...
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on (release) {
menu.targetx = 46.0;

The value changes with each button to move the panels.My question is the buttons are actually buttons and I want to make them into movie clips but when I do that and apply the same code it does not work. Can this only be done with "buttons"? I am trying to create a portfolio section that slides from panel to panel by thumbnails and left and right arrows.

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// About and smile1 button scripts
_root.smile1.onPress = function() {
if (mouse_over_smile1) {


i have given 3 functions as onEnterFrame,onPress,onRelease. i tried all these but didnt get the result.smile1,smile2,smile3 are button instances which are declared on the monie main thing is i hav a button, when i click on that button it should go the next frame which i have declared in "gotoAndPlay(6)" method.

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I have a highlighting border that tweens to several buttons with MOUSE_OVER listeners. The MOUSE_OVER listener also increases alpha. A CLICK listener starts a gotoAndPlay function. On MOUSE_OUT, they revert back to lower alpha. However, here is where I would like to have the highlighting border tween to the last clicked button. Here's what I have so far:

homeButton.alpha = .75;
portfolioButton.alpha = 0.75;
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move MovieClip Position When Button Clicked

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btn_up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moveUp) ;
function moveUp(event:MouseEvent):void {{
allcontent.x += 200;
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Stop Sound When Next Button Clicked?

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this.services_inner.buttonMode = true;
this.services_inner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rollOver_services);
this.services_inner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_services);


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[AS]package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Sliding Effect When Link Is Clicked

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[URL]there are 5 links on the right side homepage, about us, our coffee, services, contacts my question is about the sliding effect when any of these 5 links are clicked. when any of these links are clicked whatever page content is currently visible, that content slides away to the right and then the content of the link that has been clicked slides from the left and this page content appears, how is this created.

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Jan 8, 2010

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Oct 14, 2004

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the things is, when i run the function without setInterval, it works perfectly. But when i setInterval and even if i added a updateAfterEvent(), it still won't slide but only move to the final position of the sliding.. So why doesn't it refresh the display??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot STOP The Movement In Sliding Thumbs Menu

Sep 14, 2010

My sliding, gliding thumbnail menu is located at the bottom of the page, and it reacts to the cursor movements as intended. However if I were to move the cursor around the page somewhere on the top the menu is still reacting to the cursor movements. I would like it to become inactive once the cursor off the menu. You can check the page at [URL] and then go to "applications".

The menu consist


The position of the cursor moves the Sliding Gliding animated menu even if it is not on bgClip_mc. For the first time it works as it should but once it is activated and I move the cursor away from the bounding parameters of the bgClip_mc the Sliding Gliding Menu is still reacting to the mouse movements.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons To Stay Orange Once Clicked And Only Roll Out Back To Grey When The User Has Clicked On Another Button In The List

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mp3 Title List - Stop Button Should Move From Song To Song When Playing?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a list of mp3-songs, when song 1 is clicked it gets streamed, a stop-button appears, if this Btn is clicked, this Btn disappears as it should - but if user forgets to click for stopping sound and clicks song 2, stopBtn 1 remains and the new stopBtn 2 also appears. there should be only one stopBtn, the one next to the song is playing.

I would like to move the stopBtn and I have tried several approaches move; graphics.moveTo; if(stopButton !=null) {removeChild (stopButton)}; I packed the var stopButton:Sprite in the header and so on.

import flash.display.Sprite;[code]..........

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Apr 15, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Moving MC - Fish To Stop Swimming After Clicked It And Start Swimming After Another Click

Jan 1, 2012

what wrong with the functin 'stopFish' Without this function the fish in the tank swims but when I add it, it doesnt anymore. I just want the fish to stop swimming after I clicked it and start swimming after another click.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Will Not Move Unless Clicked

Feb 3, 2010

At the start of my movie (its a game), you press a button that moves you to the second frame where the game starts when called by a function on the main timeline called startThisGame(). A symbol called "player" is spawned from a class called Player and when right or left arrow are pressed it responds by moving left and right. Problem: The "player" wont respond to key presses unless I first click anywhere on the actual game window, either in test mode or after publishing. This did not happen before and now it does.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Move When Its Clicked?

Apr 20, 2004

I have a button that i want to load a move when its clicked, that all goes well but i cant changew the palce it opens.


I want the movie to open in them co-ordinates but it just moves m,y whole page down to that place! Im gna try and make this understandable...the movie the button is in is already a loadedMovie from my "MainScene" and when the button is clicked i needd it to perform the loadMovie into the "MainScene" again but all it does is NOTING

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Apr 6, 2009

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is there a way to make it change when the movie clip is clicked or is it only possible on a button? i want to use a movie clip because my "button" animates when the mouse hovers over it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nav Button States - Button To Stay In It's Active State Until Another Button Is Clicked

Dec 17, 2004

I have a menu with five nav buttons (atcually MovieClips). Each has three frame labels: "on", "stay", and "off". The rollover and rollout animations play flawlessly, but I'm at a loss as to how to give each button a sticky "active" state. I'd like the button to stay in it's active state until another button is clicked, then I would like it to play it's "off" animation. Each MC has this code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade Alpha - Image To Appear And Move To The Front When The Thumbnail Is Clicked

Dec 30, 2008

I'm creating a portfolio site with a handful of thumbnails. I want a short description of each thumbnail to appear when I rollover the thumbnail. I've got it set up to appear, but I want them to fade in. I can't seem to figure that out. In addition, I want an image to appear and move to the front when the thumbnail is clicked. I can get it to appear, but if it's not on top, then it will just show under the other images visible. I'm thinking that a simple command would solve all these issues, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I've included the action script for one thumbnail.

Ideally, I'd like for the clicked image to fade out and the next clicked image to fade in, but I think that that is beyond my Actionscript understanding for now.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu - Give A Specific _x And _y Coordinates For The Menus To Move At When The Other One Is Clicked

Aug 18, 2004

for a menu i use 3 MCs, when you click one of them, the two others MCs will make place for the 'options' of the clicked menu. What i want to do is give a specific _x and _y coordinates for the menus to move at when the other one is clicked (start and arrival, and have a motion tween between them). see what i mean?

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