ActionScript 2.0 :: Load XML And Create Dynamic Buttons - Stop Sliding Menu?

Apr 15, 2007

I'm making a slide menu that loads a xml file and creates buttons dynamically. Another functionality it has a sliding menu also, and I can't stop it. Heres goes the zip file, which contains .fla and .xml files. What I want to do is when I put the mouse at the top of the mask, the menu stops on the first option, and when I put the mouse at the bottom, the menu stops on the last option. Is it possible? [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu - Create A Menu With The Number Of Rows Dynamic?

Mar 29, 2007

I have created a sliding menu. But that is static( the number of rows are fixed). i want to create a menu with the number of rows dynamic.I have attached the fla file here.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot STOP The Movement In Sliding Thumbs Menu

Sep 14, 2010

My sliding, gliding thumbnail menu is located at the bottom of the page, and it reacts to the cursor movements as intended. However if I were to move the cursor around the page somewhere on the top the menu is still reacting to the cursor movements. I would like it to become inactive once the cursor off the menu. You can check the page at [URL] and then go to "applications".

The menu consist


The position of the cursor moves the Sliding Gliding animated menu even if it is not on bgClip_mc. For the first time it works as it should but once it is activated and I move the cursor away from the bounding parameters of the bgClip_mc the Sliding Gliding Menu is still reacting to the mouse movements.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu, Disabling Buttons?

Nov 25, 2003

I've created a sliding menu that has a left button and a right button. Each button slides a background movieclip to the left or right. The background mc eases into position when one of the buttons is clicked. Problem is that buttons can still be clicked while the mc is easing into position. This throws off my x coordinate positioning of the mc. I've tried disabling the buttons and enabling them again at a few different points in my code. I've also tried using a time delay to enable the buttons but my logic isn't working. I've stripped the code that was not working out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handle Sliding Menu Buttons Error?

May 29, 2009

i have a movie clip (mc_1) inside of this movieclip i made

-one button ("start") : by its event Roll_Over the animation (of mc_1) starts

-ten menu buttons (b_1,b_2,b_3,....,b_10) : at first they're not on the stage, but they appear one by one,frames by frames, after I rolled over "start".

-one invisible button (inv_btn): placed right under the area occupied by those previous its RollOut event i make the menu rewind so the ten buttons disappera one after one other.

now i have to put the menu buttons inside an array (cause i made a script for dynamic loading images from XML) but i receive #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. this is why i put in the array buttons that at first doesn't even exist...and when the menu closes disappear can I handle the situation?

//this is the array code i put in the first frame of mc_1.
var bottone:Array = new Array(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6,b_7,b_8,b_9);
for(var i=0;i<bottone.length; i++) {
var but_var:MovieClip = MovieClip(bottone[i])
but_var.buttonMode = true; = i;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu Buttons To Stay Active?

Aug 21, 2010

If you have a look at the attached sliding menu there are four buttons. Each button brings an image in place. I want the button that�s been clicked to remain red until I hit a different button, even when the cursor is not right in front.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Sliding Menu In MX?

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Lostinbeta utilises a sliding menu system with a delay so that the section head follows after the content. I have been looking around for a tutorial but haven't found one to date

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Horizontal Sliding Menu

Aug 8, 2009

I am looking for a script to make a horizontal sliding menu just like one of the at the site [URL].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load .swf && Sliding Menu?

Sep 26, 2003

Below is the code from a siding menu that works fine..............

[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
xcenter = + (;
speed = .03;


However after loading this into another movie it wouldn't move, I made some changes and now it scrolls only to the left. Can someone please tell me what I have over looked ?????

onClipEvent (load) {
xcenter = + (;
speed = .03;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu - Buttons Can Still Be Clicked While The Mc Is Easing Into Position?

Nov 25, 2003

I've created a sliding menu that has a left button and a right button. Each button slides a background movieclip to the left or right. The background mc eases into position when one of the buttons is clicked. Problem is that buttons can still be clicked while the mc is easing into position. This throws off my x coordinate positioning of the mc. I've tried disabling the buttons and enabling them again at a few different points in my code. I've also tried using a time delay to enable the buttons but my logic isn't working.

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Jun 5, 2009

For a simple accordion menu design in flash we have to writting classes that requires advanced knowledge in writting object oriented as3.0.But in javacsript we can make an accordion menu with jquery in just a minute.Is there any effortless way to create accordion or sliding menu instead of incommodious AS3.0 Classes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dropdown Menu And Having Buttons Goto And Stop At Frame?

Jul 4, 2009

i'm trying to do everything in flash vs is exporting the menu to dreamweaver, and i can seem to have the buttons go to a certain frame and stop?  this is the action script i'm using in the dropdown menu mc to get the button to work because if i do it in the to level of the scene i get error saying can access button
news_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, news)function news (event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(2)}
but the problem is if i put it in the dropdown menu mc then it just makes the button disappear and doesn't go to frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Lso To Stop My Header Menu From Refreshing?

Oct 15, 2011

I need some assistance with coding out how to make a local shared object remember the users last frame, so that when they click the next flash link button for a different page, the movie doesn't default to the beginning.

I've tried this code, but it's all wrong - I don't even know if it's truly AS 3.0 or 2.0[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Menu, Where Some Buttons Becomes Visible?

Mar 13, 2005

I'm trying to create a menu, where some buttons becomes visible when the user "rollOver" a box the buttons is beneath. Look at menu system, at the main page. I place my buttons within a MC, and gives the MC this AS:


But when I move the mouse over the buttons, they aren't enabled, probably because flash got the idea that the MC is above the buttons, and that the MC is a button.

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IDE :: Create Menu Buttons W/ OnRelease To Call Function

Feb 25, 2009

I reworked a script that creates a menu from XML. Works great, it creates the menu items by attaching a button I have in my library, each button gets the proper data passed to it in the process. Each button has an onRelease tied to it by the script. When the menu item is clicked (onRelease) it loads an image and proper data into the movie (into movie clips & dynamic text boxes).My hangup is that I want the first menu item to be called when the menu is created. In other words, i want to call the function that the onRelease is calling with the first menu items data but i can't figure out how to do it.All i can figure is having the button call the function itself [i.e.if( =="button1"){] but that doesn't work.[code]

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[URL] i want the white box to close , when another button is click. Its pretty much similar to the TRANSITIONS TUTORIAL. Here it is : [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Dynamic Menu?

Feb 9, 2003

I'm trying to create a dynamic menu where the menu items are coming from an ASP page. I'm passing a string to the flash movie containing the menu headings, the flash script then creates the appropriate number of copies of a menuitem sub movie. This works fine. The problem however, is that I can't seem to dynamically set the onPress event for each movie.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic XML Menu?

Feb 21, 2010

[URL]i want to create a menu like one in this tutorial. but my xml file is little bit complicated to me. i don't have any attributedsin my xml. this is my xml file

<Description>Digital Images</Description>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Building Menu Of Buttons With Dynamic Text On Top

Sep 17, 2004

I have managed to get data out from Mysql database. All it returns to me are:
1) Name of the button
2) Where it link to
3) Number of Buttons for the menu

So now, how can I build a menu of buttons such that I can display according to the database return on the number of buttons? I have already create a movieclip which is the image of a single button. With dynamic text on top of the button in the movieclip.

I just need to loop it thru the number of buttons and display the buttons on screen. But I can't seems to get it right. I have looked through the XML dynamic menu but it's not very similar to mine as I'm using PHP script to connect to the database.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Bring Up The Actions Menu That Will Allow Me To Create A Link From My Buttons?

Feb 8, 2011

having previously made webpages just in html.I have a flash movie and wanted to add a series of links.I've made some buttons, but when I rightclick on them and go to actions, I don't get the 'basic actions>geturl' command that the help screens tell me I should have. I get some other crazy menu with options like 'Global Functions', 'Actionscript 2.0 Classes' I can bring up the actions menu that will allow me to create a link from my buttons?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Function That When One Of 'main-menu' Buttons Is Clicked

Nov 23, 2005

I'm currently working on a project were I would like to enlargen some of my menus ( there are wround 30 menus ), and this should be done when the user clicks a on one of the three buttons in the "main-menu".Now, I've been trying to create a function that, when one of the "main-menu" buttons is clicked, are called. This function then defines the menus and makes them scale, however the following code returns: "undefined".[code]Maybe a "for" loop isn't the solution, or maybe I'm just trying to define the items in a wrong way, with the array thing ( "...item[q].sca...").Btw. all the menus are loaded in dynamically through an XML document.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create Two Buttons To Stop/start An Animation?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm currently making a little header in flash. I created an animation ( things appearing and such ), and I like the way it is. But I'd like to know if it's possible to create two buttons : "stop animation" and "start animation", allowing people not to see the opening animation even if they reload the page and to skip to the last frame. The thing is it's the header of my forum : so it can be a bit annoying if it loads everytime you click on another page.
I read somewhere it's possible by using the "cookies", and a ... "shared object" ?

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Flex :: Create Very Dynamic Menu Like Picnik's?

Feb 2, 2010

URL...Accordion like components (but multiple items can be selected)Each stack has multiple child stacked.The whole menu resizes depending on how many stacks are selected and a scrollbar is also shown if necessary.So how Do I go about creating a menu like this? Any pointers to boot?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Dynamic Menu In Flash Using PHP?

Dec 2, 2010

I've Googled & Binged to no avail. I'm trying to create a dynamic menu in Flash using PHP & MySQL and bring it into Flash using AS3 DataProvider. My menu works fine with a local Array, but I seem to have an issue with the Type being a String and not an Array, but how do I set it up properly so the types are corect?

So I started with a typical, non-dynamic array and it works to create my menu:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Menu That Has Dynamic Content?

Aug 13, 2004

I need to create a menu that has dynamic content. It'll be in a button until you click it, when extended, i want it to stay open until you either click outside the menu, or click something in the menu.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Menu That Has Dynamic Content

Aug 13, 2004

I need to create a menu that has dynamic content. It'll be in a button until you click it, when extended, i want it to stay open until you either click outside the menu, or click something in the menu.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Menu - Wrong Buttons References

May 15, 2010

I'm trying to make a dynamic menu. I load four buttons to the stage and applie code to each of the buttons. But it's only the last button loaded, that responds to onRollOver/onRollOut If I roll over the other buttons it's the last buttons that reacts all the time. I just can't see what's wrong. I'm sure it pretty simple. Here's the code:


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IDE :: Horizontal Sliding Menu?

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Apr 16, 2010

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I want to create an audio player with play, stop, and pause buttons that I can then import into Fireworks/Dreamweaver. 

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