ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Menu - Wrong Buttons References
May 15, 2010
I'm trying to make a dynamic menu. I load four buttons to the stage and applie code to each of the buttons. But it's only the last button loaded, that responds to onRollOver/onRollOut If I roll over the other buttons it's the last buttons that reacts all the time. I just can't see what's wrong. I'm sure it pretty simple. Here's the code:
I need a tutorial for a hierarchical drop down menu system that drops down 3 sub levels. Do I make the items in the sub menus individual buttons and then insert them into a movie clip or make every sub menu item a movie clip and insert them into buttons?
I'm trying to make a menu that has onRelease buttons on top of onRollover buttons (the onReleases are on a separate layer from the onRollovers). The onRelease buttons take the user to different urls, and the onRollover buttons are supposed to allow different parts of the menu to appear.
The onRelease buttons work fine, but I can't get the onRollover buttons to work consistently. Sometimes the onRollover buttons will correctly advance to a different frame, and sometimes they "stick" and do not advance. The script has no errors and I've tried changing the sizes of the onRollover buttons (in case they were too large and the cursor was hovering over more than 1 at the same time), changing the order of the code for the onRelease and onRollover commands (in case the onRollovers were being superseded by the onRelease commands), and countless variations of the layers and frames.
I'm sure that you'll want to see the script, but I don't think that pasting it all on this post would be reasonable? So I've put the .fla and the .swf on this page for reference: [URL]
I have managed to get data out from Mysql database. All it returns to me are: 1) Name of the button 2) Where it link to 3) Number of Buttons for the menu
So now, how can I build a menu of buttons such that I can display according to the database return on the number of buttons? I have already create a movieclip which is the image of a single button. With dynamic text on top of the button in the movieclip.
I just need to loop it thru the number of buttons and display the buttons on screen. But I can't seems to get it right. I have looked through the XML dynamic menu but it's not very similar to mine as I'm using PHP script to connect to the database.
I have 2 classes that deal with making my menu. One creates a button and the other creates a menu using the buttons. I have XML set up to set the text in each button. What I cannot figure out is the best way to have each button do something different. I do not have much time to complete the site so the way I thought about doing it was giving each of the buttons a name and setting that to what the text was inside the button. All this is happening in my menu class. [code]...
I made a custom button-class (called CustomBlitButton) where a button is defined. The roll over-states of the button are defined inside of the class CustomScreen. That's because a custom screen holds one or more buttons. I can create a button when using the createButton-function of the CustomScreen-class.
So if I want to make a screen with a menu, i.e. several buttons I do this like that (this is just an excerpt):
I wanna make menu buttons to be dragged to navigate, I could drag the menu up and down with the as3 as follow.
but whenever click it to drag again, starting point of the menu move where I click on the board. I want to make the menu start to move from the point the mouse out.
I think this part should be done with something else.
" menu.y = board.mouseY; "
ActionScript Code: var board01:Sprite = new Sprite(); stage.addChild(board);,0);
My teacher in Adobe Flash CS3 is so slow with the teaching (and some doesn't understand what the .alpha = 0; does in my class so he has to teach them and they just keep us at thesame level). We has just taught my class "trace". Anyways, my problem is this: I've made a XML file which gets loaded into Flash and it gets my animation and adds the labels to the buttons, so far so good, but I am trying to make these buttons do stuff when clicked, like (website menu) if you press "contact" it will show "contact" and if you press "home" it will go to "home" etc.
As I said I'm a bit of a noob to AS3 (started to go through it in class 2weeks ago, but as I said he teachs very slow we are better off on ourselves) so I'm not that sure off how to do this. before starting to talk what I've tried I'll give out the code (it's done after one tutorial with some modifications). Tutorial is found here: [URL]
I'm making a slide menu that loads a xml file and creates buttons dynamically. Another functionality it has a sliding menu also, and I can't stop it. Heres goes the zip file, which contains .fla and .xml files. What I want to do is when I put the mouse at the top of the mask, the menu stops on the first option, and when I put the mouse at the bottom, the menu stops on the last option. Is it possible? [URL]
Lets say i hava category and some articles in it (one article - few photos and description). I want to make a thumbnail menu in footer each thumbnail linking to an article. The question is how to make this menu to load automatically? If i put articles in category/article1, category/article2 (and so on) folders, I want to see two thumbnails linking one to first article, second thumb to secont article. If i add one more article, i want thumbnail to be loaded to site automaticaly
I want to make a dynamic XML+FLASH menu, the texts (MainMENU & Sub-Menu) should be stored in a XML file & can be change anytime by just edit the XML file. it is a horizontal type, just like this : [URL] a dynamic text (MAINMENU) is under the icon <--- button , when click the button, a horizontal sub-menu appear. the number of sub-menu can be add/delete by editing the xml file.
how to make a dynamic drop down menu? I mean I have a button I press it and it ones the drop down menu in a movieClip. I close the movieClip and I press another button and the drop down menu appears again but with different content. The length of the menu is given by the length of an array, and the content of the menu are colors that have to change every time I press another button.
I have four movie clips in my library that are defined as classes: Option0, Option1, Option2 and Option3. I have four buttons that pass a different value from 1-4 to a function. I want to add the clip to the display list that relates to the passed value. In AS2 it would go something like:this.attachmovie["option"+currentVal, "newOption", this.getNextHighestDepth()];
Im trying to make a menu with xml dynamic text with a style sheet (so i can change the font, colour, size e.t.c. via css) that reeds from the xml file and places the correct amount of buttons on stage based on the xml nodes. Here is a fla that ive been working on.
I have downloaded the following code and tried to change it. It works so far, but the attached MC are "pulsating" - if I change them with another MC (with text inside) I can't use them as a Menu links - they are "pulsating" too much and I can't read/see the text properly. where in code I can change(reduce) this "pulsation"? how can I make the MC-s cklickable=working as a buttons with mouseover/mouseout effects (changing color etc.)
Every thing is working but the Thumbnails RollOver event. If I set ThumbnailRolledOver = i; to ThumbnailRolledOver = 1; then it works but I am trying to load in 11 items and need this to be "i" if its possible. Is this something that can be done? I have seen dynamic button names but not dynamic information inside a button like this.
I'm creating dynamic buttons, I'm using textFields to make them.I have a problem with the text on them.I want the text to wrap, autosize and be multiline - ie I want the button to be a certain width and if the text is longer for a particular button the button will be higher with the text going onto the next line.Here is the code I'm using...
c._y = 40 * i; c.createTextField("chap" + i, i, 10, 100, 150, 35); var tf = c["chap" + i];[code]....
Okay, so I've got a website I've been working on. I've finally figured out how to get the buttons to work, BUT, now, they're taking me to the wrong, say, it should take me to Scene 4, it takes me to Scene 2
Im currently trying to code the Login and Register buttons on the main screen of an app prototype to lead to certain frames.The code im using is below, i know this will be an easy fix for most of you,a compile error stating that it expects 2 arguments is coming up.[code]
I have created a flash website in cs4 using AS2. I have 2 layers in my time line, content and AS. I created scenes along the time line and labeled each scene "about" "contact" etc.Each scene is 10 frames long and has the stop action applied to it. The gotoAndPlay command is applied to each button within the scene and I have used the folowing action on the buttons to link the pages:on (release) {gotoAndPlay("scenename");}This does link the pages however if i hit any of the buttons twice, it directs me to the wrong page. For example if I hit the home button twice, it will direct me to the about page. Should I be targeting a frame within the scene also?
it is possible to make a movieClip that containes some buttons, input/dynamic text area, but the action script to be taken from an external actionscript file (.as)?I ask this because i have some buttons that calles me movieClips who have actionscript applyed in them, i see that i have some error's because of the actionscript (the .swf file blockes at one moment, and i don't know why ) and i want to call the actionscript file (.as) to button when i press one button that displays me the movieClip attach to him.
The loading screen in the beginning is supposed to use a special font that I've downloaded. I can see this font on my system when I test the live site online on my system, but when I get on other systems (which don't have the font on their system) it displays a default font, usually Times New Roman or the like.
I'm just wondering if there is a way to embed the font somehow so it uses the font I've chosen for it to use.
I am looking at creating a menu with three movieclip buttons on a main menu. I want to keep these buttons on the top of the screen at all times. I am opening different swf's and I want to make sure that the buttons are still showing. I know there is something with changing or swapping the depth of the movie clip when it loads the new swf's in, but I have not found anything that is seeming to work.
I have created a sliding menu. But that is static( the number of rows are fixed). i want to create a menu with the number of rows dynamic.I have attached the fla file here.