ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Function That When One Of 'main-menu' Buttons Is Clicked
Nov 23, 2005
I'm currently working on a project were I would like to enlargen some of my menus ( there are wround 30 menus ), and this should be done when the user clicks a on one of the three buttons in the "main-menu".Now, I've been trying to create a function that, when one of the "main-menu" buttons is clicked, are called. This function then defines the menus and makes them scale, however the following code returns: "undefined".[code]Maybe a "for" loop isn't the solution, or maybe I'm just trying to define the items in a wrong way, with the array thing ( "...item[q].sca...").Btw. all the menus are loaded in dynamically through an XML document.
For a flash website I'm creating, I want my main window box with all the information containing it to fly in when a menu button is clicked. I can't figure out the actionscript to do that. It's the same thing as this website's main window:
I reworked a script that creates a menu from XML. Works great, it creates the menu items by attaching a button I have in my library, each button gets the proper data passed to it in the process. Each button has an onRelease tied to it by the script. When the menu item is clicked (onRelease) it loads an image and proper data into the movie (into movie clips & dynamic text boxes).My hangup is that I want the first menu item to be called when the menu is created. In other words, i want to call the function that the onRelease is calling with the first menu items data but i can't figure out how to do it.All i can figure is having the button call the function itself [i.e.if( =="button1"){] but that doesn't work.[code]
I am looking at creating a menu with three movieclip buttons on a main menu. I want to keep these buttons on the top of the screen at all times. I am opening different swf's and I want to make sure that the buttons are still showing. I know there is something with changing or swapping the depth of the movie clip when it loads the new swf's in, but I have not found anything that is seeming to work.
My teacher in Adobe Flash CS3 is so slow with the teaching (and some doesn't understand what the .alpha = 0; does in my class so he has to teach them and they just keep us at thesame level). We has just taught my class "trace". Anyways, my problem is this: I've made a XML file which gets loaded into Flash and it gets my animation and adds the labels to the buttons, so far so good, but I am trying to make these buttons do stuff when clicked, like (website menu) if you press "contact" it will show "contact" and if you press "home" it will go to "home" etc.
As I said I'm a bit of a noob to AS3 (started to go through it in class 2weeks ago, but as I said he teachs very slow we are better off on ourselves) so I'm not that sure off how to do this. before starting to talk what I've tried I'll give out the code (it's done after one tutorial with some modifications). Tutorial is found here: [URL]
I've created a sliding menu that has a left button and a right button. Each button slides a background movieclip to the left or right. The background mc eases into position when one of the buttons is clicked. Problem is that buttons can still be clicked while the mc is easing into position. This throws off my x coordinate positioning of the mc. I've tried disabling the buttons and enabling them again at a few different points in my code. I've also tried using a time delay to enable the buttons but my logic isn't working.
I am using a main .swf with buttons on a navigation menu that loads external .swf(s) - these load external videos (I use them as their backgrounds).In the main .FLA I have used the following code (in the first and unique frame):
var Xpos:Number = 110; var Ypos:Number = 180; var swf:MovieClip; var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/eyesClosed.swf");[code].....
I can make each button on the menu load each external .swf correctly with videos included - but when I leave that .swf using the navigation buttons to go to another section, the video and audio keep working in the background.
I am creating a very basic menu. My project consists of a main file that then calls other swf's to fill in the rest of the content. My main timeline is this. There is an preloader which hasn't been built yet, a intro section that is two movie clips (one loads the layout, one fades in my buttons). Then when all this loads, I load the first swf. My difficulty is that I am trying to get my buttons, which are held in mc_buttons, to change the variable myLoader on the main timeline. So when you click on a button, it swaps in a different swf for the current loaded one. I have tried calling the following code attached below.
My error is: "1119: Access of possibly undefined property myLoader through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer." Now, if I define the myLoader variable in the mc_buttons and do an addchild() there, I get the correct content, it just is on top of the old content which isn't what I want...
I would like to create a main menu and a hud within the application that stores and displays user information. Buttons like sound and main menu options should exist.. Now i cant seem to find any examples of how to create this user interface / hud.
I am attempting to have the main timeline move from a stopped position over a movie clip to frame 1, where my start menu is.The code I'm using does move the timeline but in doing so it somehow breaks the 4 buttons I have in frame 1.
My code in the movie clip: stop() function replayMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
I'm trying to create a menu, where some buttons becomes visible when the user "rollOver" a box the buttons is beneath. Look at menu system, at the main page. I place my buttons within a MC, and gives the MC this AS:
But when I move the mouse over the buttons, they aren't enabled, probably because flash got the idea that the MC is above the buttons, and that the MC is a button.
having previously made webpages just in html.I have a flash movie and wanted to add a series of links.I've made some buttons, but when I rightclick on them and go to actions, I don't get the 'basic actions>geturl' command that the help screens tell me I should have. I get some other crazy menu with options like 'Global Functions', 'Actionscript 2.0 Classes' I can bring up the actions menu that will allow me to create a link from my buttons?
I've got about 6 buttons laid out, one on top of the other in a list format. In their normal state the buttons are grey in colour, when I rollover them, the buttons flash and turn to orange. Now, what I need to happen is this: I want the buttons to stay orange once clicked and only roll out back to grey when the user has clicked on another button in the list. I've been told that the best way to do this is via adding a listener, however I am a little unsure as to how to go about this. I've checked the flash help file and have a basic understanding of how listeners work...but can't really wrap my head around applying it to this situation. Perhaps I will need to have all the buttons as separate broadcasters?
I'm making a slide menu that loads a xml file and creates buttons dynamically. Another functionality it has a sliding menu also, and I can't stop it. Heres goes the zip file, which contains .fla and .xml files. What I want to do is when I put the mouse at the top of the mask, the menu stops on the first option, and when I put the mouse at the bottom, the menu stops on the last option. Is it possible? [URL]
I'm having some trouble finishing an interface i'm working on,the function indica() adds a menu listing of items (indicadores) inside a mask because its too large, and i added a scrollbar that allows to scroll through the items but now i need to add the buttons inside the movie clip indicative,i can add symbols and buttons, but i'm having trouble having them call functions inside the same class that the function indica() is running.[code]
I'm trying to create an xml accordion menu that has main menus and a sub menus buttons (movieClips) revealed with a mask. Simple question, How do I stop the mask area which reveals the sub menus catching mouseEvents on the submenus?The main menu button is a movieClip, it has the mask sprite attached to it as a property so it can scale dynamically to reveal the subMenus. They are set as children of the main menu button container. In my code I've set mainMenu.mouseChildern = true. But when the mainMenu is clicked I change mouseEnabeled = false to help prevent the main menu receiving events. This helps on rollOver rollOut events, but when I click or mouseDown on the subMenu the mask catches the event also and activates the main menu again. I've tried the obvious mask.mouseEnabled = false; mask.mouseChildern = false; mask.hitArea = null; and even setting mask.alpha = 0 but this has no effect at all.
I don't understand why the mask has to extend the hitArea property of the mainMenu and why this can't be set to null. It also seems crazy that when mouseChildren = true the parent clip also has to receive notice of the event.
I am trying to create a nav system that expands to show sub-sections when the user rolls over main section buttons.Let me describe exactly (as best I can) how this would work:A vertical list of 5 menu buttons is stacked and distributed at equal distances.The user clicks a button (lets say Button 2) and Buttons 3, 4, 5 slide down to reveal the sub-nav below Button 2. When the user clicks or rolls back to any of the original 5 buttons, that subnav closes up.Does anyone know of a good tutorial for this type of nav or have anything I might be able to dissect and work from?
I haven't been able to find a solution that fits my project. I am working on a 50 state map, where I need each state to stay down once clicked, but go up when any other state is clicked. [code]...
I'm developing a game, here is a screenshot:I have a function in my main loop called moveShip that moves the player's ship if some buttons are pressed. The trouble is, some commands began to break it recently, such as removeChild(debriefingScreen), and I have no idea why. Also, firing (spawning bullet movie clips) restores the moveShip functionality 0_
What is the best way to create buttons to give content a scrolling function.The functionality is provided by ScrollPane, where content, images etc. can be used and scrolled but aesthetically buttons are preferred.There is actionscript for creating scrollable text fields with buttons, but it requires constant clicking and only applies to text. Just mentioning this if there is something similar to attain the functionality of ScrollPane for content.
I have created an XML driven Drop Down menu using the kirupa tut by Senocular found here. I am trying to figure out how to get the submenus to push the rest of the main menu down on rollover kind of like this. Not sure where to start to get the AS to get the button created fromt he XML nodes to move down.I haven't changed the code found int he tut too much and the menu works fine except that the rollovers just go over the main menu.
-Alright so I have made a next, and a prev button. That navigate the timeline inside an mc "tabs_mc." This mc ison the the main stage.-When the next and prev buttons are pressed they goto 1 of 4 frame labels on this timeline inside tabs_mc.-When one of these lables is reached an mc "thumbs" appears on the screen / stage.-These mc's "thumbs1, thumbs2, thumbs3, and thumbs4" contain buttons that SHOULD be clickable.-But are not after the prev, and next buttons are press. They are before the next, and prev button are press, but not after.
way this is or even better how to keep these buttons enabled after the next, prev buttons are clicked?I thought of making some sort of boolean to tell the each button that is needs to stay "true" after prev, and next are pressed.But I'm a beginner so I don't know where to start.Heres the next, and prev button code:
HTML Code: //Button Listeners /////next_mc.buttonMode = true;
I'm working on a web menu, that has sub menus. I'm currently trying to get the sub menu to jump back to the main menu if the mouse is no longer inside the submenu zone.
It works if I move the mouse quickly to another part of the Flash area, but if I quickly move it out of the Flash area and onto say the html document, it doesn't update fast enough, and thus still thinks the mouse is hovering over it.
I know I can simply update the movie frame rate which does work, but I was wondering if there is any way to get Flash to check to see if the mouse IS ACTUALLY ACTIVE over it, and if not close the submenu?
I added a website preloader in a separate scene to the main frame of my website and scripted it to go to and Play the main scene or frame of the website when finished loading. I then put a command in the first frame of the main scene for the movie to stop (); at that point. The problem is that now the buttons on the main page don't respond to any behaviour commands to go to and stop at other frames in the main scene. I'm not sure if this is a conflict between the stop(); command in the main scene and the button behaviour command to go to and stop at another frame or an error with the way I'm identifying the scene and frame.
I need a tutorial for a hierarchical drop down menu system that drops down 3 sub levels. Do I make the items in the sub menus individual buttons and then insert them into a movie clip or make every sub menu item a movie clip and insert them into buttons?
i have template monster in flash an i customizing it i'm trying to add sub menu to the main menu i know how i can add it but my problem is how to direct the link in sub menu to page i want here's the fla file may be can find some [URL]