ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie To Play The Tween That Spans From 25 To 35, Then Stop UNLESS A Button Has Been Clicked Back On Frame 24?

Jan 8, 2010

Normally, I want the movie to play the tween that spans from 25 to 35, then stop UNLESS a button has been clicked back on frame 24 - then I want the tween played from 25 to 35 then jump to 46.Problem is, in the button function code, if I have...gotoAndPlay(25); gotoAndPlay(46);the timeline jumps straight to 46 - it doesn't play 25-35. Why?I tried putting a timer in between the two gotoAndPlays, but itignored that too and jumped to 46.o how do I tell it - 'play from 25-35 and stop, unless but_a was pressed back on Frame 24 - then play 25-35, and then play 46' ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Menu - Go Back To Frame And Play From There So It Would Loop All Until The Button Is Clicked

Apr 10, 2010

I've got an intro for a movie,and a single button appears around frame 58,and I've tried giving it a function so it will skip to fram 478 and play the whole movie from there on:

PlayCompl_btn.onRelease = function() {

but it keeps saying "statement must appear within handler" and I've got the same problem when the movie reaches frame 477 I want it to go back to frame 58 and play from there so it would loop all until the button is clicked:

PlayCompl_btn.onEnterFrame = function() {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Motion Tween - Stop Looping When Button Clicked?

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[AS]package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
[Code] .....

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//Flash - go get code that's going to make the tween work... import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;stop();
//home_mc animation - animate in..var gd_fullsize_01Tween:Tween = new


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bar - Play And Stop Button To Play And Stop Frames In A Flash Movie

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Close Window When Back Button Is Clicked On Movie Presentation

Jul 1, 2009

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Resize Multiple Tween Spans?

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Sep 27, 2009

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on (rollOver) {
Pause video[code]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: If / Else - Certain Movie Clips Execute A Motion Tween When A Button Is Clicked

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Get A Movie Clip To Play When A Button Is Clicked ?

Apr 12, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Finish Playing When A Button Is Clicked And Then Go To The Frame Label Associated With The Button

Jun 2, 2011

Anyway what I need to do is have a movie clip finish playing when a button is clicked and then go to the frame label associated with the button. I hope I'm explaining myself ok. So if I had say 4 buttons Home Gallery About Contact If Contact is clicked then I want the Home page to play (Which is a fade out) and then go to Contact Page (which will fade in). Then If Gallery is clicked then I want Contact to fade out and then go to Gallery page and fade in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Movie Clip (Button) From Working Once Clicked?

Apr 10, 2009

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this.services_inner.buttonMode = true;
this.services_inner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rollOver_services);
this.services_inner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_services);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play The Movie Each Time The Button Is Clicked?

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Jump To Specific Frame On Movie File When Relevant Button Clicked

Aug 26, 2009

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var twocolourbuttons:Array = ["mybutton1", "mybutton23", "mybutton34"];

I then need to show a movie file if the button that has been clicked on is in the array. so something like...

if is in the array show the movie twocolor.visible = true;

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CS3 Delay - Button To Play Frame 10 To 40 Then After Playing From Frame 10-40 The Movie Stops

Jul 3, 2010

how to code this on a button

gotoandplay(10); // i need delay here before activating the next code below//

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Direct That Movie To Go Back To Frame 299 Once It Is Finished Playing / Can Choose Different Button?

Nov 3, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Basic Button To Play / Stop Movie

Sep 2, 2004

I'm trying (and failing it seems) to teach myself Action script and I'm having a really tough time with what I'm sure is something that quite easy to do. Basically I have one button. When this button is pressed I'd like it play a movie. When the button is pressed again I'd like to stop playing the movie. In the first frame of the movie I've put a stop action so that it doesn;t repeat itself when it finishes playing. In the last frame of the movie I've put gotoAndStop(2); In my main timeline I have 2 layers each of which has one frame. The button is one layer and the movie on the other.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make One Button To Play & Stop Movie?

Jun 2, 2006

I want to make one button to play & stop my movie! what is the code?

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Professional :: Back Button On Web Browser Goes Back To First Frame Instead Of Actual Last Page?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Flash website with 3 interfaces( 3 frames with movie clips inside). they have a button that goes to different loaded .html page(text). But once the back button is pushed on the web browser, it always goes back to the first frame instead of the actual last page, which might have been frame 2 or 3.

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IDE :: If Else "button" - Movie Clips Have A Stop Action On The First And Last Frame With A Frame Label

Oct 10, 2009

I have three buttons, btn_1,btn_2,btn_3, and two movie clips, image_1,image_2. The names listed btn_1,btn_2,btn_3, image_1,image_2. are all instance names. All buttons and movie clips are on their own layer in a single frame on the main time line. the movie clips have a stop action on the first and last frame, with a frame label, on the first frame in the sub time line. For image_1 the frame label is image_1_1 and for image_2 the frame label is image_2_1.

I would like btn_1 and btn_2 to control the movie clips, image_1,image_2. Either button should be able to close the other buttons movie clip and play it's own movie clip. Also i am trying to make the movie clips themselves have the ability to be closed by clicking on the movie clip image area that is playing. Both movie clips when not playing hide behind the appropriate button with an alfa of 0.

When playing they expand to the middle of the window and are at 100% alfa, using a tween. The third button, btn_3 should only be visible when one or the other movie clisp are playing. btn_3 dose nothing else but this for now. As of now, my movies continuously loop and btn_3 is always visible. I can't seem to figure this out. my code for this action is:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Button To Play Another Movie And Frame?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a menu bar at the top and and when i click the different buttons i want to play different movies from the start i.e different pages, and where i used to just type goto and play etc

I have the impression that i cant type straight on the button layer anymore so I need to type the code on an actions layer (right or wrong?)

I think this is nearly the code i need but what do i type to get it to go to a particular movie and frame?[code]...

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Flash :: IDE - Images Flicker During The Tween When Play Them Back In The Player

Feb 10, 2009

i am fading images into view using tweens, however the images flicker during the tween when i play them back in the flash player. Does anyone have any thoughts, advise, work-arounds?? Cheers

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ActionScript 2.0 :: After Movie Clip Goto And Stop In Another Frame On Click Of Button

Feb 10, 2011

i am doing a simple project in which i have 2 frames in the main time line and a movieclip in the first frame and a button.i have something else in the second frame.when i click the button the movieclip should start after it ends the timeline should move to second frame and stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop A Sound Then Play Another And Back To It ?

Sep 4, 2010

Stop a sound then play another then back to it ?look at the Attachments files

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Browser Scroll Back To The Top When A Button Is Clicked?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a tall web site that requires browser scrolling.When a button is clicked, the main movie is replaced by another, and unfortunately, the viewer isn't brought back to the top of the page.Here's the site: http:[url].....Scroll down, and click on the purple box that says "Knowledge & Experience."You will see my to make the browser scroll back to the top when a button is clicked?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movie Clip Button - Stop On The First Frame Of A Movieclip Which Has Content On It Called Portfoliogallery_mc

Apr 21, 2009

I have created a movie clip button but am stuck with the actionscript. I have created the rollover and rollout for this movie clip button but i want it to do 2 things after this i want it to go and stop on the first frame of a movieclip which has my content on it called portfoliogallery_mc (which is also the same instance name for it) when you then click the button i want it to go and play frame 11 of that movie clip portfolio gallery_mc. Here is my current actionscript i HAVE Flash 8 on my comp that i am currently using. Please note my actions are on a layer called actions and not on the movieclip button itself. nxtimagetwo_mc (is the movie clip button/instance of mc)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statements - When The Movie Gets To Frame 100, It Should Get The Variable And Play The Label With The Same Name Of The Button?

Jun 14, 2004

I have three buttons: each one changes a variable to a name: one, two and three and plays the movie.when the movie gets to frame 100, it should get the variable and play the label with the same name of the button...How should be the AS of this frame so it plays to the correct label?

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Professional :: Make A Movie Clip Go Back To The Main Stage Once It Is Clicked

Mar 31, 2011

How do i make a movie clip go back to the main stage once it is clicked.. it has a roll in and out which is inside the movie clip.. i have a door and i want it so when you click the door it goes to another key frame on the main stage

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