ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Button To Play Another Movie And Frame?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a menu bar at the top and and when i click the different buttons i want to play different movies from the start i.e different pages, and where i used to just type goto and play etc

I have the impression that i cant type straight on the button layer anymore so I need to type the code on an actions layer (right or wrong?)

I think this is nearly the code i need but what do i type to get it to go to a particular movie and frame?[code]...

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CS3 Delay - Button To Play Frame 10 To 40 Then After Playing From Frame 10-40 The Movie Stops

Jul 3, 2010

how to code this on a button

gotoandplay(10); // i need delay here before activating the next code below//

the trick is.. i want the button to play frame 10 to 40 then after playing from frame 10-40 the movie stops and then play frame 80 to 100

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statements - When The Movie Gets To Frame 100, It Should Get The Variable And Play The Label With The Same Name Of The Button?

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IDE :: GotoAndPlay Button - Play Frames 5-10 On A Movie Clip Inside The Current Frame?

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is there anyway to have a button play frames 5-10 on a movie clip inside the current frame, as well as skipping to...lets say...frame 10 of the scene?

i want to create a site where buttons go to different pages, but those pages have animations in and if someone is in one page, and clicks a button to go to another, that page plays the "out" animation while the other page plays the "in" animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie To Play The Tween That Spans From 25 To 35, Then Stop UNLESS A Button Has Been Clicked Back On Frame 24?

Jan 8, 2010

Normally, I want the movie to play the tween that spans from 25 to 35, then stop UNLESS a button has been clicked back on frame 24 - then I want the tween played from 25 to 35 then jump to 46.Problem is, in the button function code, if I have...gotoAndPlay(25); gotoAndPlay(46);the timeline jumps straight to 46 - it doesn't play 25-35. Why?I tried putting a timer in between the two gotoAndPlays, but itignored that too and jumped to 46.o how do I tell it - 'play from 25-35 and stop, unless but_a was pressed back on Frame 24 - then play 25-35, and then play 46' ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Advanced Button - Change The On.Release Command To Goto And Play Another Frame Into Movie Instead Of Opening A New Url

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Play Frame X To Frame Y Then Switch To Frame Z?

Nov 21, 2007

I have my flash on multiple scenes, and would like to play an animation when clicking on the navigation button before switching to a different scene.

I'm halfway to accomplishing this.

Here is what i used



The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

Upon clicking the navigation button it plays the above scenes.

However it doesn't change scenes to scene "Home2".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Play A Frame And When It's Stopped Jump To Another Frame

Sep 6, 2011

I built a button in one of the movie clips in my project,

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I want this button to go and play the frame number 41 in the main timeline, and then after it stopped at the frame 70 , then jump to frame 73.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: From Button Click Event - Play To Certain Frame Then Go To Another Frame

May 25, 2011

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The query is this. When i release a button i want the timeline to roll on for x frames (fading components out) before going to the frame that button links to (The beginning of the new page).

I have no idea what AS to use for this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Release Play Frame Then Play Movie?

Jul 23, 2004

I am creating a site, and it has a animation that it has to play before loading the next section. What I cant figure out is what function I need to create so that when a user clicks on the vision button it will play the frame after stop(); which will close that section, then have it load the frame for the section that the person clicked on. The only way I can think of doing this is creating 3 different close animations for the three sections. But I figure there has to be a way to have it play the one close animation and then goto the frame which is the portfolio section or vision section (depending on the button clicked).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Release, Play Frame, Then Play Movie?

Jul 23, 2004

I am creating a site, and it has a animation that it has to play before loading the next section. What I cant figure out is what function I need to create so that when a user clicks on the vision button it will play the frame after stop(); which will close that section, then have it load the frame for the section that the person clicked on. The only way I can think of doing this is creating 3 different close animations for the three sections. But I figure there has to be a way to have it play the one close animation and then goto the frame which is the portfolio section or vision section (depending on the button clicked).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Button - Frame By Frame?

Oct 18, 2010

What I'm trying to do is play 5 frames all attached with short audio wav files one right after another. I want to be able to press play for each frame.When I insert either of these codes:

play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void


The video goes straight to playing the frame 1 wav sound file I have there, then when I press the button it rushes through the rest of the sound files in the rest of the frames and starts back at frame 1.Am I missing a code that I need to insert into the other frames, or am I using the wrong coding?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: When Click The Shift Button,it Shows The First Frame Static Of The Movie Clip In Frame 3?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a character, And in its movieclip I`ve got 3 frames (first has an idle pose, second a walking pose and third a running pose), each with a movieclip with an action in it.Well, what I wanted is that when I am walking with this character, and press the SHIFT key he runs.And I`ve got the following code

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT))[code]....

But when I click the shift button, he shows the first frame static of the movie clip in frame 3 (running frame).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing A Movie Clip From A Certain Frame To A Certain Frame With A Button

Jan 7, 2009

I have an invisible button and only one mc, the mc loops 3x then stops, this is defined with as in mc.

Now i want to play the movie from the invisible button but only loop it once. Which means i would like to play it from frame 1 to frame 215.

And also when u rollout i would like the movie to stop and go to frame 1.

this is my button code so far

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("loader")


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Button To Trigger Play In Frame?

Jan 23, 2011

I have a button (instance is called resbutton) and I would like it to play a specific frame (frame 13) when clicked on. Flash says I cannot add actions to the buttin itself so I made an Actionscript layer and so far just have:

resbutton onPress
Im using AS3 - what goes next?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Play Frame A Then B

Apr 9, 2010

I've seen answers to this type of question in many different ways, but I've had trouble understanding them and the ones that I thought I understood didn't work. I'm making a website with 4 buttons in the navigation bar (Home, Services, Portfolio, and Contact). Here's what I'm trying to accomplish using Actionscript 2.0:

In frame 2, I want the buttons to do the following:
Home: Play frame 3, then frame 1.
Portfolio: Play frame 3, then frame 4.
Contact: Play frame 3, then frame 6.

In frame 4, I want the buttons to do the following:
Home: Play frame 5, then frame 1.
Services: Play frame 5, then frame 2.
Contact: Play frame 5, then frame 6.

In frame 6, I want the buttons to do the following:
Home: Play frame 32, then frame 1.
Servies: Play frame 32, then frame 2.
Portfolio: Play frame 32, then frame 4.

How to have the buttons play a certain frame, followed by another.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Movie Play Next Frame Help

Mar 23, 2009

So i'm making a game (yah like no one else is xD) and in the game a movie clip moves across the screen. I want to make flash play the next frame once the movie clip leaves the stage. So like when the guy finishes moving across it would go to the next frame an say "you win" Is there anyway to do this? Im using actionscript 2, and flash cs3.and also, please dont tell me that i need to do this or that, gimme the code too.

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Play Movie Clip On Frame?

Nov 20, 2009

I am using Flash CS4 and i have made some short movie clips. I want one of them to play on frame 24 once and then the next on frame 48 ect. How would i do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movie Until A Certain Frame?

Nov 29, 2005

How can u play a movie clip until a certain frame.

Lets say I have some buttons on the main stage. There is a MC on stage, let's say 100 frames long, which is stopped on frame one.

If you click button1 it plays the clip until it reaches frame 50 of the MC.If you then click button2 it plays from frame 50 until it gets to frame 90.

If you then press button1 again it plays till the end, loops, and comes to a hault on frame 10.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Script Button To Play A Mc On Frame 2

May 11, 2009

I'm tempted to switching back to AS2 so I can script my buttons with ease, but now that I've spent so much time trying to figure out how to script my button to play a mc on frame 2 of the mc using AS3, I really want to figure this out. I've done some posting and then some more research and then tested it but it's still not working.Placed a button on the stage on it's own layer and gave it an instance name (calendar_btn).[code]Placed the mc on the stage on it's own layer. The mc has nothing on the first frame except a stop action.That's why I want it to play on frame 2.When I test the movie the button doesn't work and the mc starts playing on it's own even though it has a stop action on frame 1.I even put a stop action on frame 1 of the main timeline and the mc still plays. I'm noticing that stop actions do not work anywhere I place them.

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Professional :: Button To Play Previous Frame?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a "back" button, but when the user clicks on this button I want the animations to go in reverse and then go to the frame that it is calling. so for example i have 5 notes, what happens first is that "note 1" is on the stage then you click on 'next' and then "note 2" slides in from the bottom and pushes "note 1" up and out of the frame and stops and shows 'back' and 'next' buttons. what i am trying to do is, if the user clicks on 'back' , I want the movie to rewind and have "note 1" slide back down. Or if they click on 'next' 2 will be pushed up and 3 is revealed the same way 2 came in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click Button To Play Next Frame?

Jan 18, 2010

So what I have is this: 1 frame with stop(); action and 1 button. To the button I added the action on (release){ gotoAndPlay(2);} so that it plays frame 2. Frame 2 through 6 is a simple motion tween, with the stop action at the end. Yet, when I click the button it takes me to frame 2, but the motion tween doesn't play.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Make Button Play Next Frame On Ext Swf?

May 13, 2010

Ive got a portfolio, with buttons that loads things from the portfolio, eg volvo.swf, ikea.swf and ford.swf into the same loader.underneath ive got another ext swf with two buttons, next and back, and i want them to go to next and prev on the eg. volvo.swf if that's the one which is loaded. but it doesn't work!the code below, loads the arrows(next/backbuttons) alright, but i dont know how to get them to gotoAndStop on the next /prev fram on the loaded swf.

Code: Select allvar myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("arrow.swf");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Play Frame On Timeline?

Sep 23, 2009

how to play the timeline with a simple button

in AS2 you could attached script to button something like
on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 - Can't Get The Second Frame Of The Attached Movie And Play

Aug 6, 2009

I am using a button (btn1) to attach a movie (hole01). The movie attaches fine but I can't seem to get it to go to the second frame of the attached movie and play.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Play Movie/frame When Key Is Pressed?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a car that is a movieclip with 2 frames looping in scene 1 and I want the car to switch to another movieclip when I press the space  button and go back to the oroginal car clip when space is released and if possible add a sound when space is pressed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Play Movie Clips In 1 Frame

Feb 1, 2010

I've set a list of movies symbols playing at different time line individually and put them all together in 1 frame on the main timeline. However, i'm thinking of playing those symbols 1 at a time without changing the main timeline. Each of those symbols has the stop(); on them. However, it doesn't seem to work as i thought it would be. Is there anyway i could create a button, and while clicking on the button itself, it plays the 1st symbol and stop before playing the next symbol ? Sorry, i haven't put up any codes yet. A newbie here doing his final major project.

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