ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Play Frame On Timeline?

Sep 23, 2009

how to play the timeline with a simple button

in AS2 you could attached script to button something like
on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Play Specific Frame On Timeline?

Feb 19, 2010

how to play the timeline with a simple button


in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link A Button Thats Embedded In Frame 2 (music Page Timeline) To A Frame In The Main Timeline?

Nov 22, 2011

How do I link a button thats embedded in frame 2 (music page timeline) to a frame in the main timeline ( frame 3= biography page)? Both pages are on the same scene with link buttons embedded in each page independent timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Mc Timeline - Play The Next Frame

Jun 8, 2010

i have a mc in wich timeline i put (manually) a mc called joe_mc. The first one (the container) holds all the code: A timer function slows down joe_mc and when it reaches its last frame its suppossed to play the next frame on the container mc timeline. Here�s the code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Timeline Play To Frame 1 And Stay There?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a stop play button but it freezes play as opposed to what I require which is returning cursor to frame 1 to then await the next button click when an animation would play again.I currently have code for the button as :-
on (release) {stopMovies(this);function stopMovies(mov:MovieClip) {for (movs in mov) {if (typeof (mov[movs]) == "movieclip") {mov[movs].stop();stopMovies(mov[movs]);}}}}

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Play A Frame In Timeline From Inside 2 Movieclips?

Nov 26, 2010

I have tried everything but it just isn't working.On my main timeline I have a MC called "rainbow." Inside "rainbow" I have a MC called "greenbow."Inside "greenbow" I have a MC called "meetbtn2" I want it to play frame 134 on the main timeline when you click "meetbtn2."my code inside greenbow is as follows:
meetbtn2.onRelease = function () {
however it doesn't work! is it because i am inside two MC's?I have also tried 
_root.rainbow.greenbow.meetbtn2.onRelease = function () {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Frame 100 Of Timeline On Layer Movie

Mar 9, 2007

Say on frame 100 of my timeline on my layer movie, I want to load a clip. What is the AS that I put in the keyframe 100?

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CS3 Delay - Button To Play Frame 10 To 40 Then After Playing From Frame 10-40 The Movie Stops

Jul 3, 2010

how to code this on a button

gotoandplay(10); // i need delay here before activating the next code below//

the trick is.. i want the button to play frame 10 to 40 then after playing from frame 10-40 the movie stops and then play frame 80 to 100

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Have Movie Load And Play In Timeline When Frame Entered?

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Flash 10 :: Timeline Play Doesn't Jump Back To First Frame?

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I have two embedded flv's in the timeline, one after the other. There are no errors in the video files. When the "playhead" in the exported swf comes to the end of the two combined videoclips, it jumps back to the first frame of the 2nd video clip for a fraction of a second, before playing from the start of the timeline as it is supposed to. I have explicitly done a "gotoandplay(1) in a separate action layer, at the last frame of the "movie", but that's not what happens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop On Anoter Frame On My Root Timeline And Then Play?

Nov 9, 2007

Im trying to tell my movie to goto and stop on anoter frame on my root timeline and then play a movie clip on the new frame... This is probs really simple but it is early.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Click On The Images To Play A Frame In Timeline

Nov 19, 2010

I have an image scrolling setup like in itunes, however I am unable to click on the images to play a frame in my timeline (i.e. I�m going to click on one of the revolving pictures, which change to another frame, enlarging a square on the page which contains information). So every image that is rotating enlarges a square at the bottom. What changes do I have to make in order to do this. Below is the action script:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Play A Frame And When It's Stopped Jump To Another Frame

Sep 6, 2011

I built a button in one of the movie clips in my project,

when I release this button, it goes to the 41st frame of the main timeline and continue to play until the frame 70 which has got a stop; command. till here everything's just OK. But I want this button to do something more though I don't know whether it's possible or not.

I want this button to go and play the frame number 41 in the main timeline, and then after it stopped at the frame 70 , then jump to frame 73.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: From Button Click Event - Play To Certain Frame Then Go To Another Frame

May 25, 2011

I have a small flash site made up of a number of pages all on the one timeline.

The query is this. When i release a button i want the timeline to roll on for x frames (fading components out) before going to the frame that button links to (The beginning of the new page).

I have no idea what AS to use for this.

No matter where in the timeline you are, the button should fade out that area and then skip to a new one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Script That Tells The Timeline To Start To Play Frame 25, After 5 Seconds?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Making A MovieClip Play It's Frames, Then Stop On A Main Timeline Frame?

May 12, 2010

I am currently in the middle of making a "sniping" flash game. In the first level there are a series of moving targets which are also movie clips. Inside the movie clip there is a 7 frame animation of the target exploding. Inside that is a tween of the target moving up and down. And inside that there is a plain old button.

What I want to happen is when you click on the moving target it explodes and brings you to a new frame of the main timeline. (ex. Main Timeline frame #27) But I'm pretty sure it thinks I was to play the seven frame animation of it exploding and then go to frame 27 inside the movie clip, rather then frame 27 on the main timeline.

Here's what my AS looks like on the target (ActionScript 2.0 is what I'm using.)

on (press) {
on (release){

So how do I make it explode and then take me to frame 27 on the main timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Button - Frame By Frame?

Oct 18, 2010

What I'm trying to do is play 5 frames all attached with short audio wav files one right after another. I want to be able to press play for each frame.When I insert either of these codes:

play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void


The video goes straight to playing the frame 1 wav sound file I have there, then when I press the button it rushes through the rest of the sound files in the rest of the frames and starts back at frame 1.Am I missing a code that I need to insert into the other frames, or am I using the wrong coding?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play The Timeline With A Simple Button?

Sep 23, 2009

direct me to a simple technote on how to play the timeline with a simple buttonexample:in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Button To Play The Parent Timeline

Aug 30, 2010

I can't get my button to play the parent timeline.. I can get it to alpha out the MC but not play the timeline.. grrr..

ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Button Won't Play Nested Timeline

Aug 12, 2010

I'm creating a website by splitting up the main timeline into the different pages of the site. I'm trying to make a dropdown menu on the 3rd frame. On a layer called buttons I have a button with the instance name patientnumberbtn. I want that when you roll over this button is tells the menu to drop. The movie clip for the menu is nested on its own layer of the main timeline. I would like to play this nested timeline, (the drop down menu has masks and other animations that are moving around). This movieclip that everything is nested in has an instance name of patientnumbermenu. Here is what I am using for code.

patientnumberbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE _OVER,patientnumber_over);
function patientnumber_over(event:MouseEvent):void

When I run it there is an output error #1009 but it still lets me proceed. When I roll over patientnumberbtn, nothing happens. Within the patientnumbermenu I have stop commands to prevent it from playing when we first reach frame 3 of the main timeline. I've removed these commands and the patientnumbermenu will play even though the commands used to get to frame 3 is a gotoAndStop(); command.

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IDE :: Using Button To Jump To Labeled Frame Within Timeline?

May 22, 2009

I've got a button that I want to use to jump to a labeled frame within the timeline. When I click on the button I can't get my trace statement to work. The error message I get is:
Error 1061: call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with a static type flash.display:SimpleButton
BtnDone is the instance of the button on the stage, btn1867 is the frame label I want to jump to once the button is clicked.

Here's the code:
btnDone.addEventListner (MouseEvent.CLICK,clickSection);
function clickSection (evtObj:MouseEvent) {
//trace action - what's happening in output window
trace("The button 1867 was clicked!")

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Timeline - Play / Pause Button Does Not Reset

Apr 9, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2.0. I have a flash timeline that shows 4 tabs and cycles through them. There is also a play/pause button. My issue is that when you click one of the tabs, you start the timeline up again, but the play/pause button doesn't reset. I have the full Flash file, as well, if needed. [URL]
Attachments: TabbedFlash10.swf (52.7 K)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Radio Button On First Frame - Control Timeline

Feb 13, 2007

I want two radio buttons on the 1st frame. if you select rbA and hit a button you go to frame label "loading" and if you select rbB and hit the button you go to frame label "sorry". I found this code below that says it does what I need but I just can't get it to work. I have attached fla.

[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Pause Button On Main Timeline In Flash Movie

Jan 28, 2011

I have been trying to create a play/pause button for the main timeline in my flash movie. Created a movie clip with 1st frame - a pause graphic, then on 2nd frame - play graphic, labelled the frames 'pause' and 'play' consecutively and put a stop action on the first frame of the movieclip. Then put the following code in the actions layer of the main timeline (and gave instance name of 'ppBtn' to the movieclip):

var pp:Boolean = true;
function ppState(event:MouseEvent) {
if(pp) {
[Code] ....

It works in stopping and starting the movie but the actual movieclip doesn't toggle between the pause and the play graphics (just stays on the 'pause' state - 1st frame).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play A Certain Part Of MovieClips Timeline Depending On The Button Pressed

Nov 22, 2010

Right I only want to play a certain part of my MovieClips Timeline depending on the button pressed.

ActionScript Code:
CircleLineMC.KingsCross.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, KingsCrossBtn);
function KingsCrossBtn(event:MouseEvent):void {

But I want it to play only up to frame 50 and then stop there and then loop instead of playing the whole timeline, does anyone know How to do that.

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Button Inside Of ScrollPane To GotoAndPlay Frame On The Main Timeline?

May 5, 2011

I have a scrollPane on my stage, and I have a movieClip inside of it with a bunch of buttons. When you click on one of the buttons, I need it to gotoAndPlay a frame label on the main timeline. So far I cannot get this to work.

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Professional :: Creating Button On Main Timeline To Go To Frame In MovieClip

Feb 5, 2010

In AS2 I need code for a button, on the main timeline, to go to a frame in a mc off the main time line. I have attached a picture of the time lines in case I have not articulated my needs well.

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Flex :: Make A Button Go To A Specific Frame On The Main Timeline?

Sep 13, 2010

how to make a button go to a specific frame on the main timeline my button called a play_btn and i want it to go to a specific frame on the main timeline ???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Swf Button Accessing A Mc Frame In The Main Timeline?

Feb 8, 2010

I've beein digging forums everywhere but cant find the solution to my problem...

I have an external swf "advert_3.swf" loading into the main index.swf.

advert_3.swf has two buttons: one needs to go to "services" frame the other to "events" within a content_mc which is in the index.swf.

that is in the index.swf:

ActionScript Code:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("advert_3.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.x = 35;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button - Move The Main Timeline To A Specific Frame

Jan 12, 2011

I have this code below on this button that is inside of a movieclip. I just want this button to do is move the main timeline to a specific frame thats all.


I didnt put i a object name before the addeventlistener because I'm not sure what to put because if I put "this" the other buttons will bt controlled by this code and if i put "parent" only that button will work.

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