ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Button To Play The Parent Timeline

Aug 30, 2010

I can't get my button to play the parent timeline.. I can get it to alpha out the MC but not play the timeline.. grrr..

ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Parent Timeline From A Button In The 'Child' Timeline

Apr 30, 2009

I am just trying to use actionscript 3.0 (Flash CS4) to change the 'Parent' timeline from a button in the 'Child' timeline


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play The Timeline With A Simple Button?

Sep 23, 2009

direct me to a simple technote on how to play the timeline with a simple buttonexample:in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Play Frame On Timeline?

Sep 23, 2009

how to play the timeline with a simple button

in AS2 you could attached script to button something like
on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Play Specific Frame On Timeline?

Feb 19, 2010

how to play the timeline with a simple button


in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Button Won't Play Nested Timeline

Aug 12, 2010

I'm creating a website by splitting up the main timeline into the different pages of the site. I'm trying to make a dropdown menu on the 3rd frame. On a layer called buttons I have a button with the instance name patientnumberbtn. I want that when you roll over this button is tells the menu to drop. The movie clip for the menu is nested on its own layer of the main timeline. I would like to play this nested timeline, (the drop down menu has masks and other animations that are moving around). This movieclip that everything is nested in has an instance name of patientnumbermenu. Here is what I am using for code.

patientnumberbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE _OVER,patientnumber_over);
function patientnumber_over(event:MouseEvent):void

When I run it there is an output error #1009 but it still lets me proceed. When I roll over patientnumberbtn, nothing happens. Within the patientnumbermenu I have stop commands to prevent it from playing when we first reach frame 3 of the main timeline. I've removed these commands and the patientnumbermenu will play even though the commands used to get to frame 3 is a gotoAndStop(); command.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Timeline - Play / Pause Button Does Not Reset

Apr 9, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2.0. I have a flash timeline that shows 4 tabs and cycles through them. There is also a play/pause button. My issue is that when you click one of the tabs, you start the timeline up again, but the play/pause button doesn't reset. I have the full Flash file, as well, if needed. [URL]
Attachments: TabbedFlash10.swf (52.7 K)

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IDE :: Child Movieclip Timeline Changes Don't Show In Parent Timeline?

May 21, 2009

Why does a child movieclip only show the first frame within the IDE, regardless of where you are in the parent timeline?If you throw a movieclip with 25 frames onto the main timeline, which also has 25 frame, you don't see the nested movieclip's frame-progress while you scroll through the main timeline.Is there a setting somewhere in preferences or somewhere that will enable you to see a nested movieclip's frame position from the main timeline?  Like you do with After Effects composites?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Pause Button On Main Timeline In Flash Movie

Jan 28, 2011

I have been trying to create a play/pause button for the main timeline in my flash movie. Created a movie clip with 1st frame - a pause graphic, then on 2nd frame - play graphic, labelled the frames 'pause' and 'play' consecutively and put a stop action on the first frame of the movieclip. Then put the following code in the actions layer of the main timeline (and gave instance name of 'ppBtn' to the movieclip):

var pp:Boolean = true;
function ppState(event:MouseEvent) {
if(pp) {
[Code] ....

It works in stopping and starting the movie but the actual movieclip doesn't toggle between the pause and the play graphics (just stays on the 'pause' state - 1st frame).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play A Certain Part Of MovieClips Timeline Depending On The Button Pressed

Nov 22, 2010

Right I only want to play a certain part of my MovieClips Timeline depending on the button pressed.

ActionScript Code:
CircleLineMC.KingsCross.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, KingsCrossBtn);
function KingsCrossBtn(event:MouseEvent):void {

But I want it to play only up to frame 50 and then stop there and then loop instead of playing the whole timeline, does anyone know How to do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving The Play Head In The Main Timeline From A Button In A Movie Clip?

Jun 23, 2009

I have a movie clip that loads and when it is done playing it has a close button that unloads the movie clip... I want to add code to this button that moves the play head to frame 20 of my main timline using actionScript 3.0

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Main Timeline To Stop In The Beginning On Button Press To Play And At The End Stop Again?

Feb 1, 2008

I just got Flash CS3. I'm trying to get my main timeline to stop in the begining, on button press to play and at the end stop again. In AS2, you would just put stop(); on the first keyframe and stop(); on the last key frame and program your buttons accordingly.

The stop(); does not work!!!! It's driving me crazy. What am I missing? I've gone through the tutorials in Flash and they don't work either.Also, if you have MovieClip that contains an animation and you don't want the movie clip to be on a continuous loop how do you stop it from playing. In AS2, I would put a stop(); on the last keyframe of the movieclip's animation. This also does not work in AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working With Frames - "If The Main Timeline Is Finished - Change To The Play Button"?

Jun 10, 2010

I am on the main stage. In a layer I create a button. I double click on this button to enter its layer. I then do some AS3 to say if the play button is pressed, to change to a pause button. How would I say "If the main timeline is finished, change to the play button"? I am trying


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Play Movie Clip With The Button Click Without Playing All The Movie Clips On The Main Timeline

Apr 26, 2009

I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Play Button, So The Gallery Would Play The Pictures OnRelease Of The Button At Interval?

Jun 23, 2006

I'm building a photogallery base on this tutorial http:[url]....I'm trying to add a play button, so the gallery would play the pictures onRelease of the button at interval of 3s.It's not working. my code is:

playBTN.onPress = function() {
this._alpha = 50;
setInterval(this, "nextImage", 3000, 1);[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Which Contains A Mc On The Main Timeline Using Parent

Sep 17, 2009

I have a movie which contains a mc on the main timeline. that mc has a function in it that says


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Timeline Of Parent Movieclip?

Jan 14, 2009

I've just swiched over from FL8 to FL CS4 (3 days ago). I'm learning AS3 at the moment but am on a deadline with a project (a bit over it actualy) which uses AS3

I have a movieclip (container_mc) on the main timeline which holds all the animation and a timer (timer1_mc).When container_mc reaches frame 2 it stops and a timer (timer1_mc) starts running.When the timer finishes, container_mc should continue to the next frame.The code I have to do that (from the timer1_mc) is:

if (d> 260) {

This doesn't work, it gives me the error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property container_mc through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Loaded SWF To Control Parent Timeline?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a swf that loads an external swf. I want the external swf, (the one that was just loaded), to interact with the timeline of the swf that just loaded it. I've been trying MovieClip(root). or MovieClip(parent). but they give me errors. How should I use as3 in the external swf so that it interacts correctly with the parent?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Control Of Child .swf From Parent

Jan 26, 2012

I have a main .swf from which I am loading a child .swf into using this code.[code] Once the .swf is loaded in though, I want to be able to use basic timeline control functions like stop(); and gotoAndPlay(); on the child .swf from the parent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Actions Ignored When Loaded Into Parent Swf

Jan 25, 2009

If I have a movieclip in my library with some animation on the timeline and actions as well (stops, calls to other methods, etc.) and at runtime I add this clip to the display list, everything works as expected. The actions in the timeline of said clip are fired.If however, I load this file into another swf all the actions in the movieclip are ignored.Attached is a demonstration of this behavior. simply runnning Child.swf on it's own will show nothing as there is a stop on the first frame of the attached clip. However run the Shell.swf (which loads Child.swf) and you'll see the animation of the movie clip. There are no calls anywhere telling anything to start playing. What's worse, the method call further down the timeline and the stop and the end of the timeline are also ignored. Compiling these files and looking at the Output window, you'll see the trace from the method "__testCall" is never fired.Is this a bug with the Flash Player?I've had to use addFrameScript as an alternative to actually having the actions on the timeline. lame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Targeted Mc To Communicate With The Parent Timeline?

Nov 6, 2004

How do I get a targeted mc to communicate with the parent timeline? I'm not using levels but targeted mc.

I need the playback head to go from the targeted movie clip (this is called nested, correct?) to the parent timeline and stop at a particular movie instance or frame label. I have been unsucessfully using this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Manipulating The Childs Timeline (external SWF) From The Parent?

May 4, 2009

Essentially, i have loaded an external SWF (area-home.swf) w/in a MC (mc_loader) of the main SWF (base.swf). This is simple, not a problem, works like a charm. What I want to do from here is have the main SWF (base.swf) tell the external SWF (area-home.swf) to gotoAndStop at a certain frame (42). Below is the code that I have, and can't quite figure out why it won't work:

PHP Code:

var loader1:Loader=new Loader();
loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, myFunction);
loader1.load(new URLRequest("area-home.swf"));


When i trace the total frames, it does bring back the actual frame count from area-home.swf, so I know that it is communicating. It simply does not stop on the 42nd frame (even have a stop(); command on that frame in area-home.swf's timeline)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Datagrid XML Data Not Loading Into Parent Timeline?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a problem with XML data loading into a datagrid when the containing swf is loaded into another swf.
I am able to get this to work in other scenarios, however in this scenario it seems to be related to the menu system I am using. The menu is populated from another external XML and when a button is clicked it calls a function to load the swf containing the datagrid into the parent swf. The URL for the swf to be loaded is accessed from the menu.xml. The result is an empty data grid.
I have tried adding a the datagrid component to the parent swf, however this dows not solve this issue.

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Professional :: Loaded SWF Runs Code On Parent Timeline?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a parent movie that contains several buttons that load several child SWF files.The parent timeline has only 1 frame, and in that frame all the ActionScript (version 3) for the parent movie is imported with a single statement:
include ""; 

The problem is that when a child movie loads, IF the child contains ANY ActionScript calls, it also somehow runs the code in "", which accesses many elements of the parent movie which are not present in the child. This produces "NULL object reference" errors which crash the script:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.If I remove all ActionScript calls from the child's timeline, then the child doesn't run the parent's code - But if place so much as a stop(); call in the child timeline, then the child runs the parent's code after being loaded in.
I originally wrote this script for another project, which works fine, and then copied and pasted it to this one, so I don't understand why it's not working the same way. Earlier on I suspected the trouble might be from re-saving my current project as ActionScript 3, when before this upgrade was saved as ActionScript 2. So I went back and re-created each file in fresh AS3 FLAs, but it didn't solve the problem.The child SWFs are loaded with this code from "".

var ldr:Loader = new Loader();    addChild(ldr);    var url:String = "child.swf";    var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);    ldr.load(urlReq); 

Also in "" is a simple trace call at the top of the file:
trace(' is running'); 

When de-bugging the file, the message ' is running' appears in the output panel when each child SWF is loaded, which tells me that the child files are running the parent's code. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?

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Flash :: Way To See Final Frame Of MovieClip From Its Parent Timeline?

Jun 9, 2011

I work on a truckload of flash banners and have progressed more into dispatching events from the final frame of a MovieClip that would contain an object (or collection of closely related objects) animating and then listening for them from the parent timeline so that I know when to continue the main animation etc.In the animation I'm working on currently, there's a car built from blocks over time (the blocks fall from the top of the banner to make up the car); this is all contained within one MovieClip (to make the resizing easier - all I'll have to do is move the entire MovieClip around).The problem is that when I place this MovieClip onto the timeline, it's represented by its first frame (which is nothing because no blocks have fallen yet). This makes it hard to work with because I can't really tell exactly where the car is going to be when the animation is done and so on.Is there a way to have the final frame of this MovieClip visible from the outer timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Manipulating The Childs Timeline (external SWF) From The Parent

May 4, 2009

i have loaded an external SWF (area-home.swf) w/in a MC (mc_loader) of the main SWF (base.swf). This is simple, not a problem, works like a charm. What I want to do from here is have the main SWF (base.swf) tell the external SWF (area-home.swf) to gotoAndStop at a certain frame (42). Below is the code that I have, and can't quite figure out why it won't work:

PHP Code:

var loader1:Loader=new Loader();
loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, myFunction);
loader1.load(new URLRequest("area-home.swf"));


When i trace the total frames, it does bring back the actual frame count from area-home.swf, so I know that it is communicating. It simply does not stop on the 42nd frame (even have a stop(); command on that frame in area-home.swf's timeline)

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Unable To Make The Imported Buttons Control The Timeline Of The Parent?

Jan 18, 2009

I have an swf file, MyRoundButtons, which is a set of radio buttons I built (not components). It works fine, but if I import it into a parent it won't work anymore. I have to write a script to load it into a movieclip, (which I hate, because I'll have a several different swfs to assemble on my final stage. I really want to see them all on the stage together, not just at runtime.)

Even when I load it into a clip and the buttons work, however, it doesn't seem to have a separate timeline when double-clicked ,and:I can't make the imported buttons control the timeline of the parent.I defined a test function:

Code: Select allfunction goToNirvana() {gotoAndPlay("nirvana")};

Frame "nirvana," in th parent, has a Trace instruction in it.
goToNirvana works on its own in the parent. [code].....

Whether I define that function in the child, the parent, or both, the instruction won't work. Now, I'd prefer not to do the loadMovie thing at all if I can avoid it, I'd rather have fully rendered button clips onstage at authoring for me to arrange and move about, with fully independent timelines right there. But you see what I'm trying to do. I just can't get it done.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Of Externally Loaded Child Movieclip Timeline From Parent?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a basic xml driven portfolio. The xml file holds the path to the portfolio pieces (external .swfs). I have a main navigation that moves from project to project and a subnavigation to view individual pages of that project.The subnav is where I have the problem, I simply want to call gotoAndPlay("framelabel") of the designated mc. It seems that you can no longer call to the timeline of child movieclips as you could with AS 2. I've found some examples Except the examples discuss access of nested movieclips on the stage with assigned instance names. But the problem I'm facing is that I have each item pulled in via the loader Class then the objects are pushed into an array and my subnav needs to access them dynamically via array notation.something like this:

PHP Code:
public function loadMe(){
//var l:Loader = new Loader();


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Actionscript 3 :: Play / Start The Parent Of MovieClip And Not Itself?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm using AS3 on a certain frame, If I call the instance name "guy" of some MovieClip it will start the parent of that MovieClip, and not itself.


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Codes To Stop Sound In Movie Clip When Changing Keyframe On Main (parent) Timeline?

Feb 29, 2012

Is there some codes, to stop sound in movie clip, when changing keyframe on main (parent) timeline ?

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