ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Button Won't Play Nested Timeline

Aug 12, 2010

I'm creating a website by splitting up the main timeline into the different pages of the site. I'm trying to make a dropdown menu on the 3rd frame. On a layer called buttons I have a button with the instance name patientnumberbtn. I want that when you roll over this button is tells the menu to drop. The movie clip for the menu is nested on its own layer of the main timeline. I would like to play this nested timeline, (the drop down menu has masks and other animations that are moving around). This movieclip that everything is nested in has an instance name of patientnumbermenu. Here is what I am using for code.

patientnumberbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE _OVER,patientnumber_over);
function patientnumber_over(event:MouseEvent):void

When I run it there is an output error #1009 but it still lets me proceed. When I roll over patientnumberbtn, nothing happens. Within the patientnumbermenu I have stop commands to prevent it from playing when we first reach frame 3 of the main timeline. I've removed these commands and the patientnumbermenu will play even though the commands used to get to frame 3 is a gotoAndStop(); command.

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Jan 11, 2011

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I have created a world map that has each region of the world as a rollover. When you rollover the US, for example, it turns red and a movieclip pops out to display some's basically a graphic I created in Illustrator that is a rectangle with info written on it.
The rollover works fine and everything pops out, but when you move the cursor close to the popout, it thinks you have rolled off the US. When you hit the edge it pops in and out almost like it is blinking.
How can I make it so that they are one hit area? Here is some of the code:
na_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onButtonOver);na_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onButtonOut);


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Select allfunction bwbtn2(btn:SimpleButton,frame:Number) {
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,function() {photobw_img.gotoAndStop(frame);});

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how_btn.onRelease = function () {
menu_btn.onRelease = function () {

the how button script works, however the menu button does not. is this b/c it's in a nested mc? i tried specifying the root, but that didn't do it either.

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on (rollOver) {
on (press) {[code]....

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on (release) {

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on (release) {

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direct me to a simple technote on how to play the timeline with a simple buttonexample:in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {


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Aug 30, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


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Sep 23, 2009

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on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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I have a magic cloud effect. On frame 30 of the nested effect I would like an mc on the main timeline to become visible.Not too sure how to code with frame numbers,a) Do I put AS on the timeline of the nested clip ORb) Write code on the main timeline to listen for when the nested mc gets to frame 30

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in AS2 you could attached script to button something like

on MouseEvent {

thats all I am trying to do, but in AS3 how do I simply get a button when clicked to go to a frame and play.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Timeline - Play / Pause Button Does Not Reset

Apr 9, 2009

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Attachments: TabbedFlash10.swf (52.7 K)

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Jan 28, 2011

I have been trying to create a play/pause button for the main timeline in my flash movie. Created a movie clip with 1st frame - a pause graphic, then on 2nd frame - play graphic, labelled the frames 'pause' and 'play' consecutively and put a stop action on the first frame of the movieclip. Then put the following code in the actions layer of the main timeline (and gave instance name of 'ppBtn' to the movieclip):

var pp:Boolean = true;
function ppState(event:MouseEvent) {
if(pp) {
[Code] ....

It works in stopping and starting the movie but the actual movieclip doesn't toggle between the pause and the play graphics (just stays on the 'pause' state - 1st frame).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play A Certain Part Of MovieClips Timeline Depending On The Button Pressed

Nov 22, 2010

Right I only want to play a certain part of my MovieClips Timeline depending on the button pressed.

ActionScript Code:
CircleLineMC.KingsCross.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, KingsCrossBtn);
function KingsCrossBtn(event:MouseEvent):void {

But I want it to play only up to frame 50 and then stop there and then loop instead of playing the whole timeline, does anyone know How to do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover A Button And Have It Trigger The Rollover State Of Another Button

Jun 21, 2010

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I have a movie clip that loads and when it is done playing it has a close button that unloads the movie clip... I want to add code to this button that moves the play head to frame 20 of my main timline using actionScript 3.0

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nested MovieClips Overlapping - Rollover Woes

Nov 1, 2004

I have two movie clips physically overlapping, one nested inside the other:
An onRollOver function is included in each movie clip. I can get the onRollOver function to execute for the parent clip (green), but cannot get the function within the nested clip (blue) to work. Attached is an .fla document with an example of my problem.

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Nov 1, 2004

I have two movie clips physically overlapping, one nested inside the other:greengreen.bluean onRollOver function is included in each movie clip. I can get the onRollOver function to execute for the parent clip (green), but cannot get the function within the nested clip (blue) to work.

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