IDE :: Rollover Menu Buttons - Rollover A Button That The Whole Button Image Enlarges And Moves In Front Of The Other?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm currently working on a flashsite and are trying to figure out rollover menu buttons. The site has 6 menu buttons and are placed next to each other. I want to put a rollover action on the buttons, that when you rollover a button that the whole button image enlarges and moves in front of the other.

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IDE :: Bring Button To Front On Rollover?

Nov 4, 2009

I've got a mega tight deadline and I need to figure out how to bring a button to the front when it is rolled over. I have a scene with six buttons. When each button is rolled over the roll over state contains a movie that runs and animation that 'grows' the button to reveal other information. The problem I have is the 'depth' each of these buttons are on. The top button works fine and goes over the other buttons, but the bottom level button expands below all the other buttons. If you look at the attached screen grabs you will see what I mean. What is the actionscript 3.0 I need to use and where and how do I apply it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bringing Button Rollover Content To The Front?

Oct 3, 2010

Flash CS4
Actionscript 2.0

I am designing a page with over 20 thumbnail picture buttons on one single layer. When a thumbnail button is rolled over a larger picture will appear on the center above all of the content. How do I make the larger rollover image appear above all the buttons and content (without making a layer for 20+ thumbnails)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover A Button And Have It Trigger The Rollover State Of Another Button

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I want to rollover a button and have it trigger the rollover state of another button. The buttons overlap. The one on top is transparent and smaller than the bottom button. So far I think I have the AS3 to handle the rollover of the top button, but I don't know how to trigger the other button's rollover state.


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IDE :: RollOver Command Error Mouse Events Are Permitted Only For Button Instances On (rollOver)

Jul 26, 2009

I'm using actionscript 1.0 and 2.0 on flash Pro 8 and keep getting an error when I test the movie. Here is the error:


I've tried to create this rollover navigation...starting over 6 times already. Is there different language / coding for 1.0 and 2.0? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation/rollover Stops When Rollover Another Button?

Jul 28, 2004

The animation/rollover works well but it still abruptly stops when I rollover another button. The link below is an example on what I want to accomplish.

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RollOver Menu Flashes Rapidly When Placing Button

Dec 31, 2009

I'm creating a roll over menu where, when your mouse is hovering over a button, a menu below that button appears, and then you can go over that new menu and click another button which links to a different page. My problem is that when you hover over the new menu that appears, the whole menu flashes rapidly. This only happens when I try to place a button on the new menu.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allow The Viewer To Rollover The Button Activate The Menu

Jun 16, 2004

I have a button that plays a movie clip. that movie clip is a drop down menu. Is there a code that I can put on the button that will allow the viewer to rollover the button activate the menu and then when they roll off the "menu" part it plays the animation in revers. I made it already with very messy coding and placed a demo on this site. [URL]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: User To Be Able To Rollover Menu Button And Click It When The Page Loads

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu - Button Animates Forward When Rollover - Backwards When Roll Off But Not From The Last Frame

Jan 20, 2004

You'll find an example at: [URL] The submenu from company or expertise button animates forward when I roll over, backwards when I roll off but not from the last frame. It play's backwards from the frame I roll off.

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Image Fades In When User Rollover Button

Mar 25, 2010

I am creating a little flash movie, nothing major and I want something to happen. When a user rolls over a button, a image fades in somewhere else on the stage, possibly below the button being rolled over. Then when its clicked (the button) the image (possibly) expands and text is showed while the background is faded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Other Buttons On A Complex Button RollOver/RollOut Effect

Sep 27, 2009

I need to do a little swf for a webpage that show a map the idea was to create on mouseover a Roll In and with a mouseout a Roll Out.

so i downloaded the template from kirupa, Complex Button RollOver/RollOut Effect

i personalized to my needs and it works fine

at the end of the roll in the zoom in should stop and i have three buttons who send me to other three sites

when i put the button on the stage this will not work.. probably is the code of the complexbutton who blocks the other buttonfunction....

im getting mad trying some possibilitys but nothing will work

an example of who i need to do the swf is on the site [URL]

i post the code of the complexbutton

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){


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A Rollover Button - Thumbnails Show Up (through) On Top Of That Enlarged Image?

Jul 31, 2009

I have made a bitmap image into a rollover button - reason - so that when the mouse rolls over the hit area of the button/image/thumbnail - it becomes larger on the stage and when the mouse moves outside the paramaters of the larger picture it goes back down to the original button/image/thumbnail size.That works fine.However . . . there is always a however. When I implemented the same functions to the other thumbnails on the stage - if I rollover the second thumbnail- the other thumbnails show up (through) on top of that enlarged image.

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Professional :: Place Button Rollover Image On Top Of External Swf?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a menu that when you click on a button, an external swf is called up. However I would like for the buttons in the Over and Down state to show an image on top of the external swf with a description of what the video is about (Basically when they rollover the button).
The problem is that the image shows behind the external swf. I cannot get it to appear on top of the external swf. I have tried putting the buttons layer on top of the actions layer but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover A Button Control A Background Image?

Jan 28, 2009

I am trying to create a site with a 3D background image (which I converted to a MC). I created 2 buttons that, when rolled over should move the background image ('bgMC') to pan either right or left (depending on if the user rolls over the right button or left). I've attached the code I'm using below, if anyone has a better code or knows how to use btnRt or btnLeft to make bgMC pan to the X,Y coordinates in 'goLeft' and 'goRight'.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.geom.Point;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place Button Rollover Image On Top Of External Swf?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a menu that when you click on a button, an external swf is called up. However I would like for the buttons in the Over and Down state to show an image on top of the external swf with a description of what the video is about (Basically when they rollover the button).The problem is that the image shows behind the external swf. I cannot get it to appear on top of the external swf. I have tried putting the buttons layer on top of the actions layer but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover Buttons - Setup Timeline In The Button Movie Clips

Jul 20, 2009

I am useing thikbox code to open iframes out of flash.


Now i need to make some button rollovers for my button. I know i need to set up my timeline in the button movie clips, but how do i tell flash when i rollover button_mc3 move on the time line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Static Rollover Effect On The Swf By Making Image As A Button?

Jun 13, 2008

I have created one static movieclip and in that movieclip i have created "i" dynamic movieclips.On the dynamically created movieclip i am loading swf(Swf consists of a Preloader and then image appears).All these swf values and link(url) values i get by parsing an xml string in the FLA itself...Now the problem starts here...There are links on these dynamically loaded swf's....And I have given static rollover effect on the swf by making image as a button..Now what happens is that i have written onRelease Function in code and in that i m getting link on images(SWF) using getURL in on EnterFrame function and i am not gettin the rollover effects that i have created in static.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Filters Affect Rollover - Clicked Button To Grow And Stay Larger Than The Other Buttons

Oct 24, 2006

The problem with this version is that i want the clicked button to grow and stay larger than the other buttons. And when you click another button, that button becomes large and the last clicked button gets smaller. I've figured out how to do that, which you will see in a moment, but that is not my problem. Now, with this version I am actually using a proximity formula for the rollovers instead of actual rollOver handlers, and the buttons seem to respond well. Here is the modified version of the nav, using rollOver handlers and growing and shrinking the appropriate buttons:[URL]

As you can see here, this version seems to be working fine as long as you are rolling over the buttons fairly quickly. But, if you put your mouse right on the edge of the button, I think you'll see that the button goes into some sort of pulsing action, larger and smaller. It may stop after a moment or it may not. In an effort to find the problem, i removed each property (alpha,blur,bevel, etc) one at a time and basically figured out that mainly the blur filter is causing the button to act erratically. Without the blur filter, it works just fine.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this sort of problem and if there is a solution to it (besides getting rid of the blur ). I could go back to using proximity for the rollovers, but i had a hard time keeping the buttons enlarged when you roll away from them. That's why i went back to using onRollOver instead. Sorry for the long and rambling post, but sometimes it's hard to explain certain things in just a few words..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swaps The Depth Of A Dynamically Loaded Image When RollOver Each Movieclip (button)

Mar 23, 2004

I have three movieclips (used as buttons) on my main MC. The following code swaps the depth of a dynamically loaded image the when I rollOver each movieclip (button). I want to put the button.rollOver code in a for loop so I dont have to repeat this code for every image loaded.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons In RollOver Menu?

Mar 13, 2005

I'm trying to create a menu, where some buttons becomes visible when the user "rollOver" a box the buttons is beneath. Look at http:[url]... menu system, at the main page.I place my buttons within a MC, and gives the MC this AS:

[AS]onClipEvent (load){
change = false;

But when I move the mouse over the buttons, they aren't enabled, probably because flash got the idea that the MC is above the buttons, and that the MC is a button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Scrolling Menu - No Buttons

Feb 29, 2012

So below is my code for a project I'm working on. I'm having some trouble though. I got the code for the scrolling menus online from another forum, but I can't figure out where that was. In any case, the current version of the code allows for the scrolling to happen when I open the page displays (enter Frame). But I can't figure out how to get the scrolling to happen only when I hover over the menu. I only want each one to scroll when I hover over the menu, not when I get on the page. I tried to replace the "enterFrame" part of the code, but it didn't work right. I need this done ASAP.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clickable Start Menu - Rollover Buttons?

Jun 25, 2009

I am building a fake Windows looking OS in Flash for a project of mine. So far I have a clickable start menu, and I want the categories inside the start menu to be able to be rolled over like in Windows and open up to clickable links. Just click the start menu in Windows, and then scroll into "All Programs". I want to be able to have scrolling buttons like that. I am using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional and Actionscript 3.0. I've only ever used Flash in the past to make cartoons and things of that nature.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Image Flashes On Rollover

Jul 15, 2009

I have a button set up, that when you rollover the button, it changes into another picture and stops, and also when it's rolled over, a large picture appears under the rollover.But when I first rollover the button, it acts like it's told to go to the out state. When I rollover it again it works fine.URl...there is my code to go into the movieclip and play the button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Button Rollover, Rollout And Button Down?

Jul 12, 2005

Take a look at the following sites; and notice their menus. Both have a rollover and rollout on their buttons, and when the button is hit the button stays down until another button is pressed. In the scissor sisters site, the neon bar still fades out after another has been pressed.

Franz Ferdinand
Scissor Sisters

I am trying to achieve this myself with my own site, which you can view in progess here:

My Site

I have mastered the button rollOver and rollOut effect, in which i gathered the code from a kirupa tutorial. My problem is, getting the neon bar to stay underneath teh last button that has been pressed.The main movie is located on the main timeline in frame 2, because frame 1 contains the pre loader.

The actions for frame 2 of the main timeline are:

total = movieLoader.getBytesTotal();
loads = movieLoader.getBytesLoaded();


Now the buttons are not buttons, they are movieclips, which are located on the stage, and have instance names of b1 for news, b2 for biography etc etcInside the movieclip, the animation of the neon bar fading in takes 25 frames, and this has a stop action on the end.

This code is placed on the first frame:

news.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true)


So now my problem is to make sure that the last button clicked leaves the underline bar down until the next button is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: RollOver On A Button Causes Another Button To RollOut?

Mar 23, 2007

I started working on a little page of mine, and I already ran into some trouble hehe. I'm kind of learning as I go along. Heres the script I'm having some trouble with:

ActionScript Code:
this.qmbacking.onRollOver = function() {
//tweens rolling in the menu


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Hyperlinks Within A Button / Button Within A Rollover Button?

Nov 16, 2009

I'm working on a project, and it's going OK. What I want to do is for the user to rollover a button/object, and a little pop-up box will show up, and it will have some text/photos/... Pretty routine stuff. That I can accomplish without a problem...
Now, what I want to add in there is also a hyperlink that will open a Web page in a new window. And that's where I get stuck. It won't let me.
I assume it's because part of the rollover thing in the button symbol. That's how I'm doing it so far.
So, is there anything I can do going that route, or do I need to take another approach?
I'm thinking the other option would be to create a movie clip, which would hold the pop-up box and the photos and the like, then make a button within that which would hold the hyperlink. Then, I could create an object right on the timeline with a rollOver that would trigger the movie-clip instance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Images, Bring To The Front?

Nov 4, 2009

i have created a little gallery and set the images as buttons, on the rollover they expand to 2/3 the stage, they expand behnd the other pictures/buttons.
i want them to open ontop of the other buttons?
I have tried to bring them to the front, through right click and selecting "arrange""bring to the front" but this doesn't work?
included is the swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Under Button RollOver?

Nov 8, 2010

Im having a problem getting a Rollover to work. I have a picture with an opaque box over it and when you scroll over the opaque box i want it to tween out and the picture become a clickable area...then when you roll off the opaque box returns to it original position. I can get the box to move...but i think i have too many event listeners and its looping. this is the effect im going for.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Bring A Duplicate Mc With A Variable Depth To The Front On RollOver?

Dec 6, 2010

Is there any way to bring a duplicate mc with a variable depth to the front on RollOver, and then return to it's original depth on RollOut?I am currently using swapDepths(1000).I can't have the exact depths swapped because there could be any number of duplicates on screen at any given time, so that won't work.The code I have works to a limit; when I mouse over the mc duplicate, it moves to the top just fine, but multiple other mc duplicates below it scramble depths (that is to say, they move up and down in depth at random).I want two thing to happen to only one mc at a time.

1) bring to front onRollOver and return to original position on RollOut

2) bring to front onRelease, and stay there in front.Here is what I have so far.

var num:Number;
if(num == null){
num = 0;[code]....

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