ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover A Button And Have It Trigger The Rollover State Of Another Button

Jun 21, 2010

I want to rollover a button and have it trigger the rollover state of another button. The buttons overlap. The one on top is transparent and smaller than the bottom button. So far I think I have the AS3 to handle the rollover of the top button, but I don't know how to trigger the other button's rollover state.


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IDE :: Rollover Menu Buttons - Rollover A Button That The Whole Button Image Enlarges And Moves In Front Of The Other?

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I'm currently working on a flashsite and are trying to figure out rollover menu buttons. The site has 6 menu buttons and are placed next to each other. I want to put a rollover action on the buttons, that when you rollover a button that the whole button image enlarges and moves in front of the other.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Rollover On MC-button - Add State?

Jul 17, 2009

I've been using the following code for a set of buttons that activates/deactivates the buttons so there is only one active button at a time:


I found this code here: [URL] I've been messing with this code for a couple days now and can't seem to figure out how to add a rollover state to this code, everything I try either glitches this code out or doesn't work... So at the moment it does half of what I want (makes it where there's only one active button at a time), what I want to do is to add a Rollover effect to the code above.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trigger A Movieclip With A Rollover/rollout Button?

Jan 23, 2011

A friend of mine asked me to build a web site. Since I am a graphic illustrator and that I know a lot of After Effects, he tought that that would be easy for me building his site.Well, here I am, stuck with this flash problem (I am a nuke in actionScript). The guy wants an interactive map of the best country in the world, that is, Canada.When the users mouse hovers a province, a little rollover/rollout animation plays. Actually, it took me about three weeks to make it work, but it works.Now, this is wheretrying to figure out how to trigger a movieclip with a rollover/rollout button. When the users mouse hovers an important city (in this example, Ottawa, Ontario), on rollover, it should play the movieclip box_mc up to frame 40 and on rollout, play the rest of the movieclip

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Static State Rollover Button?

Aug 8, 2009

I have a navigation menu with the following code on the buttons, this works fine, you press one button, loads an external swf in movie clip holder and then when i press another button on the navigation, it loads an external swf into holder replacing the the last swf. The buttons have an rollover animation and when pressed have a static state ie you know that the button you pressed doesnt animate and you know what page you are on.

I have a another movieclip on the main stage, inside this, there is a scroller with thumbnail buttons, same code on the thumbnail buttons but on the time line in the movieclip. This too loads external swf into the movie clip holder.BUT doesnt turn off the static state in the main navigation button, so for example if i am in the home page the home page button is on.I press the another button on the navigation, and the home page button goes off and the new button stays on with new page loaded.I would like the code in the scroller to turn off the navigation button last pressed, so the thumbnail buttons, act like they are part of the navigation and not inside a movie clip..

var buttonNum:Number = 1;
for (i=1; i<=buttonNum; i++) {
this["button"+i].onRollOver = function() {[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showing A Button's Rollover State?

Mar 20, 2006

You can see that there are simple roll overs for the header (this is the middle part with the photo on it and the buttons on the right); you rollOver one and the photo changes.Never one to leave well-enough alone, the boss wants to add this wrench to the works:He's not sure that people will "get" that you can hover over the buttons and will never get to see the photo and message change. So he wants the photo/message to kind of rotate through on a loop, then have it so you can override the rotation by rollingOver the button. Ok, no problem.BUT I would like the button's rollOver effect to be seen with the cooresponding photo/message. This is what I can't figure out, without trying something hacky.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Specify Which Page A User Is On By Having The Button On The Rollover State?

Apr 19, 2009

I would like to specify which page a user is on by having the button on the rollover state. For example, on the products page, I would like the products button to be in the rollover state. I can't figure out how I would do this. Below is the code from the as file. 
package codesource
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Rollover State Remains On Rollout?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm in the process of building a Flash AS3 navigation for a client's website. The horizontal navigation has five main links, and a secondary navigation will drop down under three of them on rollover (this part isn't complete yet). The rollover and rollout states are animated: on rollover they gradually change color; on rollout they gradually change back to the original color.Well, I've finally gotten the code figured out (my first foray into AS3 after finally being comfortable with some things in AS2!). However, depending on how you move the mouse (i.e., if you move the mouse over the button too quickly), the rollover state remains on rollout and I can't figure out why. Can someone help? I also need to know how to designate an active state when the button is clicked (say, if you clicked on Projects, the Projects button would be highlighted (the rollover state) when you're on that page.The link to the in-progress navigation is located here: http:[url].... And this is the AS:

var homeLink:URLRequest = new URLRequest("../index.htm");
var mySound:Sound = new clickSound();
home_mc.buttonMode = true;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call A Button Rollover State From Inside A Another MC?

Aug 16, 2007

Can you call a button rollover state from inside a another MC?

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IDE :: Button In A Movie Clip - Maintaining The Rollover State?

Mar 4, 2009

I'm trying to highlight the current 'page' / movieclip by showing the onrollover state in navigation display/button.So the colour remains the onrollover state (in this case blue) while the particular movie clip/'page' is displaying. Changing when the user rolls over another button.I have two issues:1. I understand I have to place the button within a movieclip and have been experimenting with button '02' in the attached example.fla - however now I have done this the original action contained within the movieclip instance myScreen_mc is no longer working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make All Button Component Instances Trigger RollOver Sound?

Dec 18, 2008

I am using the Button component (the one shipped with CS3) inmany places in my AS3 project. I am coding in .as files, not on thetimeline.I have skinned the Button to use the colors I like. Now Iwish to "skin" it so that all instances generate a rollOver sound,and I'll be darned if I can figure out how.I know I can listen for ROLL_OVER events in each Buttoninstance. But I have many many Buttons and it seems kludgy to addthat same code to every class I have which tracks a Button. I amhoping there is some way I can make *all* instances of Buttonrespond to rollOver the same way. I am hoping it is likesetComponentStyle or changing the skin for the Button; I can do itin one place and it works everywhere.I guess I can listen on the Stage level for bubble-ups ofROLL_OVER, trap those that come from Button instances, and handleit from there, but stagewide listeners also seem a tad kludgy

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Professional :: Use Keyboard Events To Trigger A Button Rollover Event Instead Of A Mouse?

Jun 1, 2010

I created a button that has a movieclip in the rollover state. When you rollover the mouse, the movieclip will animate to appear as if the button will scale from a small to a large button even though it is the movieclip that is playing and not the button itself. But I also want to add a keyboard code to play the rollover instead of the mouse. I learned to write actionscript to play different scenes with the code below, but I'm not sure if I can play a button rollover with the same code.

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, key_pressed);
function key_pressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (event.charCode==49) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Rollover State Disabled - Mouseout Not Working

Jan 29, 2007

I am using a ENTER_FRAME to destroy the rollover state of my button. I cannot use a MOUSE_OUT, because I have buttons on top. Is there a better way to do this?
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import Tween
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: RollOver State That Stays When User Clicks A Button?

Oct 11, 2007

i wrote many things (something like back functions) but i failed. my code and my swf is below.

import mx.transitions.Tween;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Press - Keep The Rollover State Active If Clicked

Aug 22, 2008

I want to have a button with a rollover state that is different that the out state. I got that part, but I also want to keep the rollover state active if clicked. I can think of a couple ways to do it but I'm certain there is an easier way to do it. I have about 8 buttons and when I click on on I want that to stay in the rollover state, then when I click on another one I want the first to go back to the out state and the new one that I clicked to go to the over state and stay there.

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Professional :: Make The Button Rollover State Exist On The Highest Layer?

Apr 29, 2008

I'm making an interactive map of the U.S. The layer with the outlines of the U.S. states sits on top. It has to sit on top because otherwise the outlines don't show up above the color fills for each state. I want a popup balloon to appear when you roll over each U.S. state. However, when I turn a state, say, New York, into a button, the button layer sits below the outline layer. So when I create the popup box for the button's rollover state, the popup box is *under* the US state outlines. How can I make the button rollover state exist on the highest layer?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Clicked Button Stay On The Rollover State In The Movie

Feb 1, 2006

i am working on a flash project i want to make the clicked button stay on the rollover state in the movie

see the fla file, i am using flash 8 pro

i was thinking to make frame by frame but i have many many buttons

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move The Cursor Away Too Quickly The RollOut Does Not Happen And The Button Is Left In RollOver State?

Mar 16, 2005

I have created this menu with 5 buttons. The script attached to these buttons tells a movie clip to play certain sections of the clip to create the mouse over mouse out effect. The problem is if I move the cursor away too quickly the rollOut does not happen and the button is left in rollOver state.

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IDE :: RollOver Command Error Mouse Events Are Permitted Only For Button Instances On (rollOver)

Jul 26, 2009

I'm using actionscript 1.0 and 2.0 on flash Pro 8 and keep getting an error when I test the movie. Here is the error:


I've tried to create this rollover navigation...starting over 6 times already. Is there different language / coding for 1.0 and 2.0? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation/rollover Stops When Rollover Another Button?

Jul 28, 2004

The animation/rollover works well but it still abruptly stops when I rollover another button. The link below is an example on what I want to accomplish.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trigger A Button's Over State Without The Mouse For A Specified Time?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to trigger a button's over state (i.e. play the over state movie clip for about 4 seconds and then return to the up state) without the mouse event.

The playing of the movie clip would occur when an Action Script cue point in an flv was reached. I think I have the right code for the cue point handling, but have no idea how to specify the over state of a button, or how to tell it to play for a specified time and then return to it's up state.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Button Rollover, Rollout And Button Down?

Jul 12, 2005

Take a look at the following sites; and notice their menus. Both have a rollover and rollout on their buttons, and when the button is hit the button stays down until another button is pressed. In the scissor sisters site, the neon bar still fades out after another has been pressed.

Franz Ferdinand
Scissor Sisters

I am trying to achieve this myself with my own site, which you can view in progess here:

My Site

I have mastered the button rollOver and rollOut effect, in which i gathered the code from a kirupa tutorial. My problem is, getting the neon bar to stay underneath teh last button that has been pressed.The main movie is located on the main timeline in frame 2, because frame 1 contains the pre loader.

The actions for frame 2 of the main timeline are:

total = movieLoader.getBytesTotal();
loads = movieLoader.getBytesLoaded();


Now the buttons are not buttons, they are movieclips, which are located on the stage, and have instance names of b1 for news, b2 for biography etc etcInside the movieclip, the animation of the neon bar fading in takes 25 frames, and this has a stop action on the end.

This code is placed on the first frame:

news.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true)


So now my problem is to make sure that the last button clicked leaves the underline bar down until the next button is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: RollOver On A Button Causes Another Button To RollOut?

Mar 23, 2007

I started working on a little page of mine, and I already ran into some trouble hehe. I'm kind of learning as I go along. Heres the script I'm having some trouble with:

ActionScript Code:
this.qmbacking.onRollOver = function() {
//tweens rolling in the menu


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Hyperlinks Within A Button / Button Within A Rollover Button?

Nov 16, 2009

I'm working on a project, and it's going OK. What I want to do is for the user to rollover a button/object, and a little pop-up box will show up, and it will have some text/photos/... Pretty routine stuff. That I can accomplish without a problem...
Now, what I want to add in there is also a hyperlink that will open a Web page in a new window. And that's where I get stuck. It won't let me.
I assume it's because part of the rollover thing in the button symbol. That's how I'm doing it so far.
So, is there anything I can do going that route, or do I need to take another approach?
I'm thinking the other option would be to create a movie clip, which would hold the pop-up box and the photos and the like, then make a button within that which would hold the hyperlink. Then, I could create an object right on the timeline with a rollOver that would trigger the movie-clip instance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Under Button RollOver?

Nov 8, 2010

Im having a problem getting a Rollover to work. I have a picture with an opaque box over it and when you scroll over the opaque box i want it to tween out and the picture become a clickable area...then when you roll off the opaque box returns to it original position. I can get the box to move...but i think i have too many event listeners and its looping. this is the effect im going for.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Any Way To Trigger Tooltip On Rollover?

Feb 17, 2008

I have this link in my html textfield. It sits ouside flash in an XML file. It works fine however I was wondering if there's a way to triger the tooltip on rollOver? Like regular javascript?
<a href="asfunction:com.widgets.ToolTip.create, This is a test"><sup>1</sup></a>

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Text Appear On Rollover Of Button?

Mar 4, 2010

I am creating a photography website, and I wanted to have captions below my photographs appear on the rollover of an info button, and disappear when its off. How do I do that? Also, I used an image array to load the images, and there are 18 images in the gallery, when there is a new image the caption has to change....

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Rollover Rollout On Button?

May 21, 2009

There is a flash which have a small navigation on the buttom. There is a small arrow on the buttom when the mouse rollover on the arrow the arrow is gone dissaper and the navigation show on the stage. When i rollout the mouse its collaps but when my mouse pointer is in the swf area. If i have rollout quickly form the navigation out of the swf area (on html). It's not working.

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Get A Rollover Button To Go From One Scene To Another?

Sep 2, 2009

I am trying to get a rollover button to go from one scene to another.  I have been succesfull with this action before with a static button but now can't get it to work. The file can be downloaded from the following location:  [URL]..For some reason I can't upload it with this message.

The button is named "btn_1" and I have only applied the action in the Main scence.  The button should take the visitor to the scene titled "Korean War."

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