ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Rollover Play Animation?
Oct 14, 2009
rollover play anim issue I am having? this is what I am trying to do:
1. a button that when rolled over animates(working)
2. the button when clicked should play another 'animation' that is placed on the scene(can't get to work)
3.Inside the 'animation' the button plays, there is a 'close' button that should playout the 'anmation' timeline.(not working)not sure what script to attached to the 'close' button .
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Apr 23, 2008
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Sample file is attached (FLASH 8).
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Apr 3, 2009
I'm trying to create flash rollovers for buttons that play the full rollover animation even if you roll of it, and if you stay on it if will play once and not keep repeating. The rollover animation is only short, about 2 seconds, but which ever way I try it I can't get it to play the full clip if you roll off, either that or it will play the full clip but keep repeating if you keep the mouse on it.
At the moment it is just a movieclip in a rollover keyframe of a button.This has stumped me for years. Other sites seem to do it fine (off the top of my head the 4 menu rollovers at the bottom of http:[url].... do it - if you rollover each one left to right in one go they do a kind of Mexican wave) but I just can't see a way of doing it.
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Jan 16, 2011
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this way i can use the same function over and over but i am not sure how to write this. i think its someting like function playFrames(obj); and then you do something with this...
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Aug 25, 2004
Im trying to write a global fucntion for button rollOver, rollOut animation.
here's what I have as of right now.
On the root timeline::
function buttonFade(fade) {
if (fade) {
Im still wishy washy on function syntax..
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm creating a website by splitting up the main timeline into the different pages of the site. I'm trying to make a dropdown menu on the 3rd frame. On a layer called buttons I have a button with the instance name patientnumberbtn. I want that when you roll over this button is tells the menu to drop. The movie clip for the menu is nested on its own layer of the main timeline. I would like to play this nested timeline, (the drop down menu has masks and other animations that are moving around). This movieclip that everything is nested in has an instance name of patientnumbermenu. Here is what I am using for code.
patientnumberbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE _OVER,patientnumber_over);
function patientnumber_over(event:MouseEvent):void
When I run it there is an output error #1009 but it still lets me proceed. When I roll over patientnumberbtn, nothing happens. Within the patientnumbermenu I have stop commands to prevent it from playing when we first reach frame 3 of the main timeline. I've removed these commands and the patientnumbermenu will play even though the commands used to get to frame 3 is a gotoAndStop(); command.
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Mar 26, 2010
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Feb 8, 2011
I have made a button by creating a new symbol naming it and setting it as a button. Then I have edited the four frames to my liking. Then I added it to a layer on my timeline by dragging it from the library.
I have looked at other tutorials on youtube and such, but all the code etc doesnt seem to work. I use Flash CS5.Once I have created the button, what should I do to make it stop the animation at the beggining, and play when it is pressed.
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Sep 25, 2011
now I just started with Flash and have ran into an issue. I made a little animation (motion tween I think) and then made a button which is supposed to start the animation (play it).
My script so far:
stop() ;
knappEnter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, starteAnimasjon);
(knappEnter is the instance name of the button, starteAnimasjon means startAnimation in norwegian, sorry for that, name of the animation is figur)
So basically I've managed to make the animation stop which is what I wanted, then made the button work, but now I need the last command so the button makes the animation play! I've been looking around for a while, but I just don't know how to do it
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Apr 5, 2005
I've got a white outline around a button that fades up on mouse over and fade out on mouse down. I've done it by creating alpha tween of the outline in 2 separate movie clips and dropping each clip onto the correct frame of the button symbol.
Question is - how do i get the down state movie to play to the end? If i click and hold the fade-out anim plays ok, but if i click quickly (as everybody does) it'll only play like 1 or 2 frames of the fade out.
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Aug 4, 2003
I have been searching for a way to do this for about 3 days but I have come to no conclusion. I need to find a way to get an animation playing when a button is clicked. It is a little more complicated so let me try and explain. I have an animation of two doors opening and closing. From frame 35 - 65 the doors open, on frame 65 I have text, then from 66 - 96 the doors close. Now my problem comes when I want to change pages. I need the animation on frames 66 - 96 to start playing when any other button is clicke except for the one that opens that page. I have the delay on the buttons and it is working fine but i have no idea how to test if the other buttons are clicked.
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Apr 5, 2005
I've got a white outline around a button that fades up on mouse over and fade out on mouse down. I've done it by creating alpha tween of the outline in 2 separate movie clips and dropping each clip onto the correct frame of the button symbol.Question is - how do i get the down state movie to play to the end? If i click and hold the fade-out anim plays ok, but if i click quickly (as everybody does) it'll only play like 1 or 2 frames of the fade out
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Feb 20, 2009
I am making a flash website were the logo will start out at the bottom and play a animation when someone clicks on a button(there will be about five so I don't which one they will click on), the logo will move to the sides. after this animation plays this one time I need to never be able to play again while they are in the website..
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Oct 27, 2008
I'm having difficulty adding a Play/Pause button to an FLA animation that I've created. The animation is a frame-by-frame clip with motion tweens (rather than an FLV file). I'd like the Play/Pause button to toggle between a PLAY state and a PAUSE state depending on whether the animation is already playing or paused. (It will automatically play when the user begins viewing it, so the first button state should be at PAUSE.)
I've sucessfully created the button (actually as a movie clip with the two states). I've also got the button to pause and play the animation--but I'm unable to get the button (movie clip that is) to actually toggle between the two states. Can anyone tell me a good script to use for this type of control?
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May 29, 2009
I have a button with a movie clip animation in it, and I finally have it all working just how I want, but one always plays the animation when I first open it and test it in a browser and the flash player.The button scales out an image to a larger image when you hover over it so when I open it in a browser/flash player the larger scaled out animation plays down to its original can I can make my button not play the animation when its first opened in a browser?
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Jun 18, 2009
I want to control my animation with a play and stop button .
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Aug 2, 2006
i have a scene with a button and a movieclip, each on seperate layers on the root...the MC has a 100 frame tween with stopactions on frames 1 and 100.
what i want to happen is while that button is being pressed, meaning the user keeps their mouse button depressed, that animation plays, and when they release it stops the MC(and is able to be resumed if the user depresses the button again).
i kept it brief--if you would liek to see the 2 routes i have taken thus far please reply and i will attach the scripts..
View 3 Replies
Aug 27, 2009
I might as well start by saying im a total and utter newbie to action script, I have literally been thrown into it in the past 3 days, Im a freelance illustrator and a client has just asked me to create a walk cycle animation for him (which i can do) but theres some action script involved and ive never used.
right i might aswell say what i need doing on the whole: When the completed SWF is opened up, I need;
A looping walk cycle of a character (done) , which, when a button is pressed (ive created the button already) the character stops the walking loop cycle, and changes into an aim animation, once the animation is complete, the character goes back into a walk cycle.
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Oct 5, 2004
i have a button on the stage...when clicked i want it to wait 2 seconds, then gotoandplay a porton of another movieclip.
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Mar 19, 2005
I've got a button that tells a movie clip to play its animation (goto and play frame 2), but I only want it to play that frame if the current frame is frame 1 - meaning that I don't want people to be able to keep clicking the button while the clip is playing and have the clip restart.
I'm guessing it would be something like:
If ( current frame is frame 1 ) { goto and play frame 2 }
But I can't seem to get it to work.
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