Button Inside Of ScrollPane To GotoAndPlay Frame On The Main Timeline?
May 5, 2011
I have a scrollPane on my stage, and I have a movieClip inside of it with a bunch of buttons. When you click on one of the buttons, I need it to gotoAndPlay a frame label on the main timeline. So far I cannot get this to work.
ive made a simple game for a uni project, when you get game over a movieclip comes up and inside the movie clip there is a button to restart the game. how to i code the button inside the movieclip to gotoAndPlay to frame 1 on the main timeline?
I want to link a button in my main timeline to a label- frame in a movie clip. The movie clip is called "Adetail" and the label is "on01"... I type in the following script
I`m a AS2 user, having a few problems getting adjusted to AS 3. What I want to do: In my stage I have 3 movieclips:
- Intro (frame 1) - Main (2) - End (3)
In the movieclip Intro i show some pictures etc, when it comes to the end, i want to go to the 2nd frame on the MAIN timeline. This used to be _root.gotoAndPlay("main"); using the hierarchy allways starting from _root or _level0. or _parent... I have tried searching but am not sure how to lookup this problem. I would be really happy if someone could post me a link how to address movieclips through other movieclips or starting from the root in AS3 and for the right code to use the function gotoAndPlay to go 1 frame further in the main timeline.
I am working on a site that involves a dropdown gallery menu. I have placed four buttons inside the dropdown menu and it works only with the geturl function, but i want it to gotoAndPlay a particular frame outside of the movie clip. is that possible? Here is the link. TJ2 Studios
Im sorry if i am not clear. My actionscript is coming along very slowly. I created a dropdown menu inside a button. This button is supposed to gotoAndPlay frame 365 outside of the mc i created within that button, ie on the main timeline. But it does not work. However when put the script getURL it goes to the site i commanded.
I have a ten-frame Flash doc. Seven of these frames have movie clips. What I want to do is be able to have a user navigate to another frame in the main timeline by clicking a button at the end of each movieclip.
I'm using this code:
on(release){ gotoAndPlay("Scene 1",6); }
And I"m not getting errors but it's not working when I launch the movie.
I want a button which is on an externally loaded swf to tell a movieclip on my main swf to gotoand play a specific frame. Is this possible and how would I do it?
How do I link a button thats embedded in frame 2 (music page timeline) to a frame in the main timeline ( frame 3= biography page)? Both pages are on the same scene with link buttons embedded in each page independent timeline.
hi i am having trouble getting my buttons to work right in flash cs4. is it possible to have a button gotoandplay a frame inside a different movieclip? if so how?
I'm taking a class on Flash right now but its set up in this strange manner where they barely teach you actionscript at all but expect you to be able to take the examples in class and work and amend them into your projects. I am trying to write a function for a button that will gotoAndPlay one frame beyond where the timeline presently is stopped at.
I make a website. First I have a frame with a movieclip, where my entire page is within.Inside of that is where all of my pages is in different frames, and in each of these frames there are other movieclips with content. My example:Top level /Entire site/My pages, in different frames /Movies/Pictures/About/Etc./Content (inside the "Movies") /Info about movies/Movie one/Movie two/Etc./My problem is as easy as this: I will link from the "My pages" level, to the first frame in "Content" (info about movies)If i just link to the, "Movies" frame, I can't get from "Movie One" to Info about movies by pressing the button, wich lies on the "My pages" Level.
is there anyway to have a button play frames 5-10 on a movie clip inside the current frame, as well as skipping to...lets say...frame 10 of the scene?
i want to create a site where buttons go to different pages, but those pages have animations in and out.so if someone is in one page, and clicks a button to go to another, that page plays the "out" animation while the other page plays the "in" animation.
I have a MovieClip inside a ScrollPane. Inside this MovieClip i have buttons. What i want to know is: how to click a button inside a Movie Clip, that is inside a scrollpane, and make it load a swf outside the scrollpane?
I have a movieclip inside the OVER on a button, right now I have an animation that causes the button's brightness increases from 0 to 10 over 24 frames and then come stops because of a stop (). I now intend to add an animation after stop () which gets the button's brightness goes back to 0 again when you no longer hold the mouse over the button. I would therefore like to make some kind of mouseOut event that allows Movieclip go to the next frame. I have tried to insert a target path but it seems that it can't reach the movie clip inside the button.
I'm having a bit of a hard time with calling a function in the main timeline through a button in a movieclip. The mc is in the main timeline and in it I added a button with this.removeMovieClip(); and so far it works, but when I try to call a function from the main timeline it just doesn't seem to work.
On the main timeline I have a movie clip called clock_mc and playBtn playBtn is placed in the center of clock_mc When you press playBtn clock_mc starts playing
playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playClock); function playClock(event:MouseEvent):void { if (event.target == playBtn)
I've tryed to placed the replayBtn on the stage on the main timeline and I've set it up to replayBtn.visible = false; And then I add replayBtn.visible = true; to last AS frame of clock_mc but it wont work Even when I put the button physically to the last frame of clock_mc it will not work either.
I've created a movieclip with buttons inside that I want to use to navigate to different scenes on the main timeline. I have created a function() that loads the button movieclip into the main timeline, but if I try to write a function() to activate the button and move the main timeline to a different scene/frame label it doesn't work. I have tried various things:
I put the code above on the main timeline. It doesn't seem to work. Basically, I could put just an on(release) handler on the buttons, but I wanted to try to keeping all the AS in one place if I can.
I've created a movieclip with buttons inside that I want to use to navigate to different scenes on the main timeline. I have created a function() that loads the button movieclip into the main timeline, but if I try to write a function() to activate the button and move the main timeline to a different scene/frame label it doesn't work. I have tried various things:
I'm using the preloader like the one rhamej posted here:[URL]The part of the code I need help with is as follows:
[AS] //fire the MovieClipLoader and attach the listener to it var container1:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); container1.addListener(mclListener);
I realize the code is wrong. I wondered if it was possible after loading an external .swf ("1_movie.swf") within the container, if you could then press a button (enter_button) located within the external .swf ("1_movie.swf") , and use the preloader code to load another external .swf on release ("tree20.swf"). I'm having trouble because the preloader code is in the main timeline of my main flash file ("index.fla"), and I don't know how to make the preloader code recognize the button located within the external .swf, and use it to load another external .swf within the same movie clip.
I'm using the preloader like the one rhamej posted here:
The part of the code I need help with is as follows:
[AS] //fire the MovieClipLoader and attach the listener to it var container1:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); container1.addListener(mclListener);
I realize the code is wrong. I wondered if it was possible after loading an external .swf ("1_movie.swf") within the container, if you could then press a button (enter_button) located within the external .swf ("1_movie.swf") , and use the preloader code to load another external .swf on release ("tree20.swf"). I'm having trouble because the preloader code is in the main timeline of my main flash file ("index.fla"), and I don't know how to make the preloader code recognize the button located within the external .swf, and use it to load another external .swf within the same movie clip.
In AS2 I need code for a button, on the main timeline, to go to a frame in a mc off the main time line. I have attached a picture of the time lines in case I have not articulated my needs well.
how to make a button go to a specific frame on the main timeline my button called a play_btn and i want it to go to a specific frame on the main timeline ???
I have this code below on this button that is inside of a movieclip. I just want this button to do is move the main timeline to a specific frame thats all.
I didnt put i a object name before the addeventlistener because I'm not sure what to put because if I put "this" the other buttons will bt controlled by this code and if i put "parent" only that button will work.
I've got a button on the main timeline that i only want to be visible on from frame 2 onwards. I know i could just place it on a new keyframe on frame 2 but then i can't get the AS on frame 1 to control it and i don't want to duplicate all my code. (Its static text, converted to a btn mc). why the following isn't working?
I have a main navigation bar on my main stage that is constant through out. I have converted the bar to a movie clip. How do i then tell the movie clip to look at the main stage, not inside the mc, when a button/mouse event is clicked. This is what i have.
stop(); name_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, enterMovie); function enterMovie(myEvent:MouseEvent):void{