ActionScript 2.0 :: Using GotoAndPlay From Inside A Movie Clip To Go Back To The Main Timeline
Aug 12, 2009
I have a ten-frame Flash doc. Seven of these frames have movie clips. What I want to do is be able to have a user navigate to another frame in the main timeline by clicking a button at the end of each movieclip.
I'm using this code:
gotoAndPlay("Scene 1",6);
And I"m not getting errors but it's not working when I launch the movie.
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Dec 6, 2009
I have my flash document set up in the following way: On the main timeline I have my buttons that I want to play movie clips embedded inside a movie clip on the main timeline.However, when I click each different button, the current movie clip stops playing and then the movie clip corresponding to the button plays.
I want them all to be able to play at once. So for example you push button 1 and the alien plays, but half way through you could click button 2 and the alien clip would keep playing, but also the helicopter clip would begin to play as well.Here is the code I have so far:
building_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, alien);
building_btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helicopter);
function helicopter(e:MouseEvent):void {[code]......
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Aug 15, 2009
I`m a AS2 user, having a few problems getting adjusted to AS 3. What I want to do: In my stage I have 3 movieclips:
- Intro (frame 1)
- Main (2)
- End (3)
In the movieclip Intro i show some pictures etc, when it comes to the end, i want to go to the 2nd frame on the MAIN timeline. This used to be _root.gotoAndPlay("main"); using the hierarchy allways starting from _root or _level0. or _parent... I have tried searching but am not sure how to lookup this problem. I would be really happy if someone could post me a link how to address movieclips through other movieclips or starting from the root in AS3 and for the right code to use the function gotoAndPlay to go 1 frame further in the main timeline.
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Jan 6, 2009
I created an empty MC on the main timeline:
var ribbonMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
On the main timeline I have another MC which loads a DataGrid mcomponent.I have a ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK attached the DataGrid.When a row is clicked, I want to replace the ribbonMC clip I created with a different MC.However, no matter what I do I cannot seem to
properly remove the clip and add it to the main timeline in its place.I have tried getChildByName() in order to grab the clip:
var rmc:DisplayObject = getChildByName("ribbonMC"); (I've
tried type MovieClip here too)
But all I seem to get is a null object, so it cannot be unloaded. Even if I did grab it, I cannot seem to figure out how to add my new MC to the main timeline from inside the current movie clip in any event. Since _root is no longer used in AS3.
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a movie clip on the main stage- inside that movie clip is a button- I want that button to contol a function on the main timeline-
example: Button Script
closeAll_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goCloseAll);
function goCloseAll(e:MouseEvent):void {
****don't know what to put here to activate "closeAllOpenMovieClips" function on main stage****
example: Main Stage Timeline Script
function closeAllOpenMovieClips():void { trek_mc.gotoAndStop(1); lost_arts_mc.gotoAndStop(1); rain_mc.gotoAndStop(1); vintage_mc.gotoAndStop(1);}
***don't know if I need more script on Main Stage Timeline that just "function" ***
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function replayMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
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Jul 26, 2010
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Jun 10, 2009
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Feb 23, 2011
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Feb 2, 2010
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a file comprised of 1 scene and two movie clips. The clips are instanced into the Main Timeline and occupy Frames 1 and 2 respectively.MovieClip1 is an animation that has navigation buttons that appear at the end of the clip. I'm trying to get mouse click navigation to make Frame 2 on the Main Timeline active.
Here is what I'm trying but it is not working:
btExplore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ExploreClick);
function ExploreClick (evt:MouseEvent):void {
this takes the animation to Frame 2 of the Movie Clip Timeline not Frame 2 the Main Timeline.
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Mar 16, 2012
On the main timeline I have a movie clip called clock_mc and playBtn playBtn is placed in the center of clock_mc When you press playBtn clock_mc starts playing
playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playClock);
function playClock(event:MouseEvent):void
if ( == playBtn)
I've tryed to placed the replayBtn on the stage on the main timeline and I've set it up to replayBtn.visible = false; And then I add replayBtn.visible = true; to last AS frame of clock_mc but it wont work Even when I put the button physically to the last frame of clock_mc it will not work either.
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Nov 24, 2005
I am targeting a a movie clip. The problem is that all the syntax I have found for targetting clips looks like this: etc. The problem is, my target clip is in an swf that I've loaded into a container clip from my main timeline. So, essentially, I have a home.swf that loads menu.swf into a container called 'location'. In menu.swf, I have an MC called center, which contains the MC I am targetting called 'target'.
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Nov 23, 2009
is there anyway to have a button play frames 5-10 on a movie clip inside the current frame, as well as skipping to...lets say...frame 10 of the scene?
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Jan 8, 2009
I'm using Flash 8 and I'm having an issue getting back to the main stage once a movie clip has played. I have my file set up with three movie clips on the main stage. One just plays which is the banner, there are two rollover buttons on that mc for panel1_mc and panel2_mc. When you rollover to view panel1 it plays fine, but inside I have another button to take you to panel 2. That wont work...this is what I have for code for the button inside the clip:
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Oct 16, 2010
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Mar 31, 2011
How do i make a movie clip go back to the main stage once it is clicked.. it has a roll in and out which is inside the movie clip.. i have a door and i want it so when you click the door it goes to another key frame on the main stage
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Jun 25, 2009
I had attach a few movieclip in the main stage by using addChild() method. If I going to refer back to them inside other movieclip, How can i do so..
For example,
//attaching at the main stage
var earth1:MovieClip = new earth()
How can I refer back this Movieclip from other movieclip's timeline?
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Dec 22, 2009
I am simply trying to tell my main timeline to go to the next frame when a movie clip reaches the end of its timeline (using AS3). Here is what I have which does not work.
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Jul 16, 2010
I've got mc and at the and I would like to go to the main timeline and do something else. How would I could do it?
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Apr 26, 2011
I have a move clip with several buttons inside; their rollover seems fine.i am trying to get the buttons in the clip to address/go to the main movie timeline. Button names within the clip: c_btn, d_btn, etc. These are the symbols names; they have not been given unique instance names within the clip. The clip name is nav_all and its instance on the timeline is
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Apr 26, 2009
I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.
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Jan 29, 2003
I have a movie in the main timeline that has 3 movies inside with 3 buttons to play them.I Want to force the user to click in the 3 movies before they jump to a diferent frame in the main timeline.
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