ActionScript 2.0 :: Direct That Movie To Go Back To Frame 299 Once It Is Finished Playing / Can Choose Different Button?

Nov 3, 2009

what happens is I have a movie that play out to a lets say frame 299 then 3 buttons will show up on the stage. now when I press button 1 it will start playing a movie starting on frame 300. How can I direct that movie to go back to frame 299 once it is finished playing so I can choose a different button?I know I can add another button at the final frame to do that but I'm not sure if I want to go that route.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load The Clip And Wait Until It Is Finished Then Immediately Choose A Frame On Load?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm using loadMovie() to load external swf's and then send the swf to a specific frame, depending on the button that is pressed.


Unfortunately it ignores the second line, which appears to be because the movie hasn't loaded by time it gets to the next line. As a work-around I made an interval to check for the movieclip width to be more than 0 and then run a function that chooses the desired frame, but this is very unreliable. Is there a simple way to load the clip and wait until it is finished, then immediately choose a frame on load?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing A Movie Clip From A Certain Frame To A Certain Frame With A Button

Jan 7, 2009

I have an invisible button and only one mc, the mc loops 3x then stops, this is defined with as in mc.

Now i want to play the movie from the invisible button but only loop it once. Which means i would like to play it from frame 1 to frame 215.

And also when u rollout i would like the movie to stop and go to frame 1.

this is my button code so far

on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("loader")


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Finish Playing When A Button Is Clicked And Then Go To The Frame Label Associated With The Button

Jun 2, 2011

Anyway what I need to do is have a movie clip finish playing when a button is clicked and then go to the frame label associated with the button. I hope I'm explaining myself ok. So if I had say 4 buttons Home Gallery About Contact If Contact is clicked then I want the Home page to play (Which is a fade out) and then go to Contact Page (which will fade in). Then If Gallery is clicked then I want Contact to fade out and then go to Gallery page and fade in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Movie Clips Back To Back?

Sep 14, 2011

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right now, when ctrl+enter it plays nothing. i actually have to rewind it to have it play the first clip. then it just repeats the first clip and completely skips the second. in the first clip's timeline, I have a parent.gotoAndPlay(2); on the last frame.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Playing Movie Clips Back To Back

Sep 14, 2011

I have some knowledge of Flash, but not enough obviously. Right now I've got the standard scene 1 with three frames on it. the first frame has a movie clip with about a 70 frame timeline. the second frame has a movie clip with about a 20 frame timeline. the third frame is black with a stop action. i'm trying to make a leaderboard banner, and i need each clip to play one after the other. right now, when ctrl+enter it plays nothing. i actually have to rewind it to have it play the first clip. then it just repeats the first clip and completely skips the second. in the first clip's timeline, I have a parent.gotoAndPlay(2); on the last frame.

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Jan 8, 2010

Normally, I want the movie to play the tween that spans from 25 to 35, then stop UNLESS a button has been clicked back on frame 24 - then I want the tween played from 25 to 35 then jump to 46.Problem is, in the button function code, if I have...gotoAndPlay(25); gotoAndPlay(46);the timeline jumps straight to 46 - it doesn't play 25-35. Why?I tried putting a timer in between the two gotoAndPlays, but itignored that too and jumped to 46.o how do I tell it - 'play from 25-35 and stop, unless but_a was pressed back on Frame 24 - then play 25-35, and then play 46' ?

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I want my MC to load after a button is clicked. When that MC is finished playing I want an imported FLV to play. [code]...

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Sep 6, 2010

I have a simple Flash-player button (toggle play/stop) that plays MP3s. When I press play the MP3 starts and the button changes to stop. When I press again the music stops and the stop-button changes to play. I have several player-buttons on my page. How do I stop all sounds when I press play on one of the buttons? As of now, I can start several MP3 at the same time and I don't want that. I've tried this:
But it doesn't work out. Do I need to number the players somehow?

Also, when the MP3 has finished playing it should turn into a play button. As of right now it's a stop-button when it's finished playing. How do I change it to a play-button? This is the Actionscript 3 code:
var flashVars=this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
var loadSnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest(flashVars.myVar);
var thisSnd:Sound = new Sound();
var sndTrans: SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash : Loading Bar Not Finished When Movie Starts Playing?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm using the same code I always use for preloading another swf but it's not working this time. The problem this time is that when the loading bar gets to 16% every time you can hear the movie I'm loading playing in the background. I can just add a stop to the first frame of the movie I'm loading ("trial_1.swf") but how do I tell it to go to the second frame once it has loaded?

Here's my code:

var myrequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest ("trial_1.swf");
var myloader:Loader = new Loader();


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Javascript :: Detect A Flash Movie Has Finished Playing With Jquery And Then Run A Function

Jan 11, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping - Make The Movie Loop Direct To Frame Two And Miss The Preloader?

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Have used the preloader at [URL] and it seems to work fine however after the last frame of the movie it appears to flick (quickly) back to the preloader info, note I want the movie to loop continually. Is there a way I can add something that will make the movie loop direct to frame two and miss the preloader?

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Flash CS4 : Have Movie Return To Certain Frame When Finished?

Jan 31, 2003

I have a short Flash movie I made in Flash CS4. I figured out how to make the movie stop at the end so it won't loop forever, and I have a Replay button that appears and restarts the movie. But my directives have changed and I now need to know how to make the movie -- when it ends -- automatically go to and stop on frame 22 of the movie and also have that Replay button then appear when it does stop on frame 22. (Frame 1 through 22 is a gradual fade-in to the first scene, that's why I don't want the replay button to appear on frame 1).

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Flash CS4: Have Movie Return To Certain Frame When Finished

Dec 11, 2009

I have a short Flash movie I made in Flash CS4. I figured out how to make the movie stop at the end so it won't loop forever, and I have a Replay button that appears and restarts the movie. But my directives have changed and I now need to know how to make the movie -- when it ends -- automatically go to and stop on frame 22 of the movie and also have that Replay button then appear when it does stop on frame 22. (Frame 1 through 22 is a gradual fade-in to the first scene, that's why I don't want the replay button to appear on frame 1).

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CS3 Typing-Button Interaction - Only Plays Next Frame And Then Goes Back To The Frame Where It Stopped

Mar 20, 2010

I hit enter,it only plays next frame and then goes back to the frame where it stopped. What I've tried was something like:

if (Key.isDown.ENTER){

I want it to play all the way to the end,not just go back.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Listener To Determine When The Movie Clip Is Finished Then Move To The Next Frame?

Nov 13, 2009

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons - Take The Movie Back To The First Frame And Works On The Third Frame

Jun 21, 2009

I've got a movieclip acting as a button. Code on the button itself handles roll-over/-out states, and I define an onRelease function in the main timeline as follows:


This code takes the movie back to the first frame and works on the third frame. For some reason, though, the same code on the fifth frame has no effect. The button doesn't do anything. I have tried using the same button, I tried inserting a new keyframe with a new button, renaming the button, etc. and for some reason I just can't get it to work on the fifth frame. If it helps to visualize, I am essentially making a menu. The first frame contains buttons to take you to submenus, located on following slides. This button to go back to the original menu is on each frame with a submenu, but for some reason only works on one of them.

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Professional :: Choose Between 2 Flash, To Be Back Of The Other Or Reverse?

Mar 23, 2010

I have 2 flash in my website.One is background and the other is menubarThe problem is that the menubar is sent to back of the other flash(background).

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Actionscript 3 :: Stop Movie (from Current Frame) Playing When I Click On Next Frame?

Apr 8, 2010

I have four movie clips (.f4v) in 4 frames in a movie with watch buttons.. This movie has them been imported into a main movie container that has next and previous buttons. However if i play a movie then hit next frame, the movie continues to play in the background. The code below shows one of the actionscripts for a movie clip and then the main actionscript in the main movie.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Back Button To The Specified Frame

May 31, 2010

Im trying to make a back button using AS3 in CS4 here is the code im using function onClick12(event:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndPlay(50);} reo_btn.addEventListener MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onClick12); it brings me back to the specified frame but when I click next on that frame it brings me to the frame following the one with the back button. here is my code for one of those frames stop();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Back Button That Is Not Sequential Frame

Feb 2, 2012

I have a button that needs to goes back to the last frame. But the user can get to each frame in different configuations so back is not a sequential frame. Is there a way to go to the last frame that was accessed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Back Button To Bring Last Visited Frame

Jun 19, 2007

How to make a "back button", that would bring me to the frame that I last visited.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 2.0 Button - Back To Previous Frame?

Jan 3, 2009

I have a project that have lots of Scenes (50 or so with lots of buttons that link to movies, in most cases I have several buttons linking to the same movie) So..I created a scene called "movies".I have about 90 movies on each frame (90 blank keyframes) with a stop action , FLV Move Progressive download, and a back Button on each framewhen the user clicks on a that back button I want the program to go back where the user just was, Not the Previous Frame with in the timeline or scene.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: When Click A Separate Button That Takes Me Back To Frame 1

May 22, 2011


I am also having issues with the logo loading a second time when I click a separate button that takes me back to frame 1 with the code that creates the empty movie clip.

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