ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Finish Playing When A Button Is Clicked And Then Go To The Frame Label Associated With The Button
Jun 2, 2011
Anyway what I need to do is have a movie clip finish playing when a button is clicked and then go to the frame label associated with the button. I hope I'm explaining myself ok. So if I had say 4 buttons Home Gallery About Contact If Contact is clicked then I want the Home page to play (Which is a fade out) and then go to Contact Page (which will fade in). Then If Gallery is clicked then I want Contact to fade out and then go to Gallery page and fade in.
I wanted to know how to link Button within a movie clip linking to Frame Label?I am using Action-script 3.0
I am trying to use the following AS inside the movie clip from where i want to go to the other frame labeled as advt_sms but i am not able to go to that page [code]...
I wanted to know how to link Button within a movie clip linking to Frame Label?I am using Action-script 3.0
I am trying to use the following AS inside the movie clip from where i want to go to the other frame labeled as advt_sms but i am not able to go to that page[code]...
I want to do something like gotoAndPlay(frame label) for a movie clip with the instance name content. I am using an array for my buttons placing multiple instances of the button mc on the stage. When I add content.gotoAndPlay I get an access of undefined property error. If I add it inside the parenthesis I get an expecting identifier before my frame label name error.
I want to link a button in my main timeline to a label- frame in a movie clip. The movie clip is called "Adetail" and the label is "on01"... I type in the following script
I have 4 flyout buttons on my flash and when you RollOut of the button, it plays the closing animation. But if you quickly move the mouse back onto the button before it is finished playing the RollOut, then it gets stuck and flashes and kind of strobes.
I want to link a button to a movie clip, but it will not play. Here is how it is set up. On my main scene on second layer on frame 2, I have a movie called homeContent within which I have another movie called pdbutton within which I have another movie called pdrbt. This movie called pdrbt needs to play a movie on the main scene on layer content on frame 3 movie called streetSidemc_mc. Here is my code,
function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void {; } pdrbt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playMovie);
Pretend a button is selected - when that button is selected it goes to the active frame which shows that the button is selected. When you click another button it currently resets itself - BUT - I want it to go to and play frame "mouse_out" and than reset itself. Below is the code I am currently working wtih:
I need to place a lot of buttons in the scene with different labels. I have created one button (not ui component). It is having custom look and feel. And I have placed many of the instances of this button in the scene.Now I need to add different labels two each button. These labels are not simply some texts, but movie clips.So how can I place these labels to each button? Placing an empty movie clip and calling attachMovie in action script failed..I am not sure how to achieve my requirement. If needed, I can give more explanation about the requirement.
On looking into buttons, I understand that to get a movie clip to play when a button is clicked you simply place the movie clip on the buttons 'hit' state. Having done this it does not work? Have I read wrong? Also the movie clip has a background the full size of the stage area. So when I attach this to the button, the button changes size to the same size as the movie? (i.e. whole stage area). How do I keep the button in it's original size while still playing the movie clip with large background?
When you click on a button it loads the movie clip that is on the main timeline. What I want to be able to do is when you click on another button the movie clip that you are on reverses and the new movie clip loads up.
I have three buttons: each one changes a variable to a name: one, two and three and plays the movie.when the movie gets to frame 100, it should get the variable and play the label with the same name of the button...How should be the AS of this frame so it plays to the correct label?
I'm using a movie clip as a button to show content on a page, effectively its like a new page of the website. Problem is, with the script im using for it, once the content is show, the button is still active and if clicked again, will re-load the content. I want a way to effectively disable the button whist the content is shown.
I want to play a movie clip when I click a button.I made 3 states: inicial (how it looks before anything happens) (up)hover (plays an animation after waiting 20 frames) (over)click (plays an animation right away) (down)I placed these movie clips inside of my button's up, over, and down frames. This works great except when I click, i'll need to click and hold for my animation to get past the first frame.
I am trying to build a website, and here is the logic behind my problem. I have 2 button, when user clicked on button 1 i load movie clip from library with: _parent._parent.cont.attachMovie("Page1", "e", 0, {_x:-265, _y:-250}); when user clicked on button 2, i load other movie clip. Problem: i want remove last movie clip after user clicked on button 2 and then load new movie clip but i cant...
I have a button that when clicked starts a movie clip(a box enlarges from very tiny to large).That works fine. How do I make the same button reverse the movie clip when clicked again?
I have many buttons in a few movie files, i need to select a few of these buttons and store them in an array so i use....
var twocolourbuttons:Array = ["mybutton1", "mybutton23", "mybutton34"];
I then need to show a movie file if the button that has been clicked on is in the array. so something like...
if is in the array show the movie twocolor.visible = true;
i then need to go to a certain frame of the movie, depending upon where the button is found in the array. So if the button is at position three of the array, i need to jump to keyframe 3 of my movie.
I have three buttons, btn_1,btn_2,btn_3, and two movie clips, image_1,image_2. The names listed btn_1,btn_2,btn_3, image_1,image_2. are all instance names. All buttons and movie clips are on their own layer in a single frame on the main time line. the movie clips have a stop action on the first and last frame, with a frame label, on the first frame in the sub time line. For image_1 the frame label is image_1_1 and for image_2 the frame label is image_2_1.
I would like btn_1 and btn_2 to control the movie clips, image_1,image_2. Either button should be able to close the other buttons movie clip and play it's own movie clip. Also i am trying to make the movie clips themselves have the ability to be closed by clicking on the movie clip image area that is playing. Both movie clips when not playing hide behind the appropriate button with an alfa of 0.
When playing they expand to the middle of the window and are at 100% alfa, using a tween. The third button, btn_3 should only be visible when one or the other movie clisp are playing. btn_3 dose nothing else but this for now. As of now, my movies continuously loop and btn_3 is always visible. I can't seem to figure this out. my code for this action is:
Normally, I want the movie to play the tween that spans from 25 to 35, then stop UNLESS a button has been clicked back on frame 24 - then I want the tween played from 25 to 35 then jump to 46.Problem is, in the button function code, if I have...gotoAndPlay(25); gotoAndPlay(46);the timeline jumps straight to 46 - it doesn't play 25-35. Why?I tried putting a timer in between the two gotoAndPlays, but itignored that too and jumped to 46.o how do I tell it - 'play from 25-35 and stop, unless but_a was pressed back on Frame 24 - then play 25-35, and then play 46' ?
I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.
Baisically I've created a button using symbol and I want the button to move a movie clip up the y axis by 4 every time it is clicked (move the movie.) I really don't know how to do this. This is what I currently have but its not ActionScript:
I have a character, And in its movieclip I`ve got 3 frames (first has an idle pose, second a walking pose and third a running pose), each with a movieclip with an action in it.Well, what I wanted is that when I am walking with this character, and press the SHIFT key he runs.And I`ve got the following code
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT))[code]....
But when I click the shift button, he shows the first frame static of the movie clip in frame 3 (running frame).
i am new to this site and also to AS i am trying to create a an expand and collapse functionality in which i want a movie clip to shrink and disappear when i click on a button and reappear when i click it again the solution that i came up with was i animated the movie clip shrinking and disappearing and now i think playing the timeline in reverse will solve the other half and i also added the stop script at the 1st and last frame of the movie clip.
i tried a lot and a number tried and tested the no of scripting techniques posted on other threads
what happens is I have a movie that play out to a lets say frame 299 then 3 buttons will show up on the stage. now when I press button 1 it will start playing a movie starting on frame 300. How can I direct that movie to go back to frame 299 once it is finished playing so I can choose a different button?I know I can add another button at the final frame to do that but I'm not sure if I want to go that route.
I have a Movie Clip that has 4 pictures on 4 frames.There is also a stop(); action after each picture. What I'm trying to do is have a button that is right below the movie clip and when clicked, it goes to the next picture in the series. How can I do this?