ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Last Movie Clip After User Clicked On Button
Sep 24, 2011
I am trying to build a website, and here is the logic behind my problem. I have 2 button, when user clicked on button 1 i load movie clip from library with: _parent._parent.cont.attachMovie("Page1", "e", 0, {_x:-265, _y:-250}); when user clicked on button 2, i load other movie clip. Problem: i want remove last movie clip after user clicked on button 2 and then load new movie clip but i cant...
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Jun 2, 2011
Anyway what I need to do is have a movie clip finish playing when a button is clicked and then go to the frame label associated with the button. I hope I'm explaining myself ok. So if I had say 4 buttons Home Gallery About Contact If Contact is clicked then I want the Home page to play (Which is a fade out) and then go to Contact Page (which will fade in). Then If Gallery is clicked then I want Contact to fade out and then go to Gallery page and fade in.
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Apr 12, 2009
On looking into buttons, I understand that to get a movie clip to play when a button is clicked you simply place the movie clip on the buttons 'hit' state. Having done this it does not work? Have I read wrong? Also the movie clip has a background the full size of the stage area. So when I attach this to the button, the button changes size to the same size as the movie? (i.e. whole stage area). How do I keep the button in it's original size while still playing the movie clip with large background?
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Nov 1, 2009
Im trying to load a movie clip when a button is clicked
heres the actionscript im using
on (release) { this._parent.loadMovie("Video.swf", "holder", 1); holder._x = 611; holder._y = -92;}
i want the swf to load into the holder MC, instead its loading the video.swf file and replacing the original swf
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Mar 2, 2006
When you click on a button it loads the movie clip that is on the main timeline. What I want to be able to do is when you click on another button the movie clip that you are on reverses and the new movie clip loads up.
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Feb 7, 2007
I've got about 6 buttons laid out, one on top of the other in a list format. In their normal state the buttons are grey in colour, when I rollover them, the buttons flash and turn to orange. Now, what I need to happen is this: I want the buttons to stay orange once clicked and only roll out back to grey when the user has clicked on another button in the list. I've been told that the best way to do this is via adding a listener, however I am a little unsure as to how to go about this. I've checked the flash help file and have a basic understanding of how listeners work...but can't really wrap my head around applying it to this situation. Perhaps I will need to have all the buttons as separate broadcasters?
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Apr 10, 2009
I'm using a movie clip as a button to show content on a page, effectively its like a new page of the website. Problem is, with the script im using for it, once the content is show, the button is still active and if clicked again, will re-load the content. I want a way to effectively disable the button whist the content is shown.
this.services_inner.buttonMode = true;
this.services_inner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rollOver_services);
this.services_inner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_services);
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May 17, 2011
I want to play a movie clip when I click a button.I made 3 states: inicial (how it looks before anything happens) (up)hover (plays an animation after waiting 20 frames) (over)click (plays an animation right away) (down)I placed these movie clips inside of my button's up, over, and down frames. This works great except when I click, i'll need to click and hold for my animation to get past the first frame.
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Aug 1, 2010
I have a button that when clicked starts a movie clip(a box enlarges from very tiny to large).That works fine. How do I make the same button reverse the movie clip when clicked again?
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Apr 30, 2009
Basically I have a movieclip that when I roll_over it reveals two buttons that I then need to use to remove movieclips that are on the same stage as the original movie clip. So the button inside the movieclip needs to remove a different movieclip that is also up on level.I've tried this many different ways, none seem to work. The error that I keep getting is undefined property of "grey_mc." And yes I made sure it has an instance name of grey_mc on the main stage. my code looks like:
removeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent) {
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Apr 12, 2011
Baisically I've created a button using symbol and I want the button to move a movie clip up the y axis by 4 every time it is clicked (move the movie.) I really don't know how to do this. This is what I currently have but its not ActionScript:
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Mar 4, 2010
What I'm trying to do - remove/delete a movie-clip once a button has been pressed (Selling a tower)My problem - Is that from my limited knowledge none of the following work.
Turret.removeChild(myTower); - (trying to reference the class of the turret so that it can access the movieclip)
This function is placed in the first frame of the source.fla where all main functions are.The turret has its own class defining its properties and such.Basically what i want to happen is when the button function is activated to remove the movieclip Turret and the class from running.
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Nov 5, 2009
How can I make out, user has clicked which button? I can do it in AS3 with the help of "". How can it be done in AS2?
for(var j:Number=1; j<=4; j++)
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Nov 4, 2010
I have several Buttons that are inside movie clip instances (so I can do onClip Event and move them around), how do I make it so when the button is clicked; it disappears.
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Sep 7, 2010
iam tring to make a new project , i just wants to know how to make a movie clip ( constant speed ) follows anther movie clip <--- "which can be moved by the user "
<<<>>>> i believe that this idea is good , that i records the X and Y postion of the User's movie clip and just make the other movie clip points at this postion and move toward it ,
how to make the other Movie clip (( which is a car ! .. so it have acceleration , speed , steering , etc )) go to this position or let us say try to??
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Mar 5, 2010
What i want to happen seems quite simple yet i keep getting the error "access of undefined property" when what i'm trying to remove is in fact defined in the same class but it obviously cannot gain access to it.
I want to remove a MovieClip from the stage once a button has been clicked.The MovieClip is created in the same class as my button function i created. The button works fine but whatever i try to put within the function to remove the MovieClip cause the error i mentioned at the start.
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Jan 8, 2009
do to the lack of good on Kongregate, I have come here =D
if(_root.row2.block1._x == _root.row1.block1._x)
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Jun 26, 2009
Hi, I'm making a simple target shooting game in Flash CS3, and need to know how to make it so when you click on a movie clip, it adds 1 to a dynamic text box reading 00.
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Feb 23, 2010
How could you place a movie clip on a click in the same position you click?
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Aug 31, 2005
I normally write javascript code, so I wonder how to do this. In JS "Microsoft IS" you'll write code like this:
document.onclick = func;
function func()
var obj = event.srcElement; //And there I have reference to the object;
The graphic designer creates flash drawings and then converts whatever objects to movieclips. Then passes them over to me. All these "mc" need the same action applied to them. So I don't need to know how many they are or their names.
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Jan 13, 2009
what i want to happen: when you click on gallery -> then bfa, it shows a list of names (movie clips). when you rollover a name, it plays a yellow fade in and a fade out on rollout. when you click a name, it opens an external movie clip that takes up the fullscreen. i want the movie clip that was just clicked to stay activated (yellow - to show that you already viewed this one) but still be clickable.
the this.enabled = false; keeps the name yellow but once you click it, you can no longer click this link. i think i'm really close and i hope I explained this as clear as possible. i just need to know what script would keep the movie clip stuck on the out.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a movie clip that i want to use for a button, so that when it is clicked it will move from scene1 to scene2
is there a way to make it change when the movie clip is clicked or is it only possible on a button? i want to use a movie clip because my "button" animates when the mouse hovers over it.
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May 26, 2003
if i wanted to disable something like a movie clip from being clickbale (i have already linked it to a function) if i want to diable the movie clip form being clicked unless something else has been pushed how would i do this and where would i put it? also if its not too much trouble could you explain the code a little bit
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May 3, 2008
a gallery, i done the the roll over and roll out effects by using this keyword, now i want to add a + symbol over the imagewhen the image is clicked when the user clicks again the images with symbols it should clear the + symbol from the images,
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Oct 25, 2005
What is the code I use to find out how many movie clips are inside a movie clip and then remove them?
clips = some_mc.numberOfClipsAtThisLocation;
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May 7, 2005
I would like to make a movie clip's height change when it is clicked. However, I can't figure out how to do it so that it smooth like a tweening.
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Feb 21, 2010
I have created a flash website, each button is a movie clip with an invisible button over it containing the following script
on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_profile_btn = true;
on (rollOut) {
each page is also a movie clip and on release of a button its played. the problem is that when i press another button to play another movie clip 'page' the old content is still there.
Is there a way of reversing the page transition i have used to bring out the movie clip and then bring in the next movie clip.
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Nov 13, 2010
I am loading eight external swfs by way of eight buttons with actionscript to remove the swfs and sound after a new button is clicked. This works fine except that as soon as you get to the frame where the actionscript is all the swfs load at one time on top of each other. I don't want any to load until the button is clicked for the right one. MouseEvent listener works but only after all the swfs have loaded. How do I get the swfs to load only when the buttons are clicked. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
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