ActionScript 3.0 :: Previous And Next Buttons - Zoom In On Some Content And Have New Layers Fade In And Out?
Jan 11, 2010
I'm trying to do a presentation of some Adobe Illustrator graphics in flash for an architectual presentation. I want to zoom in on some content and have new layers fade in and out. I guess this is done by tweens, as I had som succes in that direction.The problem becomes obvious when I want to control my presentation. I want to set cue points/keyframes/whatever so that the presentation will start at the click of a 'next button' or a click og the mouse. Then I want it to stop at some point when the tween/moving around of objects is done, so that I have talking time before playing the next tween with a click etc.
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Aug 31, 2011
I have a movie clip (mc) with the alpha set to 0 (invisible). if you click on the stage it sets the mc's alpha to 0.4, before fading to alpha 0 again in 1.5 seconds. Here the code:
mc.alpha = 0.4;
tweenOut = new Tween(mc, "alpha", Regular.easeIn, mc.alpha, 0, 1.5, true );
Basically you click on the stage, the mc appears and then fades away within 1.5 seconds. Here's my problem...
If I click on the stage again before the fade has completed, nothing happens. I have to wait the full 1.5 seconds before I can do it again.
Anyone know how I can make this work irrespective if the previous fade out has finished or not?
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Jan 29, 2004
am a graphic artist trying to be a web designer and it's not working! I am constructing a website where I have a navigation menu nested within a movieclip. On each button click I want the current content to fade out and the new content to fade in. Content consists of new imagery and text. Now since I have these buttons nested within a MC I realize I'm unable to simply use simple gotoAndPlay because it will not be referencing the main timeline. Forgive my AS ignorance,
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Dec 15, 2011
I have this code for my effect to zoom in and zoom out in certains buttons
canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, canadaover);
function canadaover(event:MouseEvent):void
the problem is when u reach certain corner of the button it kinda gets into a loop, any ideas how can i fix this?
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Jul 19, 2010
I've learned how to link XML to my FLA and have it populate info boxes. Its easy to do this at the state level but I'd now like to do this for all the counties in the US.I'd like to be able to mouse over a state and get information pertinent to each state (this I know how to do). When one clicks on the state, they'll then fly-in to a more zoomed level where they can see county-level information.Should I build this so that clicking on a state simply loads a new FLA specific to that state and its counties? This seems easy but clunkyIt seems smarter to have all the info in one FLA. When you click on a state, you'll zoom into that states level and then have the ability to click on counties and get their infoDoes anyone have suggestions as to what I should learn next to start making this thing scalable (i.e. how to click on a state and zoom-in)?
View 6 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
I'm trying to do a presentation of some Adobe Illustrator graphics in flash for an architectural presentation. I want to zoom in on some content and have new layers fade in and out. I guess this is done by tweens, as I had some success in that direction. The problem becomes obvious when I want to control my presentation. I want to set cue points/keyframes/whatever so that the presentation will start at the click of a 'next button' or a click og the mouse. Then I want it to stop at some point when the tween/moving around of objects is done, so that I have talking time before playing the next tween with a click etc.
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Apr 1, 2011
I have 4 buttons, I need each button to fade the others out as the mouseover event occurs. I can get this to work if I add in one other button to the actionscript on one, but as soon as I add actionscript for another one I get errors.
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Apr 28, 2005
I have a page with alot of logos (buttons) and I would want so when the mouse is over a logo all the others fade like 50% and when you move your mouse away they go back to 100%, This should be for every button on the stage.
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Feb 23, 2009
I have to create a map in flash (I'm most likely going to be bringing in graphics from fireworks, but that's a separate issue).I have been provided with an xml document which (I am hoping anyway) will dictate which country on the map should change to a clickable state. This xml document is being output from a database for which some countries will have a 'story' behind them some won't .. but over time each country gets a story.
Primarily, the flash movie therefore needs to 'know' when a country has something to display.Thus far, I reckon the xml document will have to have a value for each country which says content = true or false (or content="0" or "1" .. meaning the same thing).The flash movie then needs to parse the xml value to enable it to display a clickable version of the country visible (layer / movie clip visibility?) IF that country now has clickable content .. else it just sits there in a different colour (i.e. greyed out) and isn't clickable. Hopefully the xml document will eventually also contain the URL which the button needs, so the right page opens when it's clicked. how do I link each country to it's bit of the xml document to control the movie clip visibility and pull it's getURL data to achieve this?
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm designing a site for a friend and I have a menu bar across the top with 6 buttons. I made your basic rollover with CSS, but now I'm asked if something can be done about the abrupt change from the down state to the rollover state. Not knowing much at all about Flash, I thought this would be pretty simple and a good way to get acquainted with the program. But after spending hours today rummaging through Google I'm considering digging my eyes out with a spoon. It seems that no tutorial quite tells me what I need to do, and when I try to adapt what I'm told to what I need, it all stops working. There seems to be a dozen different ways to do the same thing and now I'm just really confused. So here is what I need:
When you mouse over the button, it quickly transitions/fades into the highlight/rollover image. When you move the cursor away, it fades back to normal. And *possibly* a quick transition to another highlight on click.
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May 15, 2009
I need to create in which two images fade in and fade out, and each of them must be clickable and hyperlink to a separate URL.I've got the fading going okay, but I cannot for the life of me get even a single button to work on it.
View 44 Replies
Jul 22, 2008
Nowadays I tend to use photoshop and dreamweaver more than flash. how to do it? I can make the fading out movie clip, but it's just a case of telling the button to do that on release of it!
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Aug 12, 2009
im working on a zoom/pan gallery and i have a problem that i can't solve.URL...the pan buttons are not working but the zoom and reset buttons works. im working on movie the image using the mouse now, if you will hold the image and move it it will drag it on stage.the image is a loader the loads and image and placed on screen.there is a mask on top of it and a frame that indicates the size of the gallery.when the user pan the image loader content i want it to stop as soon as it gets to the gallery frame,but i cant seem to find the best way to do basicly when the image is in 100% i dont want the user to be able to drag it but after you zoom the user will be able to drag it but only to the edge of the frame so there wont be any white spaces.i tried a lot of different ways to do it but all of them are complicated and not working the way that i want them to work.
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Nov 2, 2011
I have a project for my website and I would like to add scrollbar to the 3 pages. I have different layers for each page (with animation on each of them) and some layers start at different frames for example layer 1 goes from frame 1 to 20 layer 2 from frame 5 to 20 layer 3 from frame 10 to 20 how can you do this? do you select everything on frame 20 and convert it into a MC? Where do place the mask?
I have seen the tutorial that explains how to scroll a movie clip but there was only 1 frame and I do not know how to adapt it to multiple layers
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May 14, 2009
I have an animation that shows items highlighted in a diagram. As the items are highlighted, the audio will play (to explain the animation). because we are creating this for people with possible disabilities, we also created captions with text for the audio. So, in separate layers, we created speech bubbles and text that is synchronized to the animated actions on the screen. this will also be synchronized with the audio. We want to have a button (close captioning button) that when users press it, they see the text captions and if they press it again, they don't see the text captions. my questions are
1) what will be the easiest way to create the effect i am looking for?
2) what actionscript command will i need for the button's actions?
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Oct 19, 2009
I curenttly making a simple online portfolio using flash (as3). Each piece of work i'm displaying resides within a mc on the main time line, and within that each piece of my work lives in its own keyframe, so the site has a basic 'mc.gotoandstop("label")' navigation. I can get my images to fade in using a AS tween, but I want to get the previous image/piece of work to fade out before jumping to the selected key frame and fading in the selected work. Currently, the innards of my button function reads something like:
tween (fadeout)
tween (fade in)
but this clearly not the right way to go about it? Is there a way of putting slight delay after the fade out tween in the function? To let it fully fade out before fading in the new work?
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Feb 9, 2006
I'd like to get the content sliding and then zooming in effect achieved here:I know that the the basic content slide works using the AS below.Any ideas on adapting this to get the effect achieved at Zebra? Or is a different approah needed?
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.targetx = 116;
_root.targety = 34;
View 6 Replies
Apr 3, 2007
I have 3 buttons profile, about and contact. what I am doing is when I click on profile all the buttons should fade off first and then only the about and contact button should appear on the scene.
bt_1.onRelease = function(){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(bt_1 >= 0){
This is the code for fade off all the buttons. Now I want to fade in only the bt_2 and bt_3 buttons. Is it possible
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Feb 1, 2010
i have common trouble with buttons. I have the map of county, divided to a regions. And if i rool over on the button (region) with AS2 calling animation some region. Problem begin if i need one animation on stage with information strip on top level and i need hide this strip if roll over on all stage. But not played animation in the regions.
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Aug 11, 2009
I have a cascading/collapse flash menu.There are about 7 layers, each one of them a different page that slides and covers the other layers.for some reason, all the buttons on the bottom layer (layer 1 for instance) can be clicked on even when the 6 other layers are ontop of it with their own links and buttons. How can I make it so all my buttons don't shine through all the other layers. I can't slide the layer away to get ride of the buttons because it is still partially viewed when the other layers are ontop of it. I can't figure out why the buttons in layer one can be clicked in layer 2 when its on top of layer 1, or layer 3,4,5,6,7 when they are on top of layer 1-i assumed these layers would block out the buttons and links in the first layer(which is on the way bottom)
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May 7, 2009
I'm using Flash CS3 Pro. and actionscript 2.0 for my flash documents.I have a flashfileA.swf which is a picture of a rotation shoe (view here)it has a slider bar that calls the action to zoom while rotating. if you checked it out, it works fine.
the code I have for the slider is this:
this.perc=0 ;
handle.onPress = function(){
so I have flashfileB.swf that I load that flashfileA.swf into. Initially, I was getting pages of pages of "Security Sandbox Violations".
I added the code:
in flashfileB.swf and that seemed to get rid of all of the violations but the slider doesn't zoom the shoe when I'm using it in flashfileB.swf I need to get the zoom to work while it's loaded within flashfileB.swf and I'm assuming it has to do with the way I coded it.
View 11 Replies
Aug 20, 2009
I am working on a project, an online document, that is going to require buttons for next page and previous page. I have laid out the document in InDesign and have created the buttons in Flash. My only problem is I don't know how to add that interactivity. I'm guessing it is just a couple lines of ActionSctipt but I am not sure.
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Apr 14, 2011
I have a flash application written in actionscript 2.0 that shows vector architectural maps and works perfectly on common web browsers. There are many interactions with javascript functions called by user events on the webpage, such as zooming to a certain x,y point. This event is usually accomplished via the mouse wheel.
Now I have to make sure that the thing works on tablet pc, in particular the Galaxy Tab. The first thing I have to fix is that, obviously, there is no mouse wheel and the user naturally tries to pinch zoom the flash application, with the result of zooming the entire web browser.
What I need is to listen to the multitouch gesture and, when a pinch zoom event is called, disable the default zooming event and call a javascript/flash function that allows my flash app to zoom only the objects that need to be zoomed: in few words, the browser stays still and only a part of the flash zooms in or out.
I already have working javascript functions to call flash object functions for the zooming purpose, so I just need to connect them to some android things that tell me when the user tries to pinch zoom in and when he tries to pinch zoom out (and possibly the x,y point of zoom).
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Dec 7, 2009
My main scene in only on 2 frames. On the second layers I have some buttons that activate my movie clips (on the third layer)... These buttons can be pressed 'randomly' and after the muvie clips are played my buttons (one by one) disappear to reveal what on the first layer. Here there's another button, but I want it to be active only after all my movie clips have been played. What kind of ActionScript should I use to tell flash to go to the second frame of my time line (where my button on the first layer is active) only after all the mcs have been played.
My file at the moment is in AS2... This should be a second part of a game. People who arrive at this stage should now which are the right buttons to press. If they press the right one a pop up opens and some buttons disappear to reveal the massage that's behind. When all the right buttons have been pressed I need to play the frame 'end' on my timeline... The attached fla is an example of mine animation the right buttons are the red ones.
example.swf (14.1 K) (269.8 K)
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Jul 27, 2011
I am trying to create a Flash website that with multiple pages. Each page has input text areas to collect a number of something. I would like to do the following :
Have multiple pages that keep the user's input data as they navigate back and forth between pages Allow the user to hit a simple "calculate" button to take the kept information on each page and show the end calculation of the entered data on each page on the main stage or page.
I would assume that to keep input information intact, the pages would all have to reside in FRAME 1 where the actionscript is kept and the main guts of the calculations occur. So, is there a way to make a multi-page website in Frame 1 only using only multiple layers where the page buttons simply only go to another layer rather than page. Or, can I create a multi-page website over many frames, keep the user entered data intact while navigating to each page and propigate/calculate that data when the user hits the "calculate" button on the main page?
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Apr 2, 2012
Using Flash CS3 and AS3 to build a learning module that will load different layers of SWF files based on buttons on the main screen. Got this working with no problems. What I want to do is add buttons to provide learners some functionality, specifically a forward button, back button and a check box that will keep advancing automatically. I've done massive searches and so far nothing seems to work. Seems like what I am acccessing so far is the main layer, not the new layers as they are loaded. Below is what I have been trying with the back button; the foward button uses nextFrame and is Handler2. It isn't working. Not even sure how to start with the checkbox for auto advance.
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Oct 22, 2009
I have created a button which contains a movie for each county, when a user rolls over it pops out and displays a list of names. The problem I have is each button is on a layer and when you roll over the bottom button it's hidden below the others. Is there a script to bring each layer to the front automatically? I'm new to flash so if possible could you please explain in layman's terms.
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Aug 14, 2009
i want to load in the images in projects and then have next/previous buttons for each project to look through the different images for the project. similar to how it is done in URL... (except that uses javascript, and that slides, mine can slide or fade in/out.)I have got one project on its own working. But i am not sure where is best to go to get the projects loading one after the other.[code]and i imagine my as3 code will include a for loop to grab each project and get the first image out of it for each one. and then next/previous buttons will cycle through each project.
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Mar 2, 2010
I am having a very unique problem: I am creating a simple flash website, and I have a series of buttons that link to a series of frames. There are 27 buttons, and each proceed to a separate labeled frame. Each of the frames is a short animation 13 frames long. The buttons are all versions of this:
Then, 13 frames into the animation I just have a stop(); command. My issue is that if you click on any button in the series, none of the buttons that go to frames before the current one work. If I click button 20 and go to the 20th animation in the set, buttons 1-19 don't work, but 21-27 still do.
What's more, from moving the actions around to see if they needed to be in the same key frame as the button, I found that if the actions are in a single key frame in any of the animations, the animation stops on the frame that the actions are in. I also found that each button will only work once.
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Feb 8, 2007
i'm trying to seperate some xml data into seperate pages. six entries on each page with three rows and two columns. i got the data to go into two i'm just trying to set up the next and previous buttons as well as showing only six entries per page.
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