Actionscript 2 :: Create A Global OnClick Event In Flash?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a Flash AS2 application that is made up of many SWF files. I need to create an OnClick event in a container SWF that will work for every SWF called. I am trying to avoid adding code to every SWF (over 100).

Currently I can get access to the click in the container for the first SWF but when the second SWF is called it seems to overwrite the container.

this._lockroot = true;
this.onMouseUp = function(){
//if not on login


How do I make where a click in the container will be triggered even if the SWF inside the container calls another SWF?

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myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
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var tracktype:Array = new Array;
var imgArray:Array = new Array;
var links:int;


But Now the problem is that when another button is clicked I have to add the listeners back on the button, but I cant get the button because they all have the same name. Same with addChild the animated movieclip. Can't remove it. The buttons have a variable name, and can be unlimited.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch And Listen For A Global Event?

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I know there's been quite a few posts about events, but I've run into a problem that I haven't really encountered before, and I've kind of confused myself with all the talk of "bubbles" and "capture" and various complexities of creating custom events, etc...Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to dispatch a global broadcast style of event.1) If I have a custom class that resides in the Display List (the DispatcherClass), how do I set up this class to broadcast a "global" event?Actionscript Code:1b) If I have another custom class that also resides in the Display List (but in a completely unrelated heirarchy), how do I get this ListenerClass to "hear" the event WITHOUT explicitly referencing the instance of the DispatcherClass like so:

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import flash.display.Stage;


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Actionscript 3 :: Send Events Between Objects On Same Level (Global Event Manager)?

Sep 8, 2011

I came to the point where I need to communicate between 2 objects (let's say Tank and the Cannon). It is tile game, and when the Tank approach specific tile I need my Cannon to shot the Tank. When Tank gets that specific tile I want to dispatch some custom event and have listener in Cannon class body to make the shot happen. Other way I would have to check in ENTER_FRAME loop (inside Cannon body class) if the Tank touched tile that runs the Cannon shooting - but this is not elegant and efficient. The issue is complicated by the fact that the Cannon and Tank are added to the Engine (document class) and can't simply hear for each other, because they seat on the same level in display list.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Global Variable From Inside Function?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a primary function that calls upon other functions, which call upon other functions, etc, each one creating different objects. I need to delete everything eventually and was thinking the easiest way to do this would be to have a global array to push() each object into. It would be easy to just put garbageArray.push(thisCreatedObject); into the for() loops of every function to grab all the objects so a deleteFunction() could just cycle through garbageArray to remove and null everything cleanly.

What I want to do:I could easily just create a global array to do this (code example 1), but I would prefer to be able to recreate this global array and delete it every time this primary function is called (code example 3) since it will be called upon a lot. It would be cleaner code to have it created from within the function as opposed to outside of it because I will have a lot of primary functions doing similar things that would require a global array like this.

I also know I could create one and simply pass it as an argument to every function (code example 2), but I would have to pass it to every single function. There are a lot of functions and a lot of calls to them, so this would require rewriting a lot of code and would be more work than it's worth. Making a global array outside of the function would be easier than doing this if it came down to it.

ActionScript Code:
//example 1 of global array. No passing as argument from
//primary to secondary functions. Multiple global arrays
//required for multiple primary functions in the future.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Global Variable That Initially Stores A 0?

Oct 21, 2004

I'm trying to create a global variable that initially stores a 0. Then via a function will change the value of that global variable, and allow the other functions to access the new number. I have it working where it adds 1 to the variable, and stores the number 1 however, I cannot get the number to add up beyond 1.

I have this in my first layer,frame.

_global.thisSound = 0;
function PlaySound(){
temp = _global.thisSound;
_global.thisSound = eval(temp) + 1;

Please note this is the basics of this function, there are other parts to the function for playing sounds, but this is the only part that I'm having the problem

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Dec 1, 2009

I'm having a little issue understanding scoping in this package environment. My question is this: Is it possible to declare globally visible variables and constants? I tried this with no successful results:

PHP Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import games.mineAllMine.MineAllMine;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Global Functions Like Global Variables?

Apr 28, 2004

Is it possible to make global functions, much in the same way you make a global variable, reachable from anywhere in the project?

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