Flex :: Refreshing View When Application Is Visible?

Aug 16, 2010

Flex application is contained in one of the rows of a html table, and that row is hidden as per one use case. Flex application is refreshed when visibility of the row is changed to visible. This results in lose of data that is already entered in the flex application. Is there any way to stop this behavior?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete Temp Files With Refreshing Flex Application?

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<foo:Shortcut keys="ctrl+s" action="{bar();}"/>

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Moving to JAVA would give me better performances regarding the reuse of the generator of the view but it will still be an HTML page. So, here is my question: do you think that going forward with JAVA and its graphical capability is the simple solution or is Flash a better option for this part of a Web App? I'm afraid of the code I'll have to write in JAVA to handle the GUI presentation as well as the events generated by the 1000's cells plus borders of the page. In Flash, the graphical part seems simpler even if the actions handling is still huge.

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I'm pretty happy with all my classes and everything on my AS files. However, the view turned out really big, as I'm using MXML to layout my app.

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this.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, SizeChanged);

I want this to work within the browser. I even tried using fixed dimensions in the embed code, instead of percentages, but that didn't help either.

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Aug 26, 2009

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var imageSnap:ImageSnapshot=ImageSnapshot.captureImage(myCanvas);
var imageByteArray:ByteArray=imageSnap.data as ByteArray;

I want the user to be able to print or save the image. I can use the following code to print the image but flex does not provide good control over printing across multiple pages

var printJob:FlexPrintJob=new FlexPrintJob();
printJob.addObject(myCanvas, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);

I would like to display the image in a browser window so that the user could print it using the built in browser functionality or right click on the image and save it. Can this be done without requesting server side code to do it?

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Flex :: 4 - Move All TitleWindows Instances Within The Visible Area After Application Change It's Width / Height?

Jun 8, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Print The Current Visible View Of An Mc?

Feb 21, 2008

I have a print function that is supposed to print the current visible view of an mc...the mc contains a map that can be zoomed in on and panned...I want to only view what the mc shows...and I had this function working before...but I have made hundreds of changes to my code, without testing the print function along the way, so I have no idea what I did that may have broken my function..


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Aug 15, 2011

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My problem is that when I try to pass an object from the navigator.pushView(view, dataobject), I can't figure out how to access the dataobject from actionscript. I can access {dataobject.property} from MXML easily, but I want to set a variable in the new view to the passed dataobjects property.

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Hide View Stacks In AIR Application?

Jul 24, 2009

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Mar 15, 2011

I have a program with a list of item. An item is an actionScript class that extends View. When I click on the list, it push the view. In the constructor of this class I add some buttons and I have a function that add another button.My problem is that the view display only the button create in the constructor and not the one create in the function.[code]...

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The class

import spark.components.Button;


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Flex :: Refreshing An XML File Through HTTPService?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm having a problem refreshing an xml file. I am bringing it in through an HTTP service component and putting it into a bindable array _cattArr, that I am using as the dataprovider for a grid.When someone adds an item to the datagrid, it saves to the same xml file. Then I close the window, reopen it and don't see the item that has been added.It is writing to the xml file, because when I restart the flex app, the item has been added, it's just not refreshing it. I have tried to resend the httpservice, but still no luck. What is the correct process for doing this?

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Flex :: Refreshing A Binded DataGrid

Mar 23, 2011

I have a problem..I am binding an array collection to a datagrid in flex. My problem is whenever i try to remove an item from the array collection.. the datagrid does not refresh the values....This is the code that I am using


eventsList is the datagrid that is bounded to showArray(an Array Collection)

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Actionscript 3 :: Refreshing A Flex Component?

Jul 14, 2011

Is there a way to refresh a component or an application back to its initial state? I have an accordion navigator that stays on the most recently selected index even if I log out. Right now, my log out function takes me back to the login page which is at state(1). If I log back in and go into the accordion, it is on the last tab I had viewed.I would like to be able to clear any data from the controls inside the nav and reset the nav back to its default. I thought something like,

public function logout():void{
currentState = "NotLoggedIn"
myAccordion.initialize(); }

would work but nothing happens. This is done in Flex 4.I know I can make a huge loop clearing each control individually and setting the selectedIndex of the accordion to 0.

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ActionScript :: Flex - Keep Selection When Refreshing Datagrid

Oct 20, 2010

I'm working on my first ever AIR application with flashbuilder - just so you know. I've bound a mx:DataGrid component to a DataProvider which is a mx:HTTPService fetching an xml file with items. To keep the data up to data I'm polling the webservice on a given interval.

My problem is that I loose the currently selected item in my DataGrid when the data is updated. I've tried to save the DataGrid.selectedIndex and set when the data is updated, but I'm not sure when to do it?! The closest I've come is to restore the index when the updateComplete event of DataGrid is fired. This works, but the selection first fades away and then fades in - not updated soon enough. So what is the best way to keep the selection? (only one selected item at a time) And as a side question: is there a convenient way to only update the data when it has actually changed?

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Flex 3 :: Refreshing Repeater After Adding A Child

May 23, 2011

Within a child, I have an XML element with the following structure:[code]I then use a repeater to list each out onto the screen. There's a button I have created that is used to create a position. So, once the user clicks this button, I call the following function:[code]The above function creates a new XML object, puts some default values in, and appends it to the list of project positions. After appending the new information, I made the height of the project larger and then check to make sure the new project height isn't overlapping any other projects... but that information is irrelevant to this post.My problem is this - once i append a new child to the XML variable, it doesn't appear on the screen. Is there a "refresh" or "re-render" option i can do to the repeater in order to make the new child show?[code]Once i make the changes, and use the XMLListCollection as the dataprovider in the repeater, the information no longer loads on the screen.

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Flex :: ComboBox LabelFunction Not Refreshing With Updating Of An ArrayCollection?

Aug 11, 2010

My first issue is that when my ArrayCollection only has one item, for some reason I cannot select that first item. The change function set on the mxml never gets called when I try to select that one item. If I set a prompt, it works. I know that the item is not already selected because when debugging, the selected item shows null. I do not want to use a prompt. I want the first item in the ArrayCollection to be selected automatically. So if there is only one item, I want the selected item to be that. FYI - I am using a labelFunction to format the data in the Array Collection. why I cannot select the first item or set the first item in the ArrayCollection to be the selected item?

My bigger issue is that when my Array Collection gets updated, my label function must not be refreshing because when I first open the dropdown, it has specfic data. When the Array Collection gets updated and I open the dropdown again, I see the old data in the dropdown, yet it doesn't exist anymore.

So let's say I have a ComboBox that has a datasource of an array collection of one state code and it's state name. Their is a labelFunction that puts a dash in between the state code and the state name. Their is no prompt, so the ComboBox would look like GA - Georgia and when you open the dropdown, that would be all that is there. I want that item to be selected automatically. why the old data shows up when opening the dropdown after the array collection was updated with new data?

<mx:ComboBox labelFunction="getFormattedNpaNxxCollectionList()"
dataProvider="arrayColl" change="doSomething()"/>
public function getFormattedNpaNxxCollectionList(item:Object):String
return StringUtil.substitute("{0} - {1}", item.stateCode, item.stateName);

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Flex :: Refreshing HiearachicalData Based On Source Updates?

Apr 4, 2011

I have an ArrayCollection we'll call "Items". It is essentially a flat collection of hierarchical data (each item has Parent and Children properties). I want an AdvancedDataGrid to display the data in hierarchical form, so essentially I could just do this and it would display fine:

// Note: RootItems would be an ArrayCollection that is updated so only the
// top level items are within (item.Parent == null).
var hd:HierarchicalData = new HierarchicalData(model.RootItems);


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Refreshing Custom Mxml Component On Button Click

Mar 3, 2010

I have defined small MXML component which calls web service which returns random number on request, then my component displays the number.

How do I refresh the MXML from main application control, so it will recall server again?

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Flex3: Make A Part Of Application Visible On Showing Modal Popup

Oct 6, 2011

For example: Say the application has two VBox with vertical layout. There is a Button in first VBox and when clicked, there is a custom modal popup being shown. By default the whole background of the application remains blur, but I want the second VBox to be visible. Is this possible? If yes how can i accomplish this?

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