ActionScript 1/2 :: Launch SWF From An HTML Hyperlink?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a completed Flash (AS2) project that's pretty involved.  Now, I need to launch it from a hyperlink on an html page.  I want the hyperlink to launch the ".app" or ".exe" file - not the html that Flash publishes.  I don't want the user to view the project in an html/browser window but rather as its standalone projector/exe.
I tried a regular hyperlink like this[url]...but that doesn't launch the .app.  Instead I got a browser screen showing the path to the app inside the "FLASH" folder.  The app is viewed as a folder named "".  (weird)  So I surmise that a regular hyperlink isn't going to do the job.
How do I launch a Flash projector or executable file from a hyperlink on a separate HTML page?

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on (release) {
getURL ("<URL here>", "_blank");

If I'm not trying to do something impossible, edit the code below to make this file link:

<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TEXT="#000000" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 id=all>


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I have already tried using the gotourl feature from AS2, but I keep being told that the functionality has been disabled in the current version.
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if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;[code]....

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PHP Code:
function p_click(me:MouseEvent)
var loader : Loader = new Loader (); [code].....

i am really struggling with this - i have also dropped the swf into html doc for lightwindow and the html links - open the lightwindow up perfectly but the swf doesn't want to know.has anyone managed to get this working before? or know of good points of reference to make it work from a flash button/xml.there is no support on the stickman site - lots of config info - but not for flash?

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Feb 11, 2009

Let's say the Flash doc is set up in the form of a webpage. Then I have 5 buttons on the left. Now, I have another Flash banner at the top of the page.I'd like each button to launch a different animation within that top container upon clicking.I'm having trouble getting the script to work. Someone told me to put the script on the timeline of the actual main webpage - not attach to the buttons (which I find odd) I haven't used ActionScript in years!Oh, and I placed a stop action in the first frame of each animation movie clip so that they won't auto-play when the page gets uploaded to the web.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Doesn't Launch From Debugger?

Jan 15, 2010

I seem to remember that to debug in 8 you have the file open you wanted to play with and then went to "debug" then the UI would change to Debug mode and a swf would popup.

I'm in cs4 and trying to debug a simple 3 line trace statement and when I hit "debug" it changes to "debug mode" and I can move through breakpoints and see variables and stuff. However, it doesn't open a swf (so I can actually see the actual FILE) until the END of the program has run.

I assume it is supposed to open the SWF as soon as I hit "debug"

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