ActionScript 1/2 :: Check If An Entered Email Address Is A Valid One?

Sep 10, 2009

In a FORM how to check if an entered email address is a valid one? I'd preffer a sample script.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Another Window To Open Right Next To Email Button With My Email Address

Jan 22, 2003

here is the issue I am having: I have a button in my main movie and after it is pressed i want for it to open a pop up window right next to this button with some information in it. I have a email button so when you click on that button I want another window to open right next to this email button with my email address.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP Mail Form Checking Valid Email?

Feb 9, 2006

I have a working flash php mailing form but the only problem is that I put some code in there to check if the email is valid before it sends it off but it doesn't seem to work. I did a test by just putting in a as the email and that worked, sent off the email without giving an error.

mailReceiver.onLoad = function() {
if (this.response == "invalid") {


Is is possible to check if its valid before it sends off or is there another method for checking valid email addresses. I used that code from [URL] website.

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Feb 3, 2011

I have a very complex Flash application (think Photoshop in Flash).

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Flash :: AIR, Flex - Check If Regex Is Valid?

Aug 23, 2011

i want to check in Adobe AIR if given regex is valid. I'm looking for somtehing similar like here: How to check if a given Regex is valid?

I dont want to compare regex and text-value - i jus want to check if this regex is valid. If someone type invalid regex - for example: "x{5,-3}" or "(((^^$$$)//)" or something like this i just need to communicate to him that this regular expression is not valid - its not proper regular expression.

In Java it can be done by:

try {
} catch (PatternSyntaxException exception) {


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Link A Button To An Email Address?

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Email Link With No Address Field?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to make a button that when clicked on opens an email client with an empty address field but a filled subject and body, but have no idea where to begin.The idea is that I have a "Refer me to your friends!" button, so when the user clicks it, it opens an email with the subject "Sairus is awesome" and a body filled with propaganda. The address field must remain blank so they can add in the friend's address they wish to send.For the moment I'm working with the below, however obviously enough the address is being filled in. Hoever, despite the seemingly correct code, the subject and body are remaining empty. I'm using Flash 8, is the syntax different in my version?
on (release) {
getURL(" is awesome&body=The following 50 reasons explain why Sairus is awesome:");

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I guess i should use RegExp and String match function, but i am not sure how.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Validate For A Legitimate Email Address?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a form that is currently working. But would like it to validate for a legitimate email address. Here is the code I have right now:

Actionscript Code:[code].........

Is there any way to modify this or add another if statement to validate that it is not only entered, but a valid email address. I am new to AS3, and am not sure how to have it do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button's Code For Email Address's?

Jan 14, 2003

whats the code in flash 5 to inable input text to be sent to the clients email address - i.e, when the submit button is pressed, the form needs to be sent to the desired email address.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Verify Email Address Before Submission?

May 15, 2008

I am trying to create a form in actiocsript that verifies correct user input before submitting. So far I have the form checking that NewEmail contains characters, an "@" symbol and a "." symbol. However is there code that can check that the layout of the email is correct before submitting i.e. <"sometext"@"sometext"."sometext">

Also I need to insert a seperate name verifier to check that there are no numbers included in a text box. This is my code so far:
_global.detailsCheck = function() {
if ( _root.NewEmail.length == 0 | _root.NewEmail.length == "" | _root.NewEmail eq "") {
// Alerts the user that their password is incorrect
_root.Guide2 = "Please Fill All Detail Fields";
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLVariables - Passing An Email Address

Dec 8, 2009

I am having trouble creating an email form in Flash. The PHP is working fine and the email sends if I query the php in a browser but when I pass the variables from Flash the email address that is passed gets ****ed up.

For example: the text I enter in the text field: what is sent to php: bobloblaw%40football%2Ecom

I realise this is probably to do with urlencoding and I have tried escape() on the strings

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Send Email Address

Mar 11, 2005

I got a button and I need to make it so it will send to an e-mail address.
URL function??

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Regex :: Validating Email Address (Specific Domain)

Dec 9, 2011

I'm Using EmailValidator for Validation:
<mx:EmailValidator id="Email_Validator"
property="text" required="false"/>

And My Code is:
var isValidForm:Boolean=true;
var validatorArr:Array = new Array();
var validatorErrorArray:Array = Validator.validateAll(validatorArr);
isValidForm = validatorErrorArray.length == 0;
if(isValidForm) {

It is working fine. But I want domain should be "" if some other, validation should return false.. How can I achieve this? I think Regular Expressions are useful. But I don't Know to use the same in flex?...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking Email Address In Notepad From Flash?

Apr 2, 2010

Now im developing one flash site. In that i have one form details.. I completed the form using php. when we user register all the data will store in one notepad file. Now i have one more form for referring friends... When users referring his/her friends in that form i have one field his/her (Referral Email id/phone no) text field. Once User submit the form first i want to check if this user already register with us or not. So i want to check the notepad file for his email id / phone no. if he already registered then only form will submit.

How to check email id/ phone no in notepad file from flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Email Address To File In Facebook

Jan 15, 2011

I'm a newbie in actionscript and I'm developing a flash game for facebook. The issue is that I want to save the e-mail address introduced by the player to a txt file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When The Button Is Pressed It Forwards Onto An Email Address?

Jan 14, 2003

does anyone know the code/actions for buttons so that when the button is pressed it forwards onto an email address?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending A Form In Flash 5 To An Email Address?

Jan 21, 2003

does anyone know the code for sending a form in flash 5 to an email address?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Submitted Form Is Not Received To The Specified Email Address?

Sep 28, 2004

I'm creating a website for a friend which it's being made using Dynamic Texts (he wants different switchable languages).Problems come when submitting the Form... I've used the same Form model (formmail) for other websites which did not use any Dynamic Text and they worked without problems.

The exact problem is that the submitted Form is not received (don't think it's even sent) to the specified email address. However, if the same website does not contain any dynamic text, then the form works properly and the query is received at my mailbox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending XML Data To Server And Email Address?

Apr 25, 2003

I have created a form in Flash MX using components shown in the example provided by Kirupa. It does not however tell me how to take the compiled information I imputed, send it to an asp scripting page which sends that information to a database and at the same time send the seller of the product an email stating that someone has registered for their product.

Can I do all this with a simple submit button?

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