ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Number Has Been Entered
Nov 14, 2005
How can I check if the value entered in the textbox is number or not. Dont want to restrict the user to enter number by putting restrict etc. just want to validate at the end How?
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listen=new Object();
if I enter 12 in the textfield and press Enter, result is 123, not 15. How can i make it to recognize input as a number?
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if (_myValue == [[NUMBER]])
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May 19, 2008
I tried this:
ActionScript Code:
if(Number(array[i]) != NaN){
upTo += Number(array[i]);
which give me an error: Illogical statement with NaN. The statement allways evaulates to false.
which isnt true because the trace tells me NaN
how can I check if it is actually a number before trying to add it?
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Oct 3, 2011
If i had a string "2 cats", how could i use a loop andif statement to check if there is a number in there
I have this so far:
for (var i:Number=0; i<string.length; i++){
if(equation.charCodeAt(i) <= 57)
{if(equation.charCodeAt(i) >= 48)
It does work, but is there a more efficent qway of doing this?
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var = 458;
if (var is between 0 and 1000) give positive.
if (var is between 1001 and 2000) give negative.
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if (sliderval >= boxes[1].position && sliderval < boxes[2].position) {
//do 1st code
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public function minuscheck(testnumber:int):void
if (testnumber < -1)
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Aug 27, 2009
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ActionScript Code:
doneBut.onRelease = function() {[code].....
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Jan 28, 2010
I'm trying to do a check to see if the user inputed a number into an input text field. I'm also running a check to see if the user has left the input blank (which works just fine), but I can seem to get the NaN function working.
(using actionscript 2.0 w/ flash CS3)
this.btn_step1next.onRelease = function() {
if ( zipcode.text == "" || zipcode.text == isNaN() ) {
message.text = "Please enter your ZIP code to continue.";
} else {
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find the suitable regular expression to validate a string that has comma separated numbers, for e.g. '1,2,3' or '111,234234,-09', etc. Anything else should be considered invalid. for e.g. '121as23' or '123-123' is invalid. I suppose this must be possible in Flex using regular expression but I can not find the correct regular expression.
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Jun 27, 2011
I am rendering a TextField (Flash CS5) with the following css and html properties :
css = "a {font-weight: bold;} fu {color: #00A0A0;}"
wordWrap = true
multiline = true
html = <![CDATA["Phoenicians were pioneering artisans and ingenious craftsmen...
They developed the technique behind the production of transparent glass...
Their innovation spread around the globe throughout the past centuries...
The last QUOTE is rendered in a line BELOW "WE AIM TO...". It's rendered like this :
The ONLY way to render the quote in the same line with "WE AIM..." is to :
a) Either put it INSIDE <fu>
b) Or remove <fu> altogether.
Is this a Flash bug? Am I doing something wrong with css or html?
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