ActionScript 1/2 :: Convert A Datagrid Back To A String?

Oct 6, 2010

I want to convert a datagrid back to a string. I tried Code:var myString = _root.myDatagrid.toString();But this does not seem to work.

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function f_choosePhoto(photoNum)
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Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way to write a UTF-16 string into a ByteArray in Flash/AS3? Basically I have a string (var test:String="allan"; for example) and I would like to write that into a ByteArray with UTF-16(LE) encoding. In this case it would be "61 00 6C 00 6C 00 61 00 6E 00".

I've tried using utf16le.writeMultiByte( clipText, "utf-16" ); but it just comes out with what appears to be UTF8 (or just straight ASCII given the test string).

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Mar 16, 2009

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I have tried f=Number("x*y+2") but it seems to work only when the string is actually a number such as "1.2e-4".

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Is it possible to convert a string to hexadecimal? For instance I have a string that says "Hello World" I want the output to be 48656C6C6F 576F726C64

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i have a simple dynamic textbox and want to store the TotalTime-property (= seconds of the video) of my video (flvplayback component) into this textbox. how can this super-easy thing be done?

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