ActionScript 1/2 :: Implement The Custom Bullets In Flash Text Fields?

Feb 15, 2011

How to implement the Custom Bullets in Flash text fields using AS2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Custom Bullets With Html Text With Out Style Sheet?

Nov 29, 2009

So as far as I can tell list-style-image (or any list-style at that) is not one of the available css properties enabled with a TextField.I want to have a list of items with bullets in front of them, but using a custom png image for the bullet.

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Flash :: Make A Bulleted List In Custom Bullets?

Nov 20, 2009

Is there a way to make a bulleted list in flash with custom bullets? If so, can this be used from within a TextArea in Flex (mx.controls.TextArea) when setting htmlText?

For example:

The list above will render fine when set into a TextArea using htmlText (versus just setting the text property). The rendered text will have standard vanilla bullets. Is there a way to style these bullets with custom images, like you can in standard HTML/CSS?

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How Add Bullets To Flash Text

Jan 11, 2007

How do I add a bullet to Flash text? I know that alt0149 isthe html code. In the Flash text box and before the first textcharacter, I tried pressing the ALT key and simultaneously typingin 0149. Nothing happened.A similar question was asked on this forum... the answer wago to the Character Map (where is that) or use dynamic text (Itried putting alt0149 in the dynamic text box ??? but it didn'tork).My work-around so far is to copy a similar bullet and add itto the text box. But there must be a quicker way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Text Bullets In Flash?

Aug 26, 2011

I am trying to make text bullets in Flash CS 5.5, and I noticed there is no way to do that using the text options in Flash, so I decided, I would just make a small circle shape, and place it where I needed. However, even though I place the shape in front of the text I want it to be in front of, when I test the movie, for some reason this shape, gets moved down about 5 pixels or so. (or the text is moving) I am using classic text.

Is there any reason for this shifting around?

And/or is there a way to just create text bullets in Flash?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Text Field Changes Colors But Bullets Don't For Html Text

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to use a dynamic text field to pull in html text that contains a bulleted list. Easy enough, that works. But the bullets dont take on the color assigned to the field. I've tried putting it in the html text and also using NewTextFormat and neither work. Can someone help me. This should be a simple fix, but I can't find it... I just want my text and bullets to both be white.
Simple code below. Using html text inside the flash document and having a dynamic field on the screen named txt. Code should turn text and bullets green, but it doesn't work, only text turns green
this.txt.html = true;
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_fmt.color = 0x00FF00; // hex value for green
this.txt.htmlText = "<P> This is the first paragraph</P><BR><UL><LI>Bullet 1</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 2</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 3</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 4</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 5</LI></UL>";this.txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt);

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is there any way to add bullets to a text?(ul or li are not working..)

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I'm having trouble with dynamically assigning text to a dynamically created text field.


I've tried setting up the TextFormat and createTextField as a function that's called on the onRelease handler. I've tried dropping the whole frackin' code in the onRelease function for each button. Neither approach works. I've been digging around on the web, looking for answers, and nothing seems to solve my problem.

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I have a linked movieclip that contains two textfields.One of the textfields needs to have regular and bold text, so I thought I would use htmlText however it's only showing the regular font that I embedded?I made the textfield in Flash and called it "details".I also tried to make another textField in the symbol called, "invisi" and I set it not visible:invisi.visible = false;I embedded the BOLD version of the font in the invisi textfield, hoping this would make the "details" text field show the bold font...but no luck.

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My current class looks like this:
package ui.helpers {
import flash.display.Graphics;
import spark.primitives.supportClasses.StrokedElement;
public class SGrid extends StrokedElement {
public function SGrid() {
[Code] .....

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I am particularly interested in creating new List/Bullets features so some example code for Flash would be great.


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Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to CREATE custom fields from flex, but I'm having hard time finding the correct syntax. Below is the piece of code that I'm using and it's resulting in error

"sf:INVALID_TYPE INVALID_TYPE: null objects not allowed in create/update request"
var con:Connection = new Connection();
var lRequest:LoginRequest = new LoginRequest();
lRequest.username = username1.text;
lRequest.password = password1.text;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Implement Search Engine With An Input Text Field

Dec 5, 2010

For this flash project I have a search engine that searches a XML database. This part I finally got working, but what I haven't managed to get to work yet is implement it with an input text field.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Flash Pagination Over Two Text Fields

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to paginate text in flash using actionscript.Basically there is a fla file with a layer for the actionscript, a layer for the text fields and a layer with next and previous buttons. (next_btn and prev_btn).The flash file looks like an open book, with a multiline dynamic text field on the left page and also on the right page.I want to be able to paginate the String in the "text" varible so that it fillls page 1 of the open book and displays the next chunk of text on page 2 of the open book.Then, when the next button is pressed I want the next bit of next to appear on the left page of the book (page 3) and the next piece of text after that on the right etc etc.At the moment I can only get this to work for a single text field. I need to split the content over two text fields.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Create Text Fields In Flash CS5

Feb 29, 2012

4 hours old working with flash CS5, and im trying to create a website that just displays a goggle map with two text fields that the user would enter some details(its for demo purposes), Have no issue with the google Map Part, but i have probably the dumbest Question ever, how do i create a textfield in flash. Or am i using the wrong tool for the task?

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IDE :: Variables From HTML Text Fields To Flash?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm looking to send variables from text fields in an HTML source and direct them to a SWF object on the same page. The variables would be sent once the user hits a send button.

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Professional :: Read Text From Fields In Flash Player?

Aug 12, 2010

we've started using a Flash-based customer management system at work, which we access as a Web service through Internet Explorer (I'm using IE6) and I have to enter each record's information (name, address, etc.) into an Excel spreadsheet.Our IT department has chosen not to develop data import/export capability for this system, so it's up to the end users to develop their own applications.I'd like to automate this data entry, so I'm trying to write a script that will access the Flash being displayed in the browser, and read/write various text fields from the screen.I've been using AutoIT for most of my scripting, but AutoIT doesn't have a way to read Flash objects.Is there some way to do this in JavaScript or some other common scripting language?

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Flash CS5 :: Glitch With SetChildIndex And Dynamic Text Fields?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a movie clip with 5 frames.  When I'm on frame 3 (main game play) and I use the setChildIndex command on an on-screen element that exists on the frame itself, the element in question will now be permenantly added to the stage, and will persist across the remaining frames (end level and end game). This behavior was not present in the project until I converted it to CS5. If I remove the setChildIndex command, the on-screen elements stop sorting their depth (as your would expect) and they no longer bleed into the next frame which is for level ending.

I am also having trouble with a dynamic text field. It's currently set to not be selectable, but when you mouse over the field it shows the cursor symbol for your mouse pointer, and when you click over it, a small block highlight appears on the left or right side of the field. You can't change the field contents, or even select them, but when you try a small selection black mark appears on the end of the field.  I've destroyed and recreated this field, and the bahavior seems to be staying the same.

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Arrays :: Dynamically Populate Text Fields In Flash?

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to dynamically populate textfields in Flash. The text in the fields will either say ON or OFF based on the value of bstatus.var bstatus will either have a value of 0 or 1 I have the following textfields listed below.I'm not sure if the syntax is correct, but I was thinking that the text fields would be in an array, and I would create a for loop--that will go through the array in order to have the fields populated.

var textFields:Array = new Array();
textFields[0] = compTxt.text;
textFields[1] = bathLightTxt.text;


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Convert Text Fields In Movieclips In Flash With Jsfl?

Feb 16, 2011

I need basically a way to convert a group of selected text in movieclips separately with Flash commands. For example, I know to select just text items in the stage is:

var theSelectionArray = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection;
for(var i = 0; i < theSelectionArray.length; i++){
if(theSelectionArray[i].elementType == "text"){

And I know to convert a selection in a movieclip is:

fl.getDocumentDOM().convertToSymbol("movie clip", theName, "top left");

So I need to know the way to loop over the stage and convert each text field in a movieclip.

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Flash - Make Transparent Background In Text Fields?

Jan 4, 2012

Say, i have a text field with some text in it, and i want to make it have a backgruond with alpha value (as in partially transparent, not sure how to make it sound good ^^). This text field reacts to mouse events, such as clicks and rolls out/over, and each event changes the background color.

I've done some digging and ran across flash.text.TextField.backgroundColor and flash.text.TextField.background properties of text fields. They're cool, but not enough to solve the problem. And obviously, if I change the text field's alpha value, the text will also become transparent.

I know I can create a movieclip below the text field and alter its properties to acheive my goal, but I'm wondering if there is a simpler way.

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Flash 10 :: Font Not Embedded In Static Text Fields

Apr 6, 2011

I think the title says it all. I'm building website and I've come half way now just to notice that my clients cant see my font that supposed to be there. What I've learned so far is that in static text fields, flash should embed it itself since I can't reference to it + embedFonts property not working.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Incorporating Commas Into Text Fields?

Nov 22, 2010

Ok, I have looked around and I know that this question has been asked many times but I still dont understand. I am developing an ROI calculator and need to acomplish two things, i think one will fix the other but here goes. 1. I need to make sure that when a user inputs their number in the input text field if they us a comma I dont get the NaN as a return. 2. How can I incorporate commas into the final calculation answer. For example if they enter 10000 my net result currently comes back as 105600. I would like it to come back as 105,600. I dont necessarly need to format as currency to make this work.

I am using CS5 and AS3 for the coding on this. I am not very expierenced in coding in Flash, as a matter of fact the fact that I have made it this far is amazing.

Here is my current code:

CalcBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, FindTotal);
function formatNumbers(num:Number, comma:Boolean):String {


I have looked at other suggestions and plugged them in with no luck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash XML, And Parsing Data To Text Fields?

Sep 16, 2011

New to AS3, and just went through the great Kirupa tutorial on parsing XML using AS3 My trace output is fine, but when I try to send that parsed data to a text box, only the last XML node appears in the text box (named dynamicText_txt).Here's my XML:

<alarms><alarmQ1>Is there an alarm?</alarmQ1><alarmQ2>What component is the alarm on?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Using An Array W/ Dynamic Text Fields

Apr 20, 2012

I have five individual movie clips that dynamically load names from five variables in a txt file (these all fade in and out and overlap the transition of the next). Every time the movie loops, I'd like the movie clips to display the next item in the list until every name has been listed - is this doable? Is there a better way to do this from within flash instead of loading the content dynamically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Dyanmic Text Fields To Work In Flash Movie

Oct 4, 2009

I am trying to get some dyanmic text fields to work in my flash movie. I got one to work and have had trouble getting more than one. I think I kinda got it but it works but works funny. I am trying to load text in two different places. When I click on the first instance (Philosophy Section) nothing shows up. When I check the other instance (Eco_Conscience) the text shows up and then when I go back to the Philosophy Section it works. BUT it doesn't work on the first try. I am attaching code and link.


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