ActionScript 1/2 :: Limiting Dynamically Embedded Fonts To Certain Characters?

Apr 21, 2009

Since I only need numbers, can I limit dynamically embedded fonts to only numerals, periods, dashes and special characters copied from the character map? 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Extended Unicode Characters With .fla Embedded Fonts

Apr 21, 2009

My issue is thus: If I use an embedded unicode font in a textfield and set embedFonts = true when displaying characters like mandarin or IPA phonetic spelling characters, certain characters will disapear from the textfield.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Embedded Fonts Dynamically?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a movie with multiple languages. Most of the fonts used are embedded. What I've been doing is creating a new MovieClip for each language and in that movie clip assigning a font that can display that language, then depending on the language, load the appropriate MovieClip. I wonder though if there is a way to just change the font dynamically. However, it would be changing from one embedded font to another.

Would it be efficient to just make one generic text MovieClip with a certain font in it, then just title the movie clip by the font, and load that movie clip whenever I want to use that font?

like so:

ActionScript Code:
var title = new Arial;
title.textBox.text = "Page Title";

Also: Then could I change the font size dynamically if I did it the later way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Text Fields With Embedded Fonts?

Nov 20, 2009

I have combed through the forums and read every font embedding article I could find and still I don't understand what's going on. I have created a simple test case that I have attached to this post. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.Here's the situation ...ultimately, my goal is to be able to dynamically create text fields with embedded fonts (I'm using Arial or Arial Unicode) that can display a variety of languages (English and Russian are the primary ones I'm working on right now). In the attached sample, I have added a font to the library and set it to use Arial Unicode.I have 3 text fields on the stage: Field 1 is generated entirely from code using createTextField, Field 2 is a design-time text field that uses the embedded library font, and Field 3 is a design-time text field that uses basic Arial rather than Arial Unicode.For the 2 design-time fields I have embedded the glyphs necessary to display English and Russian as well as some others.I also have a few buttons on the stage to create the 3rd text field (using createtextfield), send english or russian text to all 3 fields, and turn embedding on/off of the generated text field.

Here are the results I've found:With embedding OFF:English shows up fine in all 3 text fields (in the generated one, it uses the system default font instead).Russian shows up in the generated field and in the 3rd field (basic Arial) but NOT in the field that uses the embedded library font.With embedding ON:NOTHING shows up in the generated text field the 2 design time fields function the same as they did before.I REALLY don't understand why the design-time text field doesn't work when it uses the library version of the font. Why should that matter? I also don't get why even ENGLISH doesn't work in the generated field when embedding is on.

//EDIT: I just tried using Arial as the font for the generated text field rather than using the linkage name for the library font and now the embedding works. So I guess my main question is why it doesn't work using the library font....I thought that using the library font .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limiting Characters In A TextField (via XML)

Jul 24, 2009

Is there any way? I thought "maxChars" was promising until I learned it was only for inputting text to a textfield.The XML is coming into a dynamic text box. I need to cut it off at say 500 characters and add an ellipsis.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limiting Input Text To Unique Characters?

Apr 20, 2011

I already know how to limit my input text to a number of characters, but how would I go about (if possible) making sure characters do not repeat? In other words, I have a ten character input text box and I want you to be able to type pretty much any character but only one of each.



What I'm trying to eliminate is this:


If that isn't possible, I'd like to instead detect if there are repeated characters so I can just say "that's invalid".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Scrolling In Textarea Not By Limiting Characters

Jul 2, 2009

I need the ability to create a TextArea entity in a constrained area (i.e., it is located at x and y and is w pixels wide and h pixels high and have that never change.), containing a proportional width font. As such, no 'num char entry limit' strategy is feasible. They need to be able to fill the entire area, and if that means 1,000 period '.' characters, or 200 '#' or "W' characters, then so be it.

The two lines following this one consist of 30 periods followed by 30 Ws.

I cannot limit a user to 30 characters. They need to be limited by using a TextArea that will let itself be filled until full, and then refuse further input until space is created by removing existing content. I then need to print that TextArea _as rendered on the user's screen_. Any 'scrolled' lines would be unprintable, and therefore the user's entry must be limited BEFORE any scrolling occurs, or contrariwise, when scrolling occurs, the last entered content would need to be removed and the entity forced to un-scroll. I can program this. It won't be elegant, and in fact will be quite stupid, as any programming where a change event is called with each keystroke or paste and then conditions tested is inefficient, wasteful, and well.

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Flex :: Rich Text Editor - Limiting The Number Of Characters?

Jun 11, 2009

Is there a way to restrict the number of characters in the Flex Rich Text Editor? I guess there should be, since it's possible in a textarea. So, if I could get hold of the textarea contained in the rich text editor, I would be able to do it

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Flash :: Runtime Fonts Not Playing Nice With Fonts Embedded In Static Text?

Jul 11, 2010

I save my (embedded) fonts in an external file (fonts.swf) that gets loaded at runtime. Pretty standard. I also use a bunch of UI artwork generated in the Flash IDE. Some of this artwork contains static textfields (thus, not proper TextFields that can change. Just frozen glyphs). Here's the problem: if I use the same font in any static textfield and then embed that same font into my collection of runtime fonts, the runtime font will refuse to render. It's the same effect you get if you set a textfield with embeddedFonts=true to use a font that isn't embedded. If I change the static textfields to use a different font, the runtime fonts work just fine.


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Flash Detect Missing Embedded Fonts And/or Replace With Available Fonts?

Dec 22, 2010

Edited Short Version:The Adobe Flash docs list a property embedFonts on TextAreas:

A Boolean value that indicates whether the font specified in fontFamily is an embedded font. This style must be set to true if fontFamily refers to an embedded font. Otherwise, the embedded font is not used. If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed. The default value is false. Regarding the "If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed" statement: How can I detect in ActionScript when this scenario happens?

TL;DR Original Version: I have a flash application which loads external .swf files containing embedded fonts, so that these fonts can be used within the main application. We're accomplishing this by using the following ActionScript code on anything which uses custom fonts:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Resizing/limiting Width Of A Movieclip?

Sep 23, 2008

I have some rectangles inside a movieclip. All movieclips are created by actionscript. I want to limit the size of the movieclip on top right corner when user starts drag.

this.holder_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.holder_mc.rectangle_6._xscale = this.holder_mc._xscale-260;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fonts Will Not Embed - Characters Don't Display

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to embed a font in my actionsrcipt and the characters don't display at all when the embedFont = true. If it is set to false it displays the characters. I really need this to work because I want to maintain consistency with the font used through out the site.

The problem is that its not a common device font. The TextField is set up in another class I created and the the text formating is applied when the for loop runs in the initialization of the class I'm working in. I've tried everything I can think of and it just will not embed the font and display it.


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Flex :: Fonts - Displaying Thai Characters In FTE Components On Mac?

Nov 14, 2011

I am running into issues displaying Thai characters in Flex components that make use of the Flash Text Engine (FTE), specifically on Mac OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.Here's a blurb of my compiler font managers in flex-config.xml:

<!-- Specifies the version of the compiled SWF -->[code].....

Thai characters render correctly in mx components such as TextField so far. However, FTE components such as TextLine show those crappy-looking boxes as a substitution. My initial guess was that somehow one of the compiler font managers declared in flex-config.xml was not finding the right system font to fallback to for Thai characters. So, I ensured the system font was installed by going to System Preferences > Language and Text > Edit List. Then I changed fontFamily to Arial, Ayuthaya.Still was seeing the boxes of evil.

Next I figured that perhaps the Arial font might be assigning a box for each unicode value corresponding to a Thai character. So it was effectively overriding the Ayuthaya system font. So I changed fontFamily once more to just Ayuthaya and this worked with one issue - Ayuthaya looks inherently different from Arial for non-thai there a less invasive way to support Thai in FTE components such that the appearance of the text is closer to the Arial font? I would rather not embed a font because I'm constrained on SWF size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Value When The Text Is Dynamically Embedded And Correct When Manually Embedded?

Oct 19, 2007

Looking at the attached file, why does bottomScrollV give me the wrong value when the text is dynamically embedded and correct when manually embedded?

Here's the code:
ActionScript Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
loader.load( new URLRequest("info.xml") );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Fonts With Special Characters For Mulitlanguage Site?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a site with input fields to send message to people. Site will be in 5 different languages. How to embed (or not embed) fonts correctly so every language with its special characters will be displayed correctly?At the moment I don't embed the fonts - letting users system fonts to be used - this way I hope to avoid problems with displaying special characters. It works for some languages but some still don't display special characters

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IDE :: Fonts Won't Be Embedded

Jun 21, 2009

I can't figure out why my fonts won't be embeded.


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Data Integration :: Dynamic Text, System Fonts, And Special Characters?

May 5, 2006

I've got a dynamic text area pulling text from a MySQL database via AMFPHP.The text includes special characters such as accents,umlauts, etc (multi-language site platform). Most of them work fine, and ALL of them work fine when I'm on a Mac client. However, if I use a Windows client machine in either Firefox or IE6, there are a couple characters that for whatever reason just don't seem to show up-instead I get the [] box character.

The only characters I've found that seem to be affected like this are European quote characters like ' " and " (hex characters 146, 147, 148). I'm using the familiar ampersand-pound-number-semicolon escape sequence for them. And like I said, they all display fine on Mac/Firefox and Mac/Safari. Why are all my other special characters (umlauts, accents, etc) working fine and just these things failing? It's also worth noting that they look fine if I dump them out to a PHP file and pull it up in a browser...

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Use Two Embedded Fonts On One String?

Aug 4, 2009

I am dynamically loading rss description into it and would like to have first character and characters unsupported by other font be in that first font. i limited the range of char of that second font so all unsupported chars and first char should be in that first font.

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Flash - Embedded Fonts Won't Appear

Nov 20, 2011

I'm trying to embed a font in FlashDevelop. My folder structure is My embed metadata is

[Embed(source = 'resources/04B08.TTF', fontName = '04b08')] public var _04b08:Class;

My code is

public var titleFormat:TextFormat;
public var titleText:TextField;
private function init(e:Event = null):void


If I use this, I get

But I uncomment the titleText.embedFonts = true; line, I get This is the method that all of the guides I can find use. What should I do to get it to work?

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Fonts Automatically Embedded Like A PDF?

Dec 28, 2007

When you use funky/weird fonts in a fla are they embedded automatically like a PDF file? So if the viewer doesn't have that font they can still see it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Css And Embedded Fonts?

Jul 15, 2009

I've made this style sheet:

HTML Code:
.plat {
font-family: "Trebuchet MS";
font-size: 13px;
.boldgold {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Use Embedded Fonts And CSS?

Jun 1, 2009

Using Flash CS3, I have created a class that when called will
1.) Create a Dynamic text field,
2.) Import external HTML into it,
3.) Apply an external CSS style sheet to it, and
4.) Place it on the stage

So far it works great, but now I'd like to be able to specify an embedded font from the css file. I followed the basic procedure for making a library symbol of the font, setting its linkage to Export for Actionscript on the first frame, and gave it a unique name "myFont"

In my style sheet, I tried using:
font-family: "myFont";
font-family: myFont;
but neither way seems to work.

I also found numerous tutorials on how to make it work in AS2, but nothing in AS3. When I specify embedFonts=true in the before-mentioned class, it will not display any of the text, though it does draw the box and any image contents from the html file.

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IDE :: Fonts Getting Embedded In The FLA File?

Jun 12, 2009

If I use a wierd or obscure font in my flash project, then I dont have to worry about the user having the same font installed, because it gets embedded in the SWF, correct? Or does it depend on something? If so, what?

Also, what about fonts getting embedded in the FLA file? If I use a wierd or obscure font in a flash project I'm working on, and then I pass off the FLA to a friend to finish the project, does he need the font installed? Or is it in the FLA file already? how this stuff worked but I sent the FLA to a friend and now hes asking for the font. I was sure it would be embedded.what is a good way to test that the fonts get embedded in the SWF? Do I have to uninstall the font inquestion and view the SWF and see if its still using the font?

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Way To Control Embedded Fonts

Dec 2, 2009

My file seems to be too heavy, so I checked the option to compile with the file size information code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Not All Characters Embedded?

Oct 5, 2009

I've imported a font as a font symbol. In its linkage I selected export for actionscript.This works for my dynamic text. However I've noticed that not all characters are embedded.See attached example.On top I've got a static textfield with the following text:â–ª Some text with a square in front of itAt the bottom a dynamic textfield with the following code:

mytext.html = true;
mytext.embedFonts = true;


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Css :: "Minimize The Flash Movie Size By Limiting The Glyphs Embedded In The Movie" In SIFR3 To Improve Rendering Speed

Jan 28, 2010

What does this mean? "Minimize the Flash movie size by limiting the glyphs embedded in the movie" in sIFR3 to improve rendering speed What is the meaning of "limiting the glyphs embedded in the movie"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Embedded Fonts Loaded From Swf?

Oct 20, 2010

- Created a seperate swf with 2 fonts in the library, linkage "_Arial" and "_ArialBold". "_ArialBold" has the style set to "bold". On the first frame I have:


When I load the swf in my main application and itterate through the list of available fonts the 2 new fonts are returned, but fontName outputs "Arial" in both cases not the linkage name.

textformat.font = "Arial";

This works fine, but I can't figure out how to assign the embedded font "_ArialBold" to a textfield. How is this done?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Embedded Fonts To Textarea?

Jun 30, 2010

How to embedded the fonts to textarea

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Use Bold / Italics For Embedded Fonts?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a shared fonts.swf file containing a variety of fonts that my main swf uses. I have a movieclip within the fonts.swf file which is exported for runtime sharing. In my main swf i have the fonts.swf imported for runtime via a movieclip. This all works fine and allows me to use the fonts within the fonts.swf file in my main swf. All of my text fields are dynamic and created/updated via AS. I use the following method to style my text boxes(additional code removed for succinctness, this is just so you can see the overall methodology)[code]...

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Professional :: Fonts Incorrectly Embedded In CS5?

Mar 28, 2011

Create new AS3 fla fileIn publish settings, click 'Generate Size report'Put some text on the stage - Classic text, static (Though it doesn't seem to matter)Make sure the font is '_sans' (There is no 'Use device fonts' option for this font choice)Publish the fileNote that _sans is now embedded in the SWF, occupying bytes in the size report. Try the same in CS3, and there is nothing embedded, as you would expect. Unfortunately I can't get my fla loaded into CS3 because CS5 will only allow me to export as CS4.
Similarly, change the font to something specific, like Verdana, and set it to use device fonts and it still embeds font data (We're talking about 3 or 4k) but doesn't list any glyphs. Occasionally though, by screwing around, it doesn't embed anything. Then nudge some text in some magical way and it's back to embedding redundant data.

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