ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The Website In Full Screen (100%) [swfobject 2]
Mar 27, 2010
What size should be my flash website stage, so i can use the website in full screen (100%) [swfobject 2], in a way that it will be seen fine on any monitor size?
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Aug 7, 2007
i have never been able to get this to work (most probably cuz it deals with css, and i suck at css - and i also hate it ).so i'd like to make a flash movie that fills the browser window and have elements placed onto the stage according to that size.i have read a post in the tutorial explaining a bit of things, but it does not cover all.
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- should i make the fla a certain size?
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Dec 6, 2011
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May 27, 2009
I have tried putting fs command for full screen for my Flash site, but that only works if I open the SWF on its own.
If I try opening the Flash website thru my browser, a warning pops up that Flash is trying to comunicate with the browser.
I would like it when a person goes to the website, that the website will automatially open up as a full screen website. No tool bars, address, navigation etc., like a DVD movie. Just the whole screen covered by my Flash site and it does not rescale. The Flash site is the same size as if there is no full screen.
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Oct 9, 2009
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I followed this tutorial [url]...
but it talks about editing the html file code? whick I did but doesn't seem to work?
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Mar 11, 2011
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Jan 14, 2009
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May 31, 2010
I have scoured this site and other sites for the basics on how to plan and create a full screen flash website. None have quite exactly what I was looking for however.[url]....The images take up the entire monitor even on different monitors, but the crispness of the images is always consistent.
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Jan 8, 2010
In my flash site there is a video player that I want to have an option of switching into full-screen mode. It's the video player that needs to be set to full screen, not the whole stage. How would I go about this?
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Jun 13, 2008
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I would like to set a minimum dimensions so the user cannot squeeze the website more than 600x420 for example. The page will then start to crop if you go beyond these dimensions.
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Dec 29, 2010
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Feb 20, 2010
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May 16, 2007
how I can make a 95% black MC cover everything on the website page (full screen onResize) so I can present an externally loaded image by itself? I have seen this done before in a few flash portfolio websites but I can't seem to find the solution on any previous thread. I may have missed some threads. is there an actionscript that can do all of the above without having to resize an MC?
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Jul 9, 2011
I tested my skin for YouTube Chromeless player, and seems it worked properly.All graphic elements, including TLFTextFields, are stored in external SWF, all the AS3 code - in loading SWF.I use ProLoader class to load SWF.However, when I tried to attach Player skin code to my Home Page code, I immediately bumped into two issues:
1. TLFTextFields ceased to display proper font;
2. YouTube Chromeless player ceased to enlarge up to Full Screen width in Full Screen mode, whereas all publishing settings were kept the same...
Although I managed to cope with TLFTextField bug by replacing instances with vars in loaded SWF, I have no the slightest idea what to do with those paddings in Full Screen mode... Neither removing all children on stage before loading YouTube Player skin, nor compulsory resetting player's size can't make it work...
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Sep 17, 2008
I wnat to display a FLVPlayback full screen the same as when you click on the Full Screen component button.
function goFullScreen():void {
var vidPlayer:FLVPlayback;
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Dec 10, 2010
I am creating a full screen projector with flash CS4. In the projector I have more videos, starting from an swf player-
The problem I encounter is this:
The projector starts correctly FULLSCREEN (using AS). The video plays 900x506 correctly. If I click on the player, to get the video full screen, it works. But when I press ESC, not only the video, but also the PROJECTOR looses full screen.
This is a bit annoying. Is there a way to apply the "back to normal size" only to the video? I do not want to prevent the app to be exited from full screen, it's not a problem if the user wants to exit the projector full screen. But not when the user exits the video from fullscreen mode.
How to target only the video?
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Aug 9, 2011
// for Full Screen stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;// for the normal screen stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;But this code does not fulfill my requirement. I need Vertical Scroll Bar, even I go to the FullScreen, but I don't find any Scroll with this code.Even I tried "" of JavaScript with ExternalInterface, but I couldnot succeed.
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Sep 29, 2011
i am creating an interactive application that will run independantly on a computer.I have implimented the full screen stage display state to a btn, and it works great!
import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
function goFullScreen():void
however as soon as i add a video [i will be adding several] the video takes on the full screen property, and that is not the desired effect.I have used several diff ways to import the video but as soon as i call the full screen, it goes to an all black screen.
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Jul 28, 2011
i am wondering from this code, it makes the stage full screen, does it also makes the content of my movieclips scaled to full screen? i have tried this code and it does not seem to do that, how can i make my content to scale to fill a stage's full screen? i have a Movieclip containing a background with a class to make special effects on the background, i am having trouble making the background be "fullscreened" nicely with the stage.
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Aug 19, 2010
i'm trying to implement the SWFaddress for a site and am having trouble getting the swfobject to work, i think because my site is full browser. i see the swfobject that is included at Asual is a quite a bit lengthier than previous ones. When I try to change the height and width to 100% (below) I get nothing in the browser.
Code: Select all <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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May 11, 2010
I am creating a flash-based Kiosk. When launched, it runs full page/full screen. However, if a user clicks a button that opens an external document, the swf or Flash Projector exe leaves full page mode and appears in the Flash Player. Is there any way to ensure the swf or projector file always stays in full screen - full page mode?
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Apr 1, 2010
I am working in Flash CS3 and Actionscript 3.0 My application resizes according to browser width and height. If the user first resizes the browser and then loads the flash application, I could not get the full browser width untill the user goes for full screen. Is there any way around, to get the full browser width before the user goes for full screen.
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Dec 11, 2011
i am a beginner in action script / flex framework and i am facing a problem: i would like to have like a menu bar always anchor the bottom of the screen in normal and full screen mode... i try to set my component with bottom = "1" (so it should alway be at 1 pixel from the bottom of the stage ... But .. NO :)
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Jul 17, 2011
I have an AIR application that will go full screen when the application starts:
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE; The stage size is 2560 x 1024. And I have 2 moniters (1280 x 1024 , 1280 x 1024) When I start the application, it shows my application on one of my moniter only.
I need the left side of the stage to be shown in moniter 1 and right side of the stage to be shown in moniter 2. Currently, both sides are shown in moniter 1, and in moniter 2, it shows nothing but my default desktop. *The blue color line is a divider for better visual purpose. How do I make the left side of the stage to appear in moniter 1 and right side of the stage to appear in moniter 2 when the application starts in full screen mode?
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Oct 27, 2009
Is a command for AS2 to make my movie file play fullscreen (stretch, fit to screen, anything).
goFullScreen(); is great but it leaves white bars left and right. What's odd is that I'm using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder and it seems to display a perfect widescreen that I want as an input and output but once compiled in flash, it's more square leaving me with white bars left and right. The frame for the video in flash is also widescreen looking.
edit: I ended up stretching the width of the frame but if there is a better way through a command that would make my life easier so I don't have to adjust to every monitor that I run this on.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a flash app that contains a lot of data. Part of it has a video. I want to have an option to expand just the video to full screen mode. I have this working now, however it scales it proportionally based on the size of my flash app. Instead of doing that, how can I expand it to be 100% of the screen width?
function goFullScreen(base):void
if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL)
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Jul 24, 2011
I've been trying to attempt to make it so a .flv video will fit to the entire screen of the browser window. ( I already have my .swf file fit to re-size to any browser on any computer. I just can't figure out how to make the video as well) And obviously an external video so the flash file wont take forever to load.The point is this is to be able to have the Video be the background. So I may put content (Links, information or whatever else) on top of the video.
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Jan 20, 2009
[ X ] Problem solved I just came up with something i have some trouble to handle I've tried a couple of solution but none seems to work perfectly
What I'm trying to do is simple, get my flash to go full screen, but whatever resolution the user has, my flash must centers itself with the biggest proportion possible, and two movie clips goes right and left of it, as if they were borders.
I've been able to do this with a simple png, but i was not able with a movieclip where his dimension changes through time. ( i have a tween, so the mc gets really big even though just my stage is displayed)
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Sep 9, 2009
I encountered on the building of my largest flash project to date. The project is a dvd-based presentation with audio, video and text that's xml driven.The project has been coming along nicely but recently a bug has popped up that I haven't been able to figure out. Here's what's going on:
There are three main sections in the swf, the intro screen, the main screen and the content screen. The swf is set to default to full-screen with the resizing and re-positioning of the elements built into a resize handler. Since each screen has different content, each screen has a different resize handler that is removed when transitioning to the next screen before the resize handler is applied for that screen.
For the first two screens, everything is working fine, but when you get to the content (third) screen (where the xml loads), the entire flash movie darkens, and nothing is clickable. This only occurs when the swf is in its default full-screen mode, if you escape full-screen the screen goes back to normal and the nav is clickable again. Also, if you've escaped full-screen mode before you reach the third screen, it remains normal and clickable.
I initially thought that it might be an issue with the event handler for the fullscreen, but the bug never appeared in previous versions with the same code. So I replaced the fla file with one that was not causing the bug and got a functioning swf out of it, even though it was including the same as3 files that the buggy file was including. I saved that file and sent it to the client, who has been successfully publishing from it without a problem. So I thought, problem solved, just a corrupt fla file. But now, any version of the swf that I publish has the problem, even ones that published fine earlier, and aren't using any of the new code that was being used when the problem started occurring. is it possible that my flash app has gotten corrupted or something? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before?
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