ActionScript 1/2 :: Using An XML File To Add Text Into A TextArea Component Set As Html?
Feb 23, 2010
I'm using AS2 in Flash CS3.I have a TextArea component in the stage that's loading its text from an XML and I've been able to use the ul and li tags to create lists. However, when I try to include a nested list it just inserts a line break between the nested list and the main list rather than indent it further. Is there a solution for this issue?Failing that, how would I be able to add non-breaking spaces into the XML so they will render inside the TextArea component? I've tried and without success. I scoured the net for some help with this and found some information about modifying the font embedding xml file with a new entry for the non-breaking space and that didn't work either, so that leaves me somewhat stumped.
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<s:TextArea id="myHelp" editable="false" width="100%" height="100%">
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import fl.controls.TextArea;
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if you feed the textarea text attribute with an tag that has a valid src url, then for some reason flex will try to render everything as html.Eg, try this:<mx:TextArea id="textArea" width="100%" height="90%" text="<img src='http://url-to-a-valid-img"/> and instead of it rendering it as raw text it will render it as an html.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" >
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If anyone wants to view p tags problem try following. Just click on text and then move your down arrow key, cursor will go to next line.
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<s:TextArea id="mainTextField" x="0" y="0" width="730" height="523"
editable="true" enabled="true"/>
<s:DataGrid id="list" x="730" y="0" width="294" height="523" dataProvider="{files}" gridClick="listHandler(event)">
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Texta1.alpha = 0;
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Unfortunately, when I start placing text in this text area. Either through code or user input, the text will be placed on a new line after about 80-100 pixels. Yet I want it to start a new line after 320 pixels (it's length).
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.core.Application;
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Sep 9, 2009
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I have my properties inspector with the following check marks:
Display as HTML
Dynamic Text
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i need look like as "my name is Kiran"
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Aug 28, 2008
We have a TextArea that is created dynamically reading in XML data with the textFormat set to Arial font as the default. When we publish it the font tag for a subscript and superscript fonts is not displaying even though we have embedded the fonts. It displays
properly if the font is installed.
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Jun 23, 2009
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Nov 20, 2009
The scroll policy for the textArea component appears to be "auto", and that works just fine.However, I want to be able to turn it off in certain situations, i.e., not have the scroll bar appear.I do the following which I thought would turn it off but the scroll bar still shows up.
Code Snippet:
myTF = new TextFormat("Arial", 10, 0xFFFFFF,false);
myText_mc.myTextArea.setStyle("textFormat", myTF);
myText_mc.myTextArea.verticalScrollPolicy = "OFF";
myText_mc.myTextArea.horizontalScrollPolicy = "OFF";
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Jan 27, 2010
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Apr 10, 2010
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Mar 22, 2008
I'm working in ActionScript 3 and, yet again, I'm starting to regret trying to use components as it seems I always run into a brick wall when using them : (
I have a TextArea component instantiated and added to the display list programmatically via ActionScript 3 code (not AS2, which is all I could find reference to on the net about this).
How to disable the border so it doesn't show around the TextArea component? I've tried a bunch of things, like for example:
myTextArea.setStyle("border", "false");
myTextArea.setStyle("borderStyle", "none");
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