ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Fullscreen Cursor Change In Chrome?

Sep 24, 2009

If I open up my site in google chrome [URL] and click and card, then preview, then full preview it goes to full screen mode.

Here is where it gets messed up. The cursor now seems locked in whatever state it was last. Sometimes a hand cursor, sometimes a resize cursor, sometimes just a pointer. Then when I exit out of fullscreen it stays in that state.

It doesn't change on button rollover or if you click terms at the bottom the edges are supposed to be a resize cursor. Even after hiding the mouse icon it still doesn't change!

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IDE :: How To Change Mouse Cursor

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I've come to a really strange bug in Flash: There is a swf called Nav.swf which contains on its stage a movieclip "som" which has its own class's an animation on Nav.swf, and when it ends it will call the method StartPlayer() on I run setupButtons() in the init() function, it works fine, I am able to click the button "btPlayPause" and it will trace what's in the function clickPlayPause();

THE PROBLEM: If I leave it as it is on the example below (the setupButtons() function is only called by the startPlayer() method, which is called from Nav.swf a while later after Som is instantiated) it will trace what's in both functions startPlayer() and setupButtons() BUT the button "btPlayPause" won't work! It dosn't get the buttonMode property set to true (cursor does not change to the little hand) and when I click on it it does not run clickPlayPause(), it doesn't trace anything!

The same happens if I call directly the setupButtons() function from the nav.swf. It will trace what's in setupButtons() but the movieclip won't listen to the MouseEvent.I cleaned up the code only to show what matters:

import flash.display.*;[code]..........

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private function launchPopUp(e:MouseEvent):void
panel = new Panel();


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<mx:DataGrid x="9" y="47" width="330" height="244" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="true" horizontalScrollPolicy="{ScrollPolicy.AUTO}" styleName="resultgrid" dataProvider="{acLatest}" doubleClickEnabled="true"


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I use the code:


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onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {


I just really need for the mouse to return back to normal when it is away from the bottom half of the screen.Placing things inside movieclips doesn't make any difference.

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var full:Boolean = false;
aviso_mc.full_btn.onRelease = function() {


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May 6, 2009

I like the mouse cursor to change to another object (like zoom lens) when rollover a certain area.but only for this area, when rollout of this area the cursor should be as per normal.[code]...

but that means the cursor have to change to a new object throughout the flash.

what i want is for the cursor to change just only on one area and the rest remain as usual.

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Change Cursor To Hand When Over Button Component?

Jul 10, 2009

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Apr 14, 2010

I have some MovieClips that act like buttons, how can i do that when the user hovers on the movieclip, the mouse cursor will change to a hand or the default cursor when it hovers a button.

i don't want to create my own custom cursor, i want to use the default set of cursors that come with flash.

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Flex4 - Change Mouse Cursor To A Bitmap?

Jun 24, 2010

In Flex 4, how can I change the cursor to a Bitmap image determined at runtime? All the examples I've seen use CursorManager.setCursor to set the cursor to a class specified at compile time.

What I want to do is change the cursor to a bitmap whose bitmapData is determined by the context.

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Feb 5, 2010

Can you just confirm for me that the only way to change the cursor to a "Grab Hand" (ie an open hand rather than a pointy finger) is to make a custom cursor?

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