ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Window.location.href From Javascript

Dec 19, 2005

In actionscript I am trying to get the location of the host html doc that has the .swf embedded (ie: [URL]). I have tried the _url method in actionscript, but it returns the path of the .swf doc relative to the website (ie: [URL]) Is there a way to achieve this in Actionscript? I looked into fscommand but I need this to work with Safari for Mac OS.

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Flash :: Javascript Element Inside Href

Aug 16, 2011

Using the following code:[code]Triggering play() and stop() works as expected, however the href doesn't do much, as the click event is sent to the flashplayer, and not following the hyperlink.I have several such flashplayers on the page, and I'm trying to find a way to 'activate' the href onClick and honor the url specified in the <a href=""> construct. Specifically, it's in IE8 I'm struggling.How can I do this using html/javascript?After having come across javascript onclick event over flash object I managed to get closer to what I'm after. Using the onmousedown event, I can trigger javascript when clicking my overlay div. What's a good generic way to read the parent href url and issue location.href='/myparenturl';" style="cursor: pointer; ?

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Javascript :: JQuery Click Event Not Redirecting To Href?

Dec 2, 2010

I've got an HTML page with an embedded flash movie, which has a button. This button in flash invokes the lnkEmail's click event. It's supposed to stop from actually navigating to a new page, but the event.preventDefault(); and the returning of false from the event handler don't seem to be working for me. Can anyone provide insight?

The below example is working in Chrome, but fails in IE 7 and FF. In those browsers it redirects to a blank page with Object [object] as the body and in FF has the url set to the javascript code I execute from within the Flash movie. (ie: "javascript:jQuery('#lnkEmail').click();")


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Javascript :: Make A Flash Tag Cloud Clickable When Using Href="#"?

Jan 20, 2011

I want to display all the tags that returned from server and if anyone clicks on any tag, i would like to display all the blogs which having the tag.

Actually i am able to create tag cloud click-able. But its click-able only when i give h ref like [URL]. But i don want to give direct URL in href. If i use "#" instead of whole URL, then the tag cloud becomes non-click-able.

Do we have any other option to make the link click-able without giving whole URL.

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Flash :: POST To Opened Javascript Window And Have Close The Window

Nov 30, 2011

I created a Flash application that reads POST data from a form. A user clicks the button, and the data gets posted to the flash app in a new window (_blank). Now takes the data and then spins a wheel to give users a prize. If they don't win a message pops up letting them know they didn't win. If they don't win, clicking the OK button needs to close the browser window.

I've tried a number of solutions and it seems that the only way to get this done is to launch the window with javascript and then use'window.close'); to close the window from within the Flash actionscript (3) because otherwise the window won't close (I've tried just using window.close and window.close() with no luck)

I understand how to launch a new window with javascript, but I don't know how to simultaneously launch and POST data to that window (the Flash application has to have the POST data. Is this the best solution? Is there a way to close a browser window easier than what I'm describing?[URL]

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IDE :: Flash Player Window Location?

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Jun 1, 2007

I'm constructing an enhanced CD menu in Flash. I'm going to be including some desktop backgrounds that I would like people to be able to click on and then save the file from the CD to a location of their choice.

Is there a way to do this - access the files system as you would when you choose a file to upload but instead are choosing a location to save that file too? And then copy the file from a Cd location to this chosen loaction.

Or alternatively is there a way to just open a pop up file window in a certain location.

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Aug 7, 2004

Using FMX, publishing as low as pos, I followed the lesson on opening new browser window in flash. works great. want to add scollTo (160,0) in this new browser window.add this code to the following open new window code and tell this want to be how to enter it and exactly where to enter ithtml

<!-- Begin
function Launch(page) {


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Professional :: Specifiy External Window Size And Screen Location?

Jan 28, 2010

I have this ActionScript: function openNewCart(evt:Event):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");} OpenCartPage.addEventListener("click",openNewCart);

Is there a way that I can have it open a 5 pixel window that automatically closes after it loads? Also, is there a way to specify within the actionscript where on the screen I want the new window to open?

I'm newer to flash. What I'd like to do is have it add a product to the shopping cart and close back down.If I can't do it straight from flash, I'm sure I can have the flash page open up an html page which redirects to the add to cart page and automatically closes, but obviously a much bigger pain in the butt, and it will only work anyway if I can specify in the actionscript for it to open a 5 x 5 pixel window.

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Professional :: Flash Game - Customize Size And Location Of Popup Window

Aug 31, 2010

In my game people shoot at 4 different moving images and get points. Simple right? Well one of the images is a question mark that people can shoot and when they do, I need flash to pause the game timer, pop up a new window, display the multiple choice question in the window and wait for the user to answer. I would also like to be able to customize the size and location of the pop up window!

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What is supposed to happen is that the popup should open in a new smaller window whilst the original window keeps displaying the flash file. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is there a better way to go about this? NOTE: I know that you can call JavaScript functions and house your js in the HTML file, but I cannot edit the HTML file since it is a page from a remote site.

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JavaScript :: Open Hyperlinks In New Window From SWF

Feb 2, 2011

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<div align="center">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="myMovieName">
<PARAM NAME="movie" VALUE="/media/cam.swf" />
<PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="high" />
<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="#FFFFFF" />
<EMBED href="/media/players/camera.swf" src="/media/players/camera.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF NAME="myMovieName" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening New Window In JavaScript?

Oct 9, 2009

I've been trying to find the Migration from AS2 to AS3,for the following code:

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
getURL("'main.htm l','ssWin','width=990,height=600,left=0,top=0,tool bar=N0,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizab le=No,fullscreen=No');NewWindow.focus();");

the code I've got so far is:

ActionScript Code:
if (mcUrl == i)


But I'm not sure how to implement JavaScript in it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Javascript And Open Window?

Aug 4, 2005

I have a code, by which I open the page in a new window.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Adding Text To Javascript Pop Up Window

Mar 21, 2009

I am opening a pop up windows with javascript from my Flash movie that works fine. Each opening window has a video in it. Now what I'd like to do is add text under/above the quick time movie inside the pop up windows. I'm not very savvy with programming and I've tried to look all over but can't find a simple direct answer, Here's the code I have inside the Flash movie:


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Javascript :: AS3 ExternalInterface: Control A Movie From Another Window?

Dec 10, 2010

How can I control a flash movie in a window from a child (pop-up) window invoked via ExternalInterface's call method?

The name of the movie is myMovie. Using javascript in the popup, I try to access a function in the movie using document['myMovie'].flashFunction(). However, since the javascript is in the popup window and the flash is in another, the browser complains that the function is undefined.

This would have worked if the javascript and the movie were in the same window.

I use Firefox.

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Flash :: Add An Option To Context Window Using Javascript

Feb 23, 2011

I am tring to create a Chrome extension that adds a contex menu entry when ever the right mouse button is clicked. I also need for the new entry to be displayed when the right click is on a flash object (Such as Youtube clip) I cannot find a way to do it... Can it be done? What directions should I check?

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Javascript :: Check Whether A Browser Window/tab Is Focused?

Aug 1, 2011

It is a small widget. It lives in an iframe, and because of this, this method is not working. And since the iframe is loaded from a different domain there is no way to reach the top level window object.


"With the recent new 10.3 player this should be much easier, since there are new events for this specific situation."

So, using a simple flash object, and maybe js callbacks this might be the solution, but what are theese events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Javascript Alert Dialogue Window?

Aug 2, 2010

I think I remember hearing that you can trigger a java alert message from within actionscript out to the html page but whats the code to do such a thing?

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Javascript :: Handling Window Onclose Function From Flash

Dec 31, 2009

I have a html popup containing one flash file. Onclose of the popup I need to write some values into the socket. How can I handle the onclose event from flash ?

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Javascript :: Stop All Flash Animations When Window/tab Is Not Focused?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm looking for a code to stop all flash animations on a web page when this page/tab is not focused or active. Because this problem causes performance loss at any computer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizing Browser Window On GetURL - Not Using JavaScript

Sep 20, 2010

I'm working on a kind of coverflow layout and I'm using an XML file to house my links and information about those links. in my ActionScript, I'm using getURL to point to the link the user clicks and open the link in a new window using the following script:

getURL(infostruc[current - 1].artLink, "_blank");

I need to have the new window open up to a specific size (1014x714), but I'm not sure how to write the AS for this kind of action since I'm calling the link from an external file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Launching Javascript Window From Attached Movie?

Jul 7, 2005

I've been attempting to launch a window from an attached movie, I've got the function to work but after it launches, the main window (with the flash file) relocates automatically with the message "[object Window]"

I'm presently using the following coding with the button's AS:

getURL("'','Nubeau Guarantee', 'toolbar=no, location=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, width=500, height=800')");

I've attempted to setup a javascript function in the HTML and have the "getURL" call the function, but that doesn't seem to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Javascript And Flash Call To Close Window?

May 28, 2008

I cant seem to find the solution to call the javascript:window.close() function.It is running locally so there may be some issues on that front.Has anybody used this type of functionality before. it is doing my head in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Javascript - Close A Html Window Without The Pop-up Message?

May 21, 2004

In Flash, I programmed a directions html page to close when a link is selected.However, it asks if you are sure if you want to close the page.Well, my audience will probably hyperventilate if they see that pop-up.Is there a way just to hard close a html window without the pop-up message?Also, are there any good tutorials out there combining Flash and Javascript?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make An Object Tween From Its Starting Location To The Location Of A Mouse Click?

Apr 27, 2009

I am trying to make an object tween from its starting location to the location of a mouse click. I have a script, but it has a very annoying ease to it.I would LIKE the object to mantain a certain speed during while traveling from its starting location to the mouse click location.

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