ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Change Color Of Text On Button
Feb 15, 2003
I am trying to develop a flash site where people can choose from a list of "skins" and when they do, the site color changes. I have a button with the instance name "home". In the "Over" keyframe of this button I have a text box with the instance name of "overText". I can't change the text color
I have used the following code
// set the color
blue = 0x0000FF;
//set object and attibute
menuTextStyle = new TextFormat ();
menuTextStyle.color = blue;
//apply to the text field
_root.home.overText.setTextFormat (menuTextStyle);
I have also tried using _root.overText; home.overText at the start of the text field path but these have't worked either.
If I have say 7 buttons, each containing text that changes color on rollover using the "Up" "Over" and "Down" keyframes in the buttons' timeline. Is there a simple way to get the button's text to change color when clicked, stay that way, and then change back to the original color once one of the other 6 buttons are clicked?
The only thing I can come up with is writing pages of code for each button that changes the color of every other button regardless of whether it was active.
I have a button instance called atrium_btn. Currently the button text color is blue, but I want an onRollOver() event to change the button text color to red, but I am having no luck and do not find anything on the internet. In Frame 1 of the main timeline, I tried this with no success:
I have a button with text and i want the color of the text to change when you click on the bottun on be that way. How can i do this? the textfeild inside the button have a instancename.
I am currently working on a website project that is mostly intended for Dyslexia disability users. I'm love flash but I can never get around the advance coding, therefore I have struggled to make any effective contribution to my work. At the moment I am trying to change the text/font color using a button similarly to the Background color, but I really can't get my head around it.
I *know* this is simple. I've read every thread on this board pertaining to this (including senocular's Best Of thread), done everything there and this still doesn't work and I can't see why.
I feel like an idiot even asking, because I've seen the examples and lengthy tutorials.
All I want to do, is change the color of a dynamic text field when you press a button. But I want the name of the field to be a variable.
Now, this is what's there:
1. the variable "_root.expinttype1" is equal to "branch" and is set elsewhere. 1a. There is an existing dynamic field called "branch" on screen.
2. On the button release I set the format:
Why? I set a dummy variable txt = _root.expinttype1; and even threw it into a text field to verify the data, and it shows "branch", so why doesn't this work?
What I am trying to do is to have the button color change to a different color when it is on the page. The color only changes when I roll over it or hit it. Once I am on the page it changes back to the color it is on the up state.
What I am trying to do is to have the button color change to a different color when it is on the page. The color only changes when I roll over it or hit it.Once I am on the page it changes back to the color it is on the up state.[URL] (When you are on the home page the button is red, but when on the about page the home button changes to white to show hierarchy.)
I have an input text box (txtInput) and a dynamic text box (dynTxt). I want the dynamic text to stay black but highlight a segment of that text in yellow depending on certain characters.
I'm pulling text from an xml file into a dynamic text field and I need to highlight the text one paragraph at a time depending on where the timeline playhead is. I was thinking of doing this by changing the color of the text but I don't know how to do it inside the CDATA tags.At the moment one CDATA populates one text field.Another option is that there would be a movie clip behind the text that would jump to highlight a specific paragraph but then I would need to know how much vertical space each paragraph takes.
I am trying to change the text color in a dynamic text field with xml.[code]but this creates a text field for you, which I dont need it created already have a dynamic text field with the var mybtninfo.What I have right now to get the text to show up in the field is:now only want to change the color of the text in the box thru XML.
I am working on a comboBox in flex. I am showing 5 items as item1, item2, item3, item4item5. Now i want to show first 2 items in red color and the last 3 items in green color. How to do this ? i need a solution asap.
I am working on a comboBox in flex. I am showing 5 items as item1, item2, item3, item4, item5. Now i want to show first 2 items in red color and the last 3 items in green color.
Help me guys, i have a problem how to change the button's color actually my buttons is the lot # so i can determine that if the clr is Unoccupied, then the color of the specific button will be Green.
unfortunately, it didn't work i set the static button name and a value of clr but it didn't work also
and i got this: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on TestingLangitomen_fla::MainTimeline/chngeBtn(). Expected 2, got 1.
I have an array of buttons that are just text and I would like to change the color effect to a blueish color when clicked/active. I can obviously do this in the property inspector, but I would like to change it programatically. Is there a class I can use to accomplish this?
I have a tooglebuttonbar (with 4 buttons) and I'd like to change the color of only one or two button according particular data.Is someone has experience to do that.I try to do like that
var child:Button; child = Button(tbbAction2.getChildAt(0)); child.setStyle('color', '#CC33CC');
I have 2 instances of a button wich is red and has a white label I have to edit the buttons so one button is red, and the other is green I was doing this, but when applied Also the title of label goes green instead of being white...
I have very limited knowledge of Actionscript but can work my way around Flash CS4 well enough, but I've recently run into some trouble. I have these blue buttons in my flash file which are animated and want to make green. I initially tried to simply change them in Photoshop but I did not make the original file and this did not work. I then looked at how to change color (hue) through actionscript and saw a few methods.
I have about 10 buttons in my flash game. (just SimpleButtons), and i want to change their colors in runtime.How can I do this? I need to change the color of the button rectangle, and the color of the text in the button. I can do this i think by converting all the parts of the buttons into movieclips and then refrencing those moviecips.tansform.colorTransform, but then i have to make a seperate movieclip for all 3 of the button states (normal, hover over, and click), right?
I'm adding some Buttons (from the UI components) to the stage and I would like to change their background color using AS3.It might sound stupid but I can't find how to achieve this anywhere, even in the flash AS3 documentation.
I have this script for a circular menu (based from the menu by: Justin Windle - Soulwire July 2007 [url]...) that rotates with the active link rotating to the center. I need for the active link to change color so that it is easier to tell which page is active.[code]...
can change the color of the button when clicked, however I want to make sure when you click on a different button, it changes the previous button back to its original color.I know i can do this the ghetto way and list out all the buttons i want with no color each time but if later i have 50 buttons i dont want to list them. So i built a loop but the loop is not working rightThis code is an example of what might be on the first button: