ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Color Of A Button In Runtime?
Feb 28, 2011
I have about 10 buttons in my flash game. (just SimpleButtons), and i want to change their colors in runtime.How can I do this? I need to change the color of the button rectangle, and the color of the text in the button. I can do this i think by converting all the parts of the buttons into movieclips and then refrencing those moviecips.tansform.colorTransform, but then i have to make a seperate movieclip for all 3 of the button states (normal, hover over, and click), right?
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// set the color
blue = 0x0000FF;
//set object and attibute
menuTextStyle = new TextFormat ();
menuTextStyle.color = blue;
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_root.home.overText.setTextFormat (menuTextStyle);
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