ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Color Of A Dynamic Text Field When Press A Button?

Jun 17, 2004

I *know* this is simple. I've read every thread on this board pertaining to this (including senocular's Best Of thread), done everything there and this still doesn't work and I can't see why.

I feel like an idiot even asking, because I've seen the examples and lengthy tutorials.

All I want to do, is change the color of a dynamic text field when you press a button. But I want the name of the field to be a variable.

Now, this is what's there:

1. the variable "_root.expinttype1" is equal to "branch" and is set elsewhere.
1a. There is an existing dynamic field called "branch" on screen.

2. On the button release I set the format:


Why? I set a dummy variable txt = _root.expinttype1; and even threw it into a text field to verify the data, and it shows "branch", so why doesn't this work?

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package com {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;


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this.result1.onChanged = function() {
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.size = 25-(this.text.length/2);


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