ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom FLV Player: Some Browsers Force Full Preload?
Jul 7, 2010
I'm finding that certain browsers for Mac (and perhaps PC) force my custom flv player to load the entire external file before playback begins.
The basics of my code:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
How do I stipulate instant playback in browsers that try to perform a full preload? By the way ... "vP" is already on the stage and is the video player.
for a project I need to develop a custom video player that needs to be able to go fullscreen, with custom control (play btn etc) overlay. The player will be used in a flash application (say as a window in the application.
Now I can figure out how to build a player from NetConnection, NetStream, Video etc, but I have no idea how you would implement the ability to go fullscreen and have the control overlay when in fullscreen as well.
Note that I cant tell the SWF to go full screen, it needs to be just the player.
I have a swf movie, which involves some classes and libraries stuff. so now when i preload, flash will preload all those classes and MC with linkage 1st.
but i need flash to preload certain MC 1st, because i need it for my preloader's visual. Is there a way that i can force flash to preload the MC that i wanted 1st?
I have a main movie that uses a transition to load the external SWFs - You click the nav button it sets a variable and triggers the tranny to play. While the screen is completly covered loadMovie puts the propper SWF into place
I have a few SWFs that are just over one meg which is enough to keep them from showing up untill just after the screen is uncovered.
I'd like to preload all of the external files before the user gets to click and ruin the illusion - Is there any way to include them in the initial preload sequence or something?
I have about 50-100 flash elements on a page which are audio players that play only one audio each that are different from each other.Whenever a user clicks one of the player buttons, the audio either streams or loaded as a single mp3.I would like to know how browsers handle swf or audio that is on a page. If 50 of the players are clicked at 10mb each and not all at once, then I can imagine that there would be 500mb stored in the browser eventually as cache.If the browser only has 100mb to cache, how does it work? Does it delete the other swf or audio in cache or does it cause issues to the browser such as crashing or slowing down the computer, etc.
I am working on a presentation that will be shown in full screen mode. And have 2 things I need help with... well I'm sure I have more but right now I'm dealing with these two ; ) At one section I have a video that plays in the background. Right now it takes a bit to load, so there is just the color of the stage, then the video plays. Is there a way I can preload the video so it will be ready to play instantly? Or do I need to just put an image behind the video?
Secondly, when I test the presentation now, when ever it get to the section with the video, it breaks my file. Buttons don't work. I'll get error messages. How can I get this to stop happening?
I have been using CS3, and publishing v8 AS2 files using swfobject for years with no dramas. I am certainly no expert, but have created at least 10 sites this way.My personal site for some bizarre reason has stopped working in all browsers (and I am sure the file hasn't changed). My SWF works in Flash Player perfectly but comes up blank in any browser... yet other SWFs work fine.
I have tried republishing, reloading site, different hosts, recreating the file... I am absolutely stumped! :-) I just cannot get it to work.
I'm having problems with Flash Player locking up my web browser. Any time I play a flash movie to make the browser crash (not responding). I've tried IE 8, Firefox, and Chrome all with the same results. Here are the specs:ATI Mobile Radeon driver version 8.632.0.0Flash version 10.153.64Windows 7 HP 64bit4GB RamDual Core AMD
I tested my skin for YouTube Chromeless player, and seems it worked properly.All graphic elements, including TLFTextFields, are stored in external SWF, all the AS3 code - in loading SWF.I use ProLoader class to load SWF.However, when I tried to attach Player skin code to my Home Page code, I immediately bumped into two issues:
1. TLFTextFields ceased to display proper font;
2. YouTube Chromeless player ceased to enlarge up to Full Screen width in Full Screen mode, whereas all publishing settings were kept the same...
Although I managed to cope with TLFTextField bug by replacing instances with vars in loaded SWF, I have no the slightest idea what to do with those paddings in Full Screen mode... Neither removing all children on stage before loading YouTube Player skin, nor compulsory resetting player's size can't make it work...
I have been developing a flash web app for the past few months and using flash debugger to debug. Now all of a sudden, across all browsers i get a plug-in failure for the debugger only. Regular flash player plug in works and i've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple versions. Started happening after i set chrome from internal flash player plug-in to debug version so i can debug on chrome browser. Not sure why that would cause a problem.
i have an mp3 player thats xml and i want to have a button the when clicked it downloads the current song playing. how to achieve this. I already have a lyrics button i think it would be something kinda similar but with download settings. the lyrics button jsut links you to another page. here's the code for it though
In the preload there are some tween from a shape to another using the same components in every tween (the leaf) and then from a shape the tween goes to a number of the to achieve this effect? I have seen it in a lot of websites but i've never understand how to achieve this effect that is an awsome effect above all when you are trying to show a product or a company. Rapresenting the brand identity and all the things concern to it with this effect is an awsome idea.
I have an activex display that is custom-built and displays video from an IP camera. However it doesnt show on all browsers. I was then adviced to use flash/actionscript to stream a jpeg that the camera drops on a remote server with ip address (just example)
However the file name is constant. how can i use flash to stream this live jpeg and make it appear like a streaming movie. I don't know how to go about this at all.
I have being thinking to create a website for music uploading and downloading!I have thought a lot and had been able to create it! But i'am stuck with this fear that windows media player would not be able to support with other browsers like SAFARI!
How can I set custom path to prealod.swf in gaia framework? I need this because the index.html file generated by gaia and all the swfs are located in different directories. I have set full path to all the swf files but preload.swf because I can't find the appropriate parameter anywhere. Now I get 404 error message for preload.swf in consolo.
I made a 'whiteboard' app. Originally it was for Flash Player 7 then I changed the Publish Settings to point to Flash Player 8. Worked fine for me, but caused problems with my customer, so I changed Publish Settings back to Player 7. When the customer opened up the .swf which I'd emailed him, it opened in Flash Player 6, even though he had the latest player installed. When he deleted the old V6 player the problem was fixed. So my question is, why did my .swf open Flash Player 6 - and therefore lose some of it's functionality - when the customer had a later player installed?
I'm trying to force the Flash player to play video files without showing screens. I did try to set vidDisplay.visible to false. But it seemed not working at all.I was doing was try to build a generic media player. Whatever the source is(audio or video), the control panel always the same, namely, a mp3 player panel is always displayed:However, when I stream in a video file, it would end up overriding mp3 panel with a partial video screen. I don't have enough reputation to upload images...
I need to be able to make the flash player lose focus to the browser by actionscript alone (when the user clicks a button) or whatever, but from within the flash player, not from the user actually clicking outside of the flash player.These are embedded flash files with allowScriptAccess="never", so I can not use ExternalInterface at all to call browser js to window.focus or whatever.
I've created a portfolio with animated image buttons and arrows navigation (all nested movie clips). All navigation is handled using goAndStop() at frame labels. The site has a lot of image content, so to keep the initial swf download reasonably brief, I've used many separate (renamed) instances of loader component.I assume the loader component is just graphical substitute for typing in the loadMovie() command for people like myself who are inexperienced with scripting.
With normal server traffic and T1 level bandwidth the lag time after click is 1-2 secs. Acceptable, but sometimes it gets up to 5+ seconds, which compromises the user experience (and might cost me a client). Is there a command string I can insert into a frame in the actions layer at the start of the timeline (after progress bar) to preload all external files into the player's cache after runtime begins?
I inherited a flash website about a year ago.. not sure what version it was originally done in. I've made changes on the model last year using CS3 Flash Action script 2, but don't remember the flash version when published. The audio in question is the music that plays in the background when you get on the website:
When I changed the image of the model this last week using CS4, I published it as Flash8 actionscript 2... now, the music plays on Mac Safari and Mac Firefox, but not on the Windows versions of IE or Firefox..
this is the code called sound control
onClipEvent(load) { _root.soundstatus="on"; _root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);
then there's the stop() that's used when the music is toggled off..
I've tried updating the flash player in Windows to the latest release, and I even tried republishing as flash 10, just not sure where to troubleshoot this..
Looking for an example, of a custom scroll bar inside flash that affects all content? Like, if stage's height goes less than 400, it appears a custom scroll bar, that scrolls all the way through stage's height, up and down!!! with mousewheel function too.
On Browsers (Firefox, Chrome) Adobe Flash Player does not display and only shows a white empty space that, when right clicked, says "Movie not Loaded".
I wrote a flex demo, customized spark TextInput skin with rounded corners and a search icon in it, like mac os x search box, it's running good in browsers (by Flash Player browser plug-in) either .html or .swf, but error by flash player directly.
I am having a problem with my flash not showing up in browsers without current flash player. I tried to use the following script but it did not work.I am just trying to make it to where if someone doesn't have flash it takes them to a flattened non flash page.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript1.1> <!-- var MM_contentVersion = 6;[code].....
I just used FLVPlayback component and created flv player my custom skin work in normal mode. but in full screen mode the skin not appear and no thing appear else the video screen, how to make my skin appear in full screen mode ?
I have class name : some.path.exampleclass and have to instantiate class (like getDefinitionByName()). Problem is that getDefinitionByName() makes class exampleclass and i need class with FULL name : some.path.exampleclass to pass it to custom component [url]...
I have created a simple custom video class that replaces the need to use the FLV playback component. It simply loads the video, and there's a button that pauses and plays the video.owever I am looking to create the full screen feature that the flash FLV component contains. However I cannot find any resources to accomplish this. If anyone has come across anything or can offer me any information on